Top 7 Anyanwu Glanville Quotes

#1. Well, I never got to meet Jack Nicholson.

Mackenzie Astin

Anyanwu Glanville Quotes #115313
#2. If any child of mine becomes an actor I will turn in my grave.

Clark Gable

Anyanwu Glanville Quotes #227377
#3. I hold the precepts of Jesus as delivered by Himself, to be the most pure, benevolent and sublime which have ever been preached to man ...

Thomas Jefferson

Anyanwu Glanville Quotes #249870
#4. To-day, I will seek not the shadowy region;
Its unsustaining vastness waxes drear;
And visions rising, legion after legion,
Bring the unreal world too strangely near.

Emily Bronte

Anyanwu Glanville Quotes #431391
#5. There are many sham diamonds in this life which pass for real, and vice versa.

William Makepeace Thackeray

Anyanwu Glanville Quotes #867224
#6. I don't see myself as experimenting in any conscious way, it's perhaps that certain books require different densities of language.

John Scott

Anyanwu Glanville Quotes #1212997
#7. I think things that contribute to the destruction of our free-incentive system are wrong. A trend against that free-incentive system is wrong, and should only be temporarily engaged in, in the event that war or something of that kind requires it. Otherwise, it should be reduced.

George M. Humphrey

Anyanwu Glanville Quotes #1823980

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