Top 23 Sheila Turnage Quotes

#1. As I watched them together, my earth found its axis and my stars found their sky.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #33030
#2. It's never too late to make a better decision

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #92946
#3. Dale is Baptist. He doesn't worry about much in life, but he worries about the devil afterwards.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #99693
#4. You don't have a plan, do you? I knew it," he said, his eyes filling with tears. "I knew not to come to a ghost farm with you during a hurricane.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #287995
#5. They found Mr. Jesse in a boat?" I asked. "I'm wondering if maybe he just up and died. Maybe there ain't no murder. Like the fish weren't biting and he died of boredom. It happens. Boredom kills. I've had close brushes myself, during math.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #408729
#6. Yes ma'am," I said, "Anna Celeste's party is Saturday, but I don't need a ride ... No ma'am. It's because Anna Celeste is my Sworn Enemy for Life and I'd rather go face-down in a plate of raw chicken entrails than go to her party. Plus I'm not invited ...

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #442292
#7. The Colonel says all attorneys should be named for blood sucking insects so we know up front who we are dealing with.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #527521
#8. I'm Baptist. So far, Fast or Never is the only speeds I got with forgiving.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #574559
#9. The truth is like Spandex ... It may not look like a good fit at first, but if you ease into it and wiggle around, it winds up fitting your skin.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #633697
#10. Listen to me. We're born over and over, day by day. When you feel lost, let the stars sing you to sleep. You'll always wake up new.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #749593
#11. Except for that, everything's going great. Well ... there's been a murder and we're out of soup.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #767994
#12. Dale can't tolerate other people throwing up. He gets what's known as the Synchronized Heaves.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #842494
#13. For me, it was a Gold Star day. I'd identified an enemy, and I'd made a life decision: I might come home tore up from fighting or late from being punished, but I'd never come home crying. So far, I ain't.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #869144
#14. Anger can corrode most anything if it sits still long enough.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1110703
#15. Dale can choose not to worry like he chooses not to wear socks.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1219448
#16. I never forgive. I like revenge too much.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1383223
#17. We can't change the past, Soldier. We can only be grateful for the life of a new day, and move on.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1538173
#18. You what?" Dale yelped, looking like I'd handed him something dead. "You ain't writing during summer vacation, are you? I'm pretty sure that's against the rules.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1595834
#19. Dale's family is like that. Let the Law come within twenty yards of them, and every male over the age of six
uncles, brother, father, cousins
starts lying his fool head off. Dale says it's genetic. Miss Lana says that's poppycock.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1601273
#20. That's how we lose people ... detail by detail, day by day, until they're pale, pale memories.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1610888
#21. Some people look like they were born on a clothes hanger. Not me. I look more like I was born in a dryer.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1662834
#22. If you like old cars detective, eastern North Carolina is perfect for you" he said smoothing his tie. "We have oodles of vintage vehicles around here, don't we Colonel? In fact I like to think of them as one of poverty's little perks.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1689550
#23. My heart leaped like the cheerleader I will never be.

Sheila Turnage

Sheila Turnage Quotes #1742463

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