Top 14 American Girl Doll Quotes

#1. I'm like an American Girl doll on crack.

Katie McGarry

American Girl Doll Quotes #455407
#2. I dug out an old brown suitcase and threw a few clothes into it, then looked around my bedroom for memorabilia, but stopped when I remembered that the purpose of memorabilia is to trigger memory. I didn't want to be lugging my memories all over the place. They were to heavy.

Steve Toltz

American Girl Doll Quotes #107122
#3. If I told people that I knew what I was doing, nobody would believe me, so why even try and fake it?

Andrew Mason

American Girl Doll Quotes #108707
#4. You and I doctor, on the beach.

William Gaddis

American Girl Doll Quotes #295396
#5. When I was growing up, Brandy was TV star, reality star, a pop star, a Cover girl, Grammy winner, had her own Brandy doll, and was the first African American to play Disney princess Cinderella. Most importantly, she is a survivor. Many only judge and remember a person's most recent failure.

Niecy Nash

American Girl Doll Quotes #495750
#6. I feel lucky because most of my friends aren't married. So I don't feel that, 'oh, step on it, you're thirty.'

Lizzy Caplan

American Girl Doll Quotes #694619
#7. There is no excellence without labor. One cannot dream oneself into either usefulness or happiness.

Liberty Hyde Bailey

American Girl Doll Quotes #720172
#8. I'm not fearful by nature, but I am vigilant. When you walk into a prison, it's important that a sixth sense kicks in.

James Fox

American Girl Doll Quotes #853062
#9. I know there is one kind of cinema that exists in the world, that is good or bad cinema.

Raj Kapoor

American Girl Doll Quotes #982265
#10. With action experience grows, with travel outlooks grow, and with reflections wisdom grows.

Debasish Mridha

American Girl Doll Quotes #1086572
#11. I believe that education is the greatest equalizer; thus, I will continue to fight to equalize the playing field in an educational atmosphere that is not always level!

Erin Gruwell

American Girl Doll Quotes #1542755
#12. While seeing or hearing, touching or smelling; eating, moving about, or sleeping; breathing 9 or speaking, letting go or holding on, even opening or closing the eyes, they understand that these are only the movements of the senses among sense objects. 10

Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

American Girl Doll Quotes #1592568
#13. On the morning of many a first spring day ... the woods were bathed in so pure and bright a light as would have waked the dead. There needs no stronger proof of immortality.

Henry David Thoreau

American Girl Doll Quotes #1642319
#14. Doc has been my name all my life, and John is my middle name. I'm proud of all my names - Malcolm John Michael Creaux Rebennack. I'm proud of them names.

Dr. John

American Girl Doll Quotes #1727477

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