Top 100 Matt Chandler Quotes
#1. A sure way to have someone crushed by their doubt is to preach a sermon on how to remove your doubt.
Matt Chandler
#2. The power to walk by faith in obedience is sourced in the grace of the gospel.
Matt Chandler
#3. He can heal me. I believe He will. I believe I'm going to be an old surely Baptist preacher. And even if He doesn't ... that's the thing: I've read Philippians 1. I know what Paul says. I'm here let's work, if I go home? That's better. I understand that.
Matt Chandler
#4. There is no error, no addiction with more power than the Cross of Christ.
Matt Chandler
#5. Everybody knows something's broken in the world. But illogically, foolishly, we are looking for fixes from broken people with broken ideas in broken places.
Matt Chandler
#6. God loves us and has adopted us exactly as we are, knowing every single thing about us. And if He's not ashamed of us, then why should we be?
Matt Chandler
#8. We believe more readily in the abstract application of God's promises than we do in their application to us personally.
Matt Chandler
#9. Rather than respond to his incalculable God-ness with our slide rules and flowcharts, we would do better to worship him with reverence and awe.
Matt Chandler
#10. As we gaze on Christ, the mind is informed, and the heart is inflamed, and the body begins to line up.
Matt Chandler
#11. We can never grasp the extent of our depravity until we recognize the excellencies of our created dignity.
Matt Chandler
#13. If you struggle with being able to run hard after the Lord because you feel so unworthy, so unclean, so unsteady, listen up: "While [you] were still weak, at the right time," God came to your rescue. And still does. And still is.
Matt Chandler
#14. The Imperfect Pastor by Zack Eswine might be the most helpful and profound book I've read in years. If you're in pastoral ministry grab a copy.
Matt Chandler
#15. If we could understand how impossible our situation is, we would grow in reverence for the kingship of Christ.
Matt Chandler
#16. In too many marriage conflicts, we work too hard at winning the argument and too little at winning the heart.
Matt Chandler
#17. I've discovered most Christians don't know what to do with difficult situations because they have bought into the lie that God owes us (for our good behaviour). The reality of life is that if you live long enough you are going to bleed, cry and hurt. AND God is still God IN that.
Matt Chandler
#18. Yesterday's grace is inadequate in the face of today's struggle.
Matt Chandler
#19. As men and women get older, they get crustier and not more fun.
Matt Chandler
#20. Love says: I've seen the ugly parts of you, and I'm staying.
Matt Chandler
#21. The longing in a single person's heart for a wife or a husband finds its root in God's glory.
Matt Chandler
#22. If we confuse the gospel with response to the gospel, we will drift from what keeps the gospel on the ground, what makes it clear and personal, and the next thing you know, we will be doing
a bunch of different things that actually obscure the gospel, not reveal it.
Matt Chandler
#23. When all of us, different kinds of people, walk together in unity for the glory of Christ, the gospel looks really big.
Matt Chandler
#24. Fearless faith results from holding on to Christ as our treasure. Gospel courage comes from gospel preciousness. If we truly believed that our reward in heaven far surpasses all the comfort and convenience and collections of the world, we, too, would be willing to consider them all as loss.
Matt Chandler
#25. We can all look at life and agree that there are some parts that have no purpose - like neckties or cats.
Matt Chandler
#26. In 10,000 years you will not regret anything you didn't have or do in this life.
Matt Chandler
#27. Therefore, any attempt to build community on something more than the grace of Christ becomes a subtle move away from grace, a move toward pseudo-community that only puffs up and fails to transform.
Matt Chandler
#28. But let's be honest. Real good can come from never missing Sunday-morning worship. Real good comes from guarding what you watch. Good can come from guarding your life in these ways. But as a means to or measure of our righteousness? These things will always fall short.
Matt Chandler
#29. Guilt is more about what you do. Shame is more about who you are.
Matt Chandler
#30. On the transformation of His brother James after Christ's Resurrection: What would it take to convince your family that you are God?
Matt Chandler
#31. In Christ's grace, there is freedom to be honest and transparent. When we embrace that security and freedom, then we end up pointing others to the only Source of healing and forgiveness.
Matt Chandler
#32. The promise of sanctification is able to turn what may feel like a test today, like a trial by fire - like way more temptation or trouble than we can handle - into a muscle-building exercise that strengthens our spiritual core.
Matt Chandler
#33. Our lamenting of God's "silence" while our Bible goes undisturbed is actually quite revealing, because we want new revelation while at the same time we refuse to be obedient to what we already know.
Matt Chandler
#35. I learned very early that people need to have a good grasp of God's goodness and God's sovereignty.
Matt Chandler
#36. Our goal is transformed hearts that lead to transformed lives. Transformed lives do not lead to transformed hearts. Are you trackin' with that?
Matt Chandler
#37. What stirs up in my heart is, 'Oh would we see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.'
Matt Chandler
#38. Proverbs 31:30: Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Matt Chandler
#39. One of the big lies with sin is that we are already waist-deep and might as well just plunge in.
Matt Chandler
#40. But the ways we abuse a thing do not negate the value of that thing.
Matt Chandler
#41. If we don't understand the bad news, we will never grasp the good news.
Matt Chandler
#42. This is the question: Are you using God to get something from Him? Or is God Himself the goal of your striving?
Matt Chandler
#43. Trying to figure out God is like trying to catch a fish in the Pacific Ocean with an inch of dental floss.
Matt Chandler
#44. Why do we try so hard to make Jesus cool?! He doesn't need a makeover.
Matt Chandler
#45. There's a strong victim mentality in my generation. I think it's spiritual laziness. They will agree that God is sovereign over all, but then they will say, "Well, I wish he would sovereignly take away my lust issue." There's just not a lot of fortitude, not a lot of fight in them.
Matt Chandler
#46. Horizontal (human-centered) grief is much less concerned with being broken and more concerned with being busted.
Matt Chandler
#47. You will find, if you seriously study Scripture, that outside of the idea of hell, there is no more terrifying idea in the Bible than God setting you free to run in the imagination of your heart.
Matt Chandler
#49. There are some in the church who are very good at presenting the appearance of humility and sacrifice, all for selfish, vainglorious reasons. They enjoy their reputations as servants more than they enjoy the gospel.
Matt Chandler
#50. Have you read your Bible or has the Bible read you?
Matt Chandler
#51. The reconciling gospel is always at the forefront of the church's social action, because a full belly is not better than a reconciled soul.
Matt Chandler
#52. Grace does not make sin safe. Grace does make sinners safe.
Matt Chandler
#53. Could it be that God is so intensely personal that He would burn down your world in hopes of building it back?
Matt Chandler
#54. Heaven is not for people who just want to skip hell. Heaven is reserved for those who love Jesus, who have been rescued by Him and who long to praise Him.
Matt Chandler
#55. Sin is a fundamental failure to rejoice in what we should rejoice in.
Matt Chandler
#56. Every one of us loves Pauline theology, but few of us want Pauline pain.
Matt Chandler
#57. We spend so much time trying to put send to death that we don't spend enough time striving to know God deeply, trying to gaze upon the wonder of Jesus Christ and have that transform our affections to the point where our love and hope are steadfastly on Christ.
Matt Chandler
#58. The theme of the Bible is not that the world's not messy but that God's at work in the mess.
Matt Chandler
#60. A schoolmate of Matt Chandler's with the locker next to his: I need to tell you about Jesus. When do you want to do that?
Matt Chandler
#62. Bad news is the backdrop against which the Good News really stands out.
Matt Chandler
#63. The more you make this world about you, the more miserable you will be.
Matt Chandler
#64. Truly, God's plan of redemption is about more than me and you and our neighbor down the street. It's about men and women from every tribe, tongue, and nation on earth becoming a part of His covenant community.
Matt Chandler
#65. We see in the backstory of Acts 16 the beautiful reconciliation that the gospel achieves, not just of unholy individuals to a holy God but superficially incompatible people to each other! Jesus takes strangers and makes them a family.
Matt Chandler
#66. But there is a beauty even in loving without response because that kind of love is truly selfless. When we love with no expectation or promise of reciprocity, we know what it means to sacrifice and deny ourselves in ways we wouldn't otherwise.
Matt Chandler
#67. Because children already have a realization of their weakness, is this not the best opportunity to apply the gospel to their hearts?
Matt Chandler
#68. You and I are stymied in our own creativity. We can only create as sub-creators, and even then our best work is only sub-creation.
Matt Chandler
#69. Proverbs 12:15 says, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." The
Matt Chandler
#70. Always remember the gospel, so you won't forget that God will not expect something of you that He won't both empower you to obey and forgive you for not obeying.
Matt Chandler
#72. The proud aren't truly seeking the way of Christ because their vision is filled with the self-centered movie playing on the IMAX screen of their darkened hearts.
Matt Chandler
#73. Why do lazy, minimum effort employees always seem to find places where they feel "underappreciated"?
Matt Chandler
#74. It is this spiritual stability, born of a gospel-focused heart, that gives Paul peace and contentment - and yes, joy - no matter where he finds himself.
Matt Chandler
#75. When sin becomes bitter, then Christ becomes sweet. Thomas Merton
Matt Chandler
#77. What has defined our faith since the beginning is open-ended gladness.
Matt Chandler
#78. We need to let God get down underneath what we think needs changing, so that He can bring full restoration and redemption to us where we truly need changing.
Matt Chandler
#79. The foundation, the motivation of a life of humility, is the example of Jesus Christ's humble life and sacrificial death on the cross.
Matt Chandler
#80. You have no shot at experiencing real change in life if you're habitually protecting your image, hyping your spiritual brand, and putting out the vibe that you're a lot more unfazed by temptation than the reality you know and live would suggest.
Matt Chandler
#81. If the gospel of Jesus Christ is not at the center of a wedding ceremony, it is likely not going to be at the center of the marriage. This would be a grave mistake, however, as marriage itself is designed to be a great reflector of that gospel.
Matt Chandler
#82. "Being a good steward" and "placing your hope in" is not the same thing.
Matt Chandler
#83. I believe the sovereign God of the universe justifies us freely, and then we are called to run with him in sanctification.
Matt Chandler
#84. It is an EVIL thing to be an expert in the weaknesses of our brothers and sisters. We need to be experts in the strengths of our brothers and sisters.
Matt Chandler
#85. God does not regret saving you. There is no sin which you commit which is beyond the cross of Christ.
Matt Chandler
#86. Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God. (Heb. 6:1)
Matt Chandler
#87. The Holy Spirit always uses the revealed Word of God to open the eyes of both the unbeliever and believer to the wonders of the gospel.
Matt Chandler
#88. We have to feel the weight of God's severity, because without feeling the weight of his severity, we won't know the weight of his kindness, and we won't be able to worship him and him alone. Worship of him is why we were created.
Matt Chandler
#89. Who fear His name. God exalts those who approach Him with reverence, self-emptiness, and ownership of their spiritual bankruptcy. And when godly fear humbles us, God in His mercy will exalt us.
Matt Chandler
#90. Remember, marriage is not a contractual arrangement. True love doesn't say, "Make me feel this way if you want me to stay." That's not love. Instead, true love says in commitment, "I'm giving myself to you regardless.
Matt Chandler
#91. Our churches must be fully centered on Jesus and His work, or else death and emptiness is certain, regardless of the worship style or sermon series. Without the gospel, everything in a church is meaningless. And dead.
Matt Chandler
#92. The Word, the Gospel, creates not just people individually but A people collectively
Matt Chandler
#93. We carry an insidious prosperity gospel around in our dark, little, entitled hearts. We come to the throne and say, I'll do this, and you'll do that. And if I do this for you, then you'll do that for me.
Matt Chandler
#94. Sex is a gift from God. It is meant to nurture intimacy in a marriage and forge a bonding of souls.
Matt Chandler
#95. When we live with a lack of anxiety about the future, even in those tightrope kind of times, we communicate the truth that our God is indeed worthy of our trust.
Matt Chandler
#96. Often the question of, "Who am I?" should be answered with, "Whose am I?
Matt Chandler
#97. Authority is not bad; abuse of authority is bad. God
Matt Chandler
#98. Shame is deeply rooted in identity. And the "self-ideal" we create for ourselves can often incorporate a lot of expectations that simply aren't included in God's ideal for us.
Matt Chandler
#99. The best of our best, without Jesus, looks like a pile of crap compared to Him.
Matt Chandler
#100. Sin is the native language in every ZIP code.
Matt Chandler
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