Top 11 Adenine Quotes

#1. Much of modern molecular biology and microbiology has been based on the effort to decipher the basic code of life, which is made up of four nucleotides: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.

Michael Specter

Adenine Quotes #1243648
#2. Some actors are brilliant character guys. They submerge.

Sylvester Stallone

Adenine Quotes #213404
#3. We late-lamented, resting here, Are mixed to human jam, And each to each exclaims in fear, 'I know not which I am!' " - Thomas Hardy, "The Levelled Churchyard," 1882

Deborah Crombie

Adenine Quotes #244618
#4. Why is it, Master," he asked bitterly, "that despite all a physician is able to do, he is as a leaf before the wind, and the real power lies only with Allah?

Noah Gordon

Adenine Quotes #418336
#5. I think they need to get a more reliable way of watching television on the laptop. Because I travel so much, if I want to watch my favorite sports team it might not be showing in that place, so I want a reliable way to watch whatever I want to watch on my laptop.

John Legend

Adenine Quotes #543525
#6. 1821, I told him, noting mailboxes of castles and pirate ships and the street numbers painted on them. I had to fis hmy penlight from my pack to see the numbers; streetlights were scarce, and the sky bulged with low, sooty clouds instead of helpful moonlight.

Dia Reeves

Adenine Quotes #688507
#7. She'd wanted to run an inn. To welcome people, to mother them. They had no children of their own, and she had a powerful need to nurture.

Louise Penny

Adenine Quotes #892814
#8. Fred Trueman the man has often been tactless, haphazard, crude, a creature of impulse.

John Arlott

Adenine Quotes #1017841
#9. There's a whole segment of the population with a mentality that bases good times on where they can go and what they can buy.

Jeff Foxworthy

Adenine Quotes #1294648
#10. Sometimes people say, 'You're the best at digressions.' And that's actually a real compliment to me.

Mike Birbiglia

Adenine Quotes #1420006
#11. Cause' I don't wanna' spend my life jaded, waiting to wake up one day and find that I've let all these years go by
wasted. Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing, but still every morning the color of the night, I ain't spending no more time wasted.

Carrie Underwood

Adenine Quotes #1767928

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