Top 25 Ancient Myth Quotes

#1. I've survived beach bunny cheerleaders, a sluthunting , ex-boyfriend, and five years of cross-country camp. I'm not afraid of some throwback to ancient myth with astrocious highlights and a Barbra Streisand nose.

Tera Lynn Childs

Ancient Myth Quotes #564217
#2. As the ancient myth makers knew, we are children equally of the earth and the sky

Carl Sagan

Ancient Myth Quotes #638715
#3. Men have jobs, while women have Roles: Mother, Wife, Goddess, Temptress, etc. That's probably why it's so hard for women to rewrite the rules. You're not just changing a job description, but an ancient myth. You're revising the Bible, Poetry, Legend and Psychoanalytic Scripture.

Caryl Rivers

Ancient Myth Quotes #1046418
#4. Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow

Satyananda Saraswati

Ancient Myth Quotes #1055282
#5. The Waorani carry out a similar diet with their arrow poison, called curare or, in their language, oomae. This is another amazing product of the indigenous science, a most sophisticated technology that the Waorani extrapolated from an ancient myth.

Jonathon Miller Weisberger

Ancient Myth Quotes #64783
#6. We must work to ensure that the Nevada Cancer Institute continues to receive the dollars necessary to make it a vibrant source of research and clinical assistance for cancer victims throughout the state of Nevada and the nation.

Jon Porter

Ancient Myth Quotes #1820177
#7. Myth is ancient science; science is modern myth.

Marty Rubin

Ancient Myth Quotes #1818625
#8. True myths, ancient and modern, stop time because they emerge from somewhere beyond time.

Phil Cousineau

Ancient Myth Quotes #1602537
#9. I dislike the word mythology because of its secondary definition meaning "something untrue." Myth is a Greek word that simply means "story," and mythologies are collections of ancient stories explaining the order of the universe or a society's ideals and customs.

Alaric Albertsson

Ancient Myth Quotes #1585036
#10. Her hair was wild, her eyes were flashing, and her tattered underskirts floated around her. She looked like a glorious avenging goddess from some ancient erotic myth.

Gail Carriger

Ancient Myth Quotes #1562364
#11. Over the centuries we have transformed the ancient myths and folk tales and made them into the fabric of our lives. Consciously and unconsciously we weave the narratives of myth and folk tale into our daily existence.

Jack Zipes

Ancient Myth Quotes #1422228
#12. Mountain bats, those massive serpentine creatures of myth. Those ancient scavengers of the battlefield.

Susan Dennard

Ancient Myth Quotes #1251590
#13. Civilization is not a burden. It is an opportunity.

Alexander Meiklejohn

Ancient Myth Quotes #1206833
#14. Myth is nothing more than ancient gossip.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Ancient Myth Quotes #1045314
#15. As the ancient Greeks replaced myth-based explanations with mechanistic models of the Solar System, their emphasis shifted from asking why to asking how.

Max Tegmark

Ancient Myth Quotes #739849
#16. If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One ... I am become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds.

The Bhagavad Gita

Ancient Myth Quotes #654392
#17. The culture of comfort, which makes us think only of ourselves, makes us insensitive to the cries of other people.

Pope Francis

Ancient Myth Quotes #574180
#18. People have kind of latched on with my personality and how I play golf and how I carry myself. It seems like every town we go to, I'm experiencing newer things with these types of fans.

Jason Dufner

Ancient Myth Quotes #539726
#19. Basic scientific research is scientific capital.

Vannevar Bush

Ancient Myth Quotes #515797
#20. As a child I became a confirmed believer in the ancient gods simply because as between the reality of fact and the reality f myth, I chose myth ... Myth is the truth of fact, not fact the truth of myth.

Kathleen Raine

Ancient Myth Quotes #360871
#21. Mind and Soul are one and the same thing.

Abhijit Naskar

Ancient Myth Quotes #262543
#22. Myth isn't about factual or historical truth, but about a deeper truth. In ancient times, people saw myth in a very different light - as a vehicle that can transmit and carry a subtlety and richness of experience that simply cannot be conveyed by linear, conceptual forms of language.


Ancient Myth Quotes #195546
#23. May is a pious fraud of the almanac A ghastly parody of real Spring Shaped out of snow and breathed with eastern wind.

James Russell Lowell

Ancient Myth Quotes #152288
#24. The readers of Luke's gospel, like most people in the ancient world, did not make a sharp distinction between myth and reality; the two were intimately tied together in their spiritual experience. That is to say, they were less interested in what actually happened than in what it meant.

Reza Aslan

Ancient Myth Quotes #139118
#25. Thus give I mine, and thus take I thy heart.

William Shakespeare

Ancient Myth Quotes #132568

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