Top 100 Zig Ziglar Quotes

#1. Gratitude is the most important attitude.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1690
#2. Wally Amos is the classic example of a man who gets up again and again.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #44528
#3. Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #49271
#4. I once dieted so religiously I quit eating in church.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #73662
#5. With children Love is spelled TIME.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #74928
#6. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt has been described as founder of the Bull Moose Party, the man who led his troops up San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War, a big game hunter, family man, civic servant and a host of other things.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #136305
#7. Your mind doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy. Your mindacts on what you feed it. Feed it good thoughts.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #160589
#8. Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #162827
#9. Trust is the byproduct of integrity.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #208731
#10. If you love to read, you can learn anything you really want to know.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #219658
#11. It is easy to get to the top after you get through the crowd at the bottom.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #253451
#12. Make finding the good in others a priority

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #276260
#13. If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #303209
#14. When you exercise your freedom to express yourself at the lowest level, you ultimately condemn yourself to live at that level.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #319306
#15. Negative thinkers always have a negative vision.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #342617
#16. Are you a meaningful specific or a wandering generality ?

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #380114
#17. I am truly grateful that faith enables me to move past the question of 'Why?'

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #390600
#18. The way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how you feel and see yourself on the inside.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #402052
#19. It is good from time to time to recall all those big and little reasons why you wanted to quit smoking in the first place. Reading this blog once in a while might also be helpful

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #430319
#20. Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #437556
#21. Yes, it's absolutely true that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly - until you can learn to do it well.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #464472
#22. Evidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #506204
#23. Don't become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #522259
#24. You plus God equals enough.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #524834
#25. Always do the right thing, always be exciting, always be encouraging, and always be learning something new.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #537794
#26. Failure is an event, never a person; an attitude, not an outcome; a temporary inconvenience; a stepping stone. Our response to it determines just how helpful it can be.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #574457
#27. The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #608230
#28. You can finish school, and even make it easy - but you never finish your education, and it's seldom easy.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #630493
#29. By altering our attitudes we can alter our lives.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #673222
#30. How happy a person is depends upon the depth of his gratitude. You will notice at once that the unhappy person has little gratitude toward life, other people and God.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #677282
#31. Remember there is plenty of room at the top-but not enough to sit down.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #686618
#32. I took up an offer for me to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. It worked. I lost 30 days!

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #688860
#33. You enhance your chances for success when you understand that your yearning power is more important than your earning power

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #694017
#34. You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #734462
#35. In your hands you hold the seeds of failure - or the potential for greatness.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #745585
#36. For every sale you miss because you're too enthusiastic, you will miss a hundred because you're not enthusiastic enough.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #772728
#37. When I became proficient as a salesman I was invited to teach new hires.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #777131
#38. A positive attitude and personal motivation allow you to remain excited about what you are doing - no matter how difficult the challenges may be day to day.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #777496
#39. After every mistake, we need to understand that we can look back and learn-so that we can move forward with confidence and avoid making the same mistake again.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #794545
#40. You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #806159
#41. Your faith is very important. I have done the math, and you are going to be dead a whole lot longer that you will be alive.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #821717
#42. Be there for your kids. Later, when you need them, they'll be there for you.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #827260
#43. Every person has unique gifts, and those gifts give him or her the power and the opportunity to accomplish great things, if he or she learns how to use those gifts and channel them in the right direction.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #830223
#44. If you want to catch the right mental attitude, go where that attitude exists. Start by going to the people who have the right mental attitude. If the right people aren't always available, then go the right book, or to the right recording of a dynamic speaker.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #860751
#45. Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #874888
#46. When there is hope in the future, there is power in the present, and since hope is the foundational quality of all change, there is considerable reason to be excited ...

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #900253
#47. Success is like a ladder and no one has ever climbed a ladder with their hands in their pockets.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #915712
#48. Many companies have long contended that stress in the home causes productivity loss in the market place.. and it does. But research now reveals that stress on the job causes stress at home. In other words, they feed off each other

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #922333
#49. Don't wait until you feel like taking positive action. Take the action and then you will feel like doing it.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #941202
#50. You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #948474
#51. Goals enable you to do more for yourself and others, too.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #961070
#52. Isn't it amazing how much stuff we get done the day before vacation?

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #980227
#53. Boats in the harbor are safe but that is not what they are meant for.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #987536
#54. He chooses the beginning of a road, also chooses its outcome.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #988849
#55. Ambition, fueled by compassion, wisdom and integrity, is a powerful force for good that will turn the wheels of industry and open the doors of opportunity for you and countless others.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #995134
#56. The great majority of people are "wandering generalities" rather than "meaningful specifics". The fact is that you can't bit a target that you can't see. If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. You have to have goals.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1032770
#57. What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1050534
#58. To a child love is spelled T-I-M-E.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1062113
#59. Nobody on the face of the earth can make you feel inferior without your permission.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1068754
#60. Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1081791
#61. One of the ways we communicate that we can be trusted is in the way we care for other people.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1087626
#62. Many times Christians state their love for the Lord and their willingness to die for Him. I will make no pretense of knowing the Lord's will in your life, but I do feel that in most cases the Lord is far more interested in our living for Him than He is in our dying for Him.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1129000
#63. Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1136719
#64. If you go out looking for friends, they'll be scarce. If you go out looking to be one, you'll have all the friends you need.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1148450
#65. When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1152269
#66. It makes no difference where you go, there you are. And it makes no difference what you have, there's always more to want. Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1170392
#67. The door to a balanced success opens widest on the hinges of hope and encouragement.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1208380
#68. I read the paper every day and the Bible every day; that way I know what both sides are up to.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1229159
#69. Secrets of Closing the Sale, is essential reading. Ziglar tells us that selling and closing are not mysteries to be solved; instead they are as tangible as when his wife up-sold him on a new house.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1261507
#70. Fact: If standard of living is your number one objective, quality of life almost never improves. But if quality of life is your number one objective, standard of living invariably improves.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1269834
#71. God's way is still the best way.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1274138
#72. It's not where you start or even what happens to you along the way that's important. What is important is that you persevere and never give up on yourself.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1300582
#73. I'm not gonna give up, shut up, or let up, until I'm taken up ... as a matter of fact, I'm just getting warmed up.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1349383
#74. A productive employee who is kept busy working at his or her job is far more likely to be happy at that job and less likely to look for employment elsewhere.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1375256
#75. If you don't have daily objectives, you qualify as a dreamer.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1481488
#76. If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1498719
#77. The choice to have a great attitude is something that nobody or no circumstance can take from you.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1529841
#78. To get what you want help others get what they want

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1541357
#79. Happiness is not pleasure, it is victory.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1549572
#80. Selling is essentially a transfer of feelings.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1560179
#81. You've got to be before you can do and do before you can have.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1572456
#82. All one needs to do is read - books, magazines, research the Internet - and pay attention to the influencers in their lives to discover the myriad people of strong moral character who have and still are making positive, meaningful contributions and differences in our world.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1578018
#83. Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must think, act, walk, talk and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the person he wishes to become.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1578091
#84. The young athlete who aspires to greatness, generally speaking, learns a number of things from several different coaches. The first one taught him the fundamentals; the second one instilled discipline in him and taught him more of the techniques that must be mastered to excel.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1607114
#85. Success Procedure: Run your day by the clock and your life with a vision.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1607296
#86. When you have passion for something you find a way to make it happen - this is the panacea to success.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1624173
#87. What you do today can change all the tomorrow's of your life.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1638193
#88. There is power in words. What you say is what you get.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1645937
#89. We can let our past [difficulties and failures] beat us or teach us [to be more knowledgeable, competent and realistic in the future]!

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1650911
#90. You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1663262
#91. Happiness is the result of what you do.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1673255
#92. You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1688224
#93. You can never get ahead by trying to get even.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1691745
#94. Time is the only commodity we deal with which cannot be counterfeited, stolen or placed in inventory. Remember, time is irreplaceable.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1723573
#95. Like sterling silver, love will tarnish unless it is polished with daily applications of interest, involvement, and expressions of love.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1765884
#96. You know that he who would be the greatest among you must become the servant of all.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1833803
#97. If you treat your wife like a thoroughbred, you'll never end up with a nag.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1840090
#98. You don't have to be great to start, you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1846704
#99. I've got to confess I'm a pragmatic optimist myself.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1859211
#100. Keep your thinking right and your business will be right.

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar Quotes #1879203

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