Top 64 A Broken Hope Quotes

#1. With the half of a broken hope for a pillow at night
That somehow the right is the right
And the smooth shall bloom from the rough:
Lord, if that were enough?

Robert Louis Stevenson

A Broken Hope Quotes #90344
#2. I think I am done with Wikipedia for the time being. But I have a secret hope. Someone recently proposed a Wikimorgue - a bin of broken dreams where all rejects could still be read, as long as they weren't libelous or otherwise illegal.

Nicholson Baker

A Broken Hope Quotes #1391370
#3. We have a choice. We can embrace our humanness, which means embracing our broken natures and the compassion that remains our best hope for healing. Or we can deny our brokenness, forswear compassion, and, as a result, deny our own humanity.

Bryan Stevenson

A Broken Hope Quotes #1410218
#4. I'm just a broken thing you're familiar with.

Rick Remender

A Broken Hope Quotes #1337547
#5. I'll keep looking- till that watery reflection of mine in your eye, rolls down as a tear. I'll keep looking till we finally look away like our lives never met. Let's cheat destiny as if we never knew each other. Let's do this last thing together.

Jasleen Kaur Gumber

A Broken Hope Quotes #1257770
#6. Every divorce represents a broken dream, a shattered hope, a ruined expectation.

Billy Graham

A Broken Hope Quotes #1235997
#7. Hope, I've discovered, is a sad nuisance. Hope is a horse with a broken leg.

Lyndsay Faye

A Broken Hope Quotes #1201882
#8. A broken heart is not a broken glass


A Broken Hope Quotes #1152231
#9. Lord save us all from old age and broken health and a hope tree that has lost the faculty of putting out blossoms.

Mark Twain

A Broken Hope Quotes #1118379
#10. So I care for this restless fluttering in my heart as if it were a bird with a broken wing, in the hope that it will one day heal and fly.

Hazel Gaynor

A Broken Hope Quotes #1080222
#11. My theory is that hope is a form of madness. A benevolent one, sure, but madness all the same. Like an irrational superstition
broken mirrors and so forth
hope's not based on any kind of logic, it's just unfettered optimism, grounded in nothing but faith in things beyond our control.

Benjamin Wood

A Broken Hope Quotes #1045404
#12. Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.

Langston Hughes

A Broken Hope Quotes #1037996
#13. It is only the happy who are hard, Gilles. I think perhaps it is better for the world if - if one has a broken heart. One is quick to recognise it, elsewhere. And one has time to think about other people, if there is nothing left to hope for any more.

Helen Waddell

A Broken Hope Quotes #1027400
#14. I hope that you are a disaster. I'm sorry, but I do. I hope that you are thunder and lightning. I hope you are a forest fire, I hope you kill the dead wood and burn off the rotting leaves. With the canopy gone, the sun can get in. You need new growth. I hope you're terrible and broken and perfect.

Joey Comeau

A Broken Hope Quotes #1021145
#15. Find love, for love in a broken world will comfort you. Hold on to hope; it will sustain you. Have faith, for in the end it will save you.

Patrick Carman

A Broken Hope Quotes #1016347
#16. There was so much filth to clean up; so many broken pieces to fix; so many errors to correct. Every morning she left her house she let out a quiet sigh, as if in one breath she could will away detritus of the previous day.

--Three Daughters of Eve

Elif Shafak

A Broken Hope Quotes #1006320
#17. I still hung onto the hope that my broken knight would gallop back into my life and sweep me off my feet.

A Meredith Walters

A Broken Hope Quotes #980374
#18. Civilization rests on a set of promises; if the promises are broken too often, the civilization dies, no matter how rich it may be, or how mechanically clever. Hope and faith depend on the promises; if hope and faith go, everything goes.


A Broken Hope Quotes #977268
#19. Though life shall come to an end one day, don't end life whilst living. So many people end their lives whilst they live before their lives come to a real end! There is always another tomorrow to do something different!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

A Broken Hope Quotes #1412046
#20. Trust was a double-edged sword. It could give you hope, but it could cut you in an instant when it was broken.

Tiffany King

A Broken Hope Quotes #1452267
#21. Khaddar brings a ray of hope to the widow's broken-up home.

Mahatma Gandhi

A Broken Hope Quotes #1456814
#22. If a boat is shattered by a storm, the desperate passengers cling to the floating pieces of the hull. In that moment, it's not a broken boat. To a drowning man, it's a floating miracle.

Elmer Seward

A Broken Hope Quotes #1591637
#23. I pour another drink and wash the taste of dashed dreams from the back of my tongue. I feel half-dead, but my broken heart somehow still beats. What a stubborn, senseless organ, to keep going when all hope and happiness are lost.

Julie Johnson

A Broken Hope Quotes #1602017
#24. I wear a necklace of hope with pearly beads. When I met you, it broke, and the beads spilled all over the floor, into the gutters.

Karen Quan

A Broken Hope Quotes #1655499
#25. Broken heart will turn into a stronger one within hope.

Toba Beta

A Broken Hope Quotes #1658306
#26. He broke me down past the flesh, past the muscle, past the bone, down to my soul and in a loud provocation, he asked, "What are you made of?"
After I gathered the broken bits and pieces of my life together, I shouted at the top of my lungs, "HOPE! Unbreakable, undeniable, irrevocable hope!

Jay Grewal

A Broken Hope Quotes #1668987
#27. The London games mark the 24th anniversary of my winning two golds and setting the world record in the heptathlon. Someone is going to want it; records are made to be broken - it's only a matter of time. I hope mine will outlive me.

Jackie Joyner-Kersee

A Broken Hope Quotes #1718747
#28. If you build the faith to trust a friend as God, then your heart can never be broken.

Michael Bassey Johnson

A Broken Hope Quotes #1740933
#29. There was once a spirited feral mustang broken in by her stern rider. It was a harmonious relationship for the most part but, like any relationship, she tested the boundaries he placed on her and threw him ... Would the rider, having suffered his own wound, retaliate, discipline or forgive?

Donna Lynn Hope

A Broken Hope Quotes #1754571
#30. Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.

Charles Dickens

A Broken Hope Quotes #1765554
#31. You can be broken into a dozen shattered pieces and still heal the world because service has its own medicine

Shannon L. Alder

A Broken Hope Quotes #1844262
#32. If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection- even when all hope seems to be lost. Certain ties cannot be broken. They define who we are and who we become. Across space, across time, among paths we cannot predict- nature will always find a way.

Savi Sharma

A Broken Hope Quotes #1873185
#33. Breathe in, breathe out. Over and over again.
Just to prove a broken heart can't really kill you.

Kelley York

A Broken Hope Quotes #1873750
#34. Newt turned back to me, her eyes black as the sun slipped away. From the slump of broken castle, a rock fell. "We exist in a zoo," she said, chilling me. "You know that, yes? I hope our funding doesn't run out. I'd give anything for a better enclosure, one that at least hides the bars.

Kim Harrison

A Broken Hope Quotes #557941
#35. One of the symptoms of having a broken-heart is the fact that even ghosts will give up on the hope of scaring you as you have already lived through your worst fear.

Faraaz Kazi

A Broken Hope Quotes #29764
#36. Kenzie approached sheepishly, one half of the broken rattan in her hand. "Sorry," she said, holding up the ruined weapon with a helpless gesture. "It ... uh ... died a noble death. I can only hope it gave that thing a wicked tongue splinter.

Julie Kagawa

A Broken Hope Quotes #58226
#37. Still, she would not have married a man she knew full well did not love her, had there seemed any possible hope of a future with one who did. A man she had loved with every fragment of her broken heart.

Julie Klassen

A Broken Hope Quotes #102066
#38. People who have been broken by suffering and sickness ask for only one thing: a heart that loves and commits itself to them, a heart full of hope for them.2

Philip Yancey

A Broken Hope Quotes #133613
#39. being broken doesn't mean there's no hope for you. You just have to find the new person you are, learn how to exist with a few less pieces.

Jaymin Eve

A Broken Hope Quotes #139654
#40. Her heart became a bird, trapped inside the glass box of her chest, flapping violently into wall after invisible wall, crumpling into a heap of broken hollow-bones on the transparent floor.

K.I. Hope

A Broken Hope Quotes #168649
#41. I just hope people see that if God can do something beautiful with my broken pieces, then God truly has a plan for each and everyone of us.

Nick Vujicic

A Broken Hope Quotes #170096
#42. You're lost, broken, and completely fucked up. You're not like me, but you want to be. The difference between us is that I still have hope and you lost yours a long time ago.

H.M. Ward

A Broken Hope Quotes #177385
#43. Yes.' He drank it all down and then casually threw the glass at the fireplace. I stared at the fragments. 'You don't mind, do you?' He gestured to the broken glass with a sarcastic smile. 'I surely hope you don't, because there's nothing much you can do about it if you do mind.

Anne Rice

A Broken Hope Quotes #294486
#44. Most of me believed she wouldn't show up today, but a small part of me still held out hope. I can't say that her choice has broken my heart, because that would mean my heart was still whole to be broken.

Colleen Hoover

A Broken Hope Quotes #361354
#45. Suddenly, he felt a tremendous stirring of hope inside his heart; it filled his whole body with its warmth. I may not be that much of a broken man, he thought to himself.

H. L. Balcomb

A Broken Hope Quotes #367072
#46. I am not a broken heart,
and I am not your fault.

Charlotte Eriksson

A Broken Hope Quotes #401963
#47. Yes, I'm broken. And yes, he's broken. But the more we talk about it, the more we share our sadness, the more I start to believe that there could be a chance to fix us, a chance that we could save each other.

Jasmine Warga

A Broken Hope Quotes #474609
#48. Behind every dancer there's someone that broke her, a song that moved her, a moment that inspired her and a dance floor that healed her.

Hope Alcocer

A Broken Hope Quotes #511338
#49. Because I don't think God trusts just anybody with so much heartache. The world has not yet seen what God can do with a man who gives both halves of a broken heart to him. And I don't doubt that a man like that can change the world ... or at least a little part of it.

Chris Fabry

A Broken Hope Quotes #542871
#50. Waiting for the man she always dreamed of, she was left broken and disrespected. Losing her hope she sat only to see a man who regained her respect and will love her like no one else ever deserved.

Hi " I am 'Hardwork' " he introduced.

" I am all yours" 'Success' Blushed.

Ameya Agrawal

A Broken Hope Quotes #963325
#51. She wasn't afraid of random war. It was like being struck by lightning, even if the lightning did strike a thousand times a day. No, it wasn't war that terrified Tatiana. It was the resolute chaos of her broken heart.

Paullina Simons

A Broken Hope Quotes #571909
#52. The sun shall always rise upon a new day and there shall always be a rose garden within me. Yes, there is a part of me that is broken, but my broken soil gives way to my wild roses.

C. JoyBell C.

A Broken Hope Quotes #582416
#53. He felt like a man whose fever
had broken, flush with the euphoria of the first, tenuous return of strength - still
weak, but buoyant with the hope of an eventual return to wholeness. The sickness in
his soul, however, laid a jealous claim on him.

Gaelen Foley

A Broken Hope Quotes #597556
#54. So with Easter. It was fun, as a child, to bound down the stairs to find seasonal sweet-treats under each plate, but again, with the passing of time, and the shadow of death over our broken family circle, I've seen Easter as highest necessity. If hope is to flourish, it had better be true.

Gerhard E Frost

A Broken Hope Quotes #599639
#55. I vaguely remember a story about a woman who looked back while fleeing a broken city. She turned into a pillar of salt. A harsh fate, but I got the point. You can't look back when you're escaping disaster. You can't hope that someone will come after you, either.

Emery Lord

A Broken Hope Quotes #601630
#56. I have lived my life growing up with emptiness in hope that I would someday find you. That emptiness is now a broken Heart

Duane Henderson

A Broken Hope Quotes #617751
#57. Being the light of the world is about being a broken, exploding, scarred star and shining a light of hope and inspiration to everyone around you.

Ricky Maye

A Broken Hope Quotes #662024
#58. One way at a time I'll try to lend these broken hands of mine give my strength, be my light.

Joe Brooks

A Broken Hope Quotes #712911
#59. Cobbles and kettledrums! ... I hope this madness isn't going to end in a moonlit climb and broken necks.

C.S. Lewis

A Broken Hope Quotes #746234
#60. No kid in the world, no woman in the world should ever raise a hand against a no-good daddy. That's already been taken care of: A Man Who Destroys His Own Home Shall Inherit the Wind.

Dick Gregory

A Broken Hope Quotes #753845
#61. I didn't know that I've completely left them all in the past. There's a part of me, wishing and hoping, that she would come back for me, and we would start a new life together, but she didn't.

Diyar Harraz

A Broken Hope Quotes #840613
#62. Your words are so powerful that they can break
hearts or fill them with joy. Your words have
the ability to comfort a wounded soul or shatter
someone's confidence. Your words can act as your
messengers of hope or a salve for a broken human

Rachel C. Weingarten

A Broken Hope Quotes #850884
#63. When you have a dream and someone makes promises they keep breaking, it is hard to recover. You lose hope.

Yasmine El Rashidi

A Broken Hope Quotes #857712
#64. The Iron Rule of prudence for an Istanbulite Woman: If you are as fragile as a tea glass, either find a way to never encounter burning water and hope to marry an ideal husband or get yourself laid and broken as soon as possible. Alternatively, stop being a tea-glass woman!

Elif Shafak

A Broken Hope Quotes #899841

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