Top 8 The Eldest Quotes

#1. Anyone can say anything about you, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, it's none of your business. It is not their mind that is in your head anyways.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #543989
#2. People whose voices were filled with sarcasm, hostility, coldness, and arrogance are often people who thinks that they are free from the smallest of sin at all.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #595319
#3. Everyone throws the stone one after another, but they expect God was not looking.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #866725
#4. Cherish people that touches your heart. Forget people that cuts it.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #882805
#5. Music is one way of saying things that you cannot really say to a person face to face, a sign of suppressed anger, unhealthy, deadly and gigantic idolatry.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #987095
#6. Asking forgiveness is not ALWAYS an admission of cowardice and of sin, It is to show that having inner peace is far more important than pride especially if they think that you have wronged them in any way.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #992956
#7. If you become the star of the show, you can feel the heat. Use it to your advantage. Feel the limelight.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #1529325
#8. While we are seeking for pure love, good life, and a reason to live,
We sometimes forget key things in life.
And that is the ability to see what is the difference between
What is wrong and what is right.

The Eldest

The Eldest Quotes #1645744

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