Top 21 Ancient Medicine Quotes
#1. Tigerclaw stared in disbelief. Was the life of his son dependent on an ancient medicine cat and an arrogant kittypet?
Erin Hunter
#2. Very often conditions are recorded as observable "under thy fingers" [ ... ] Among such observations it is important to notice that the pulsations of the human heart are observed.
James Henry Breasted
#3. [ ... ] the success of Egyptian surgery in setting broken bones is very fully demonstrated in the large number of well-joined fractures found in the ancient skeletons.
James Henry Breasted
#4. Enjoy the present hour, be mindful of the past; And neither fear nor wish the Approaches of the last. Learn of the skillful: He that teaches himself, hath a fool for his master.
Benjamin Franklin
#5. When I was a child, our whole family cooked. All my cousins cooked. All my aunts and uncles cooked. It was part of our heritage.
Mario Batali
#6. It's just as possible to live to the full in a narrow corner as it is in bigness.
Sylvia Ashton-Warner
#7. The first physician who is known to have counted the pulse, Herophilos of Alexandria (born 300 B.C.), lived in Egypt.
James Henry Breasted
#8. The distinction between nerves and vessels was not demonstrated until the Third Century B.C., when it was made clear by Erasistratos.
James Henry Breasted
#9. The attention given to the side of the head which has received the injury, in connection with a specific reference to the side of the body nervously affected, is in itself evidence that in this case the ancient surgeon was already beginning observations on the localization of functions in the brain.
James Henry Breasted
#10. When the injured humerus is accompanied by a serious rupture of the overlying soft tissue the injury is regarded as fatal.
James Henry Breasted
#11. I'm not big on material things, but I like my cars. They are German-made and custom-made.
Dirk Nowitzki
#12. Spanish rain,
A maiden's dress,
Apothecary pills
And ancient thrills;
Melancholy kills
A girl's caress.
Roman Payne
#14. Every show I play, whether it's for an audience of 15,000 or 50, I look at it as a party, and I'm the host.
Tyler Farr
#15. Increase Mather, President of Harvard University, in his treatise on Remarkable Providences, insists that the smell of herbs alarms the Devil and that medicine expels him. Such beliefs have probably even now not wholly disappeared from among us.
James Henry Breasted
#16. Many of us are perpetual reactors. We let other people determine our actions and attitudes. We let other people determine whether we will be rude or gracious, depressed or elated, critical or loyal, passive or dedicated.
Marvin J. Ashton
#17. women enjoyed more freedom in ancient Egypt than they did in other civilizations, in many cases for thousands of years to come, they had house pets, used a form of chewing gum made from myrrh and wax and some Egyptian doctors actually specialized in different areas of medicine.
Martin R. Phillips
#18. According to Chinese and ancient Ayurvedic medicine, at age 60, women end their householder life and begin to develop their souls. Our fertility stops being about having children and starts being about what we create for ourselves that benefits us and the people around us.
Christiane Northrup
#19. Since the most ancient times, all men, and particularly those who endeavored in the practice of medicine, have brought closer together two natural phenomena of capital importance: illness or fever and fermentation.
Louis Pasteur
#20. And here being good meant not being a Republican.
#21. The Waorani carry out a similar diet with their arrow poison, called curare or, in their language, oomae. This is another amazing product of the indigenous science, a most sophisticated technology that the Waorani extrapolated from an ancient myth.
Jonathon Miller Weisberger