Top 15 Afrikan Quotes

#1. None dare challenge me when i say i am an Afrikan.

Thabo Mbeki

Afrikan Quotes #912026
#2. I would rather be a member of this [Afrikan] race than a Greek in the time of Alexander, a Roman in the Augustan period, or Anglo-Saxon in the nineteenth century.

Edward Wilmot Blyden

Afrikan Quotes #1012832
#3. Never be shamed of being Afrikan

Thomas Sankara

Afrikan Quotes #1386969
#4. I don't think anyone has campaigned much more than I have for Republican candidates, going back to 1998. I mean, I've been in 45 states on behalf of 200 candidates - all Republicans.

Rudy Giuliani

Afrikan Quotes #87847
#5. I see my subject as an orchestration of shapes, patterns, shade, cast shadows, tonal groupings and aerial perspective.

Bill Luff

Afrikan Quotes #147245
#6. The trouble about God is that he is like a person who never acknowledges your letters and so in time you come to the conclusion either that he does not exist or that you have got his address wrong.

C.S. Lewis

Afrikan Quotes #343179
#7. Your trading needs to boil down to rules, money management, and that is it.

Michael Covel

Afrikan Quotes #585237
#8. The only reason I'm acting in films I direct is to get the money to make them, quite frankly, it's not what I'm interested in doing.

Denzel Washington

Afrikan Quotes #721642
#9. I think I can get away, sometimes, with walking in the streets and not getting noticed. I like that. I want my work to get noticed, not me. And it's slowly getting there, which is good.

A.R. Rahman

Afrikan Quotes #762441
#10. I think it's important to have perspective and to look at what you don't necessarily want to see.

Lynsey Addario

Afrikan Quotes #900034
#11. How many gifts and graces You have given me! How many favors You have fed me from your hand! I look for your love in all directions, then suddenly its blessing burns in me.

Rabia Basri

Afrikan Quotes #998521
#12. Next week, I should be back to my old self."
"I hope not." Dallas nudged me with his shoulder.

Veronica Blade

Afrikan Quotes #1064329
#13. I study religion because I find it fascinating and problematic. But I struggle with the idea of what religion is, what being religious means. A lot of people assume that if you write about early Christianity, you must be some kind of Sunday-school teacher.

Elaine Pagels

Afrikan Quotes #1130673
#14. How beautiful it will be if your heart grows only the flowers of love and kindness.

Debasish Mridha

Afrikan Quotes #1132370
#15. I wanted to see New York ... so I tried to see how fast I could do it in.

Howard Hughes

Afrikan Quotes #1352680

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