Top 45 Maisey Yates Quotes
#1. Actually I have something to tell you," he said.
"You solved global warming."
"Dammit, Katy, now whatever I say is going to sound stupid. I'll fail because I didn't solve global warming."
"Fine, work on that next.
Maisey Yates
#2. Kelsey breathed in deeply. "He asked me to stay."
"For how long?"
"Until ... until I want to leave, I guess. But he doesn't want me to go yet, and ... I'm thinking of
accepting the offer."
"Now he sounds like he's proposing marriag
Maisey Yates
#3. She swallowed, her eyes dropping to his lips. And he knew she felt it too.
Maisey Yates
#4. She could not be controlled or contained. She was the mothereffing wind.
Maisey Yates
#5. In him, she saw the definition of strength. It didn't mean never showing a crack, it didn't mean not feeling fear or despair. It meant going on anyway.
Maisey Yates
#6. Look, the dominate-male thing was hot in bed, but it's jerky in real life, just so you know.
Maisey Yates
#7. Relax, Cole, I wasn't proposing. She put her hand on his shoulder for a second, and when she
removed it, the impression of her warmth lingered. Burned.
And for a moment he wondered if marriage wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Maisey Yates
#8. I hope that wasn't because of what I said about the barrel racing," Kelsey said.
"Probably me," Cole said. "She's sensitive. And I'm not. I'll apologize later.
Maisey Yates
#9. Hi. He turned and saw Kelsey standing in the door of the kitchen, looking ... Well, she was
glowing. That pregnant woman glow, maybe? Or just the sun hitting her face at the right time. Either
way, she looked hot, and he noticed
Maisey Yates
#10. But she didn't pull away from him. If anything, she seemed to sort of melt against him. It was the
first time she'd willingly accepted something from him without getting stiff and defensive and
generally annoyed
Maisey Yates
#11. They were just in a normal hotel in the middle of the city. And they were still Sydney and Travis. They weren't any different than the people they were when they'd walked into the room last night.
Maisey Yates
#12. What the hell, Cade? You knew, and you never thought . . . 'Hey, maybe I should tell my
"No, Cole, I never thought that," Cade said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"And why the hell not?
Maisey Yates
#13. She didn't hold on. It wasn't healthy. And she was a bastion of positive mental health and good feelings. And stuff.
Maisey Yates
#14. Understand. But that had been closer to the truth than he'd realized. She was beyond price. Something a man could sell all of his possessions for and never hope to buy.
Maisey Yates
#15. With the relaxing environment of sisterhood and education they were so striving for. Well, obviously. But nobody seemed worried about whether or not Addison felt she had sisterhood, or a relaxing environment for education. She had nothing. Her father had been killed in front of her only days
Maisey Yates
#16. How sick are you? Holy crap. Are you dying or something? Is that why you're going on
a retreat and eating only lettuce?
Maisey Yates
#17. He cleared his throat. "You noticed."
"And guys just don't seem to notice me at all!"
"Forgive me for not being too broken up about that
Maisey Yates
#18. We're two halves of a whole. We make a lot more sense when we're together.
Maisey Yates
#19. Damn, Lark, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you."
She looked at him, blinking her owlish eyes. "You think I'm crying because of you?"
"I was a bastard."
"Well, yeah, but you're my brother. I'm used to it.
Maisey Yates
#20. I'll walk you to the path." Cole stood too and followed them out of the dining room and into the
common area of the lodge.
"How do you feel?" he asked when they were out of earshot.
"Great. Fine. For the first time in ... forever, pretty much
Maisey Yates
#21. Heartbreak was the worst. It was worse than a cord wrapped around the wheel on you computer chair.
Maisey Yates
#22. She stopped and watched, trying to catch a glimpse of the driver. She failed, but she figured it was too grand an entrance for someone who wanted to Freddy Kruger her, so she was probably good.
Maisey Yates
#23. I love you," he said. "Every broken piece of you, with every broken piece of me.
Maisey Yates
#24. He laughed and tightened his hold on her, suddenly conscious of the fact that he'd crossed an
invisible line.
Maisey Yates
#25. The simple fact was, I was scared, because I knew if I let myself love you, I would love you with all of myself. I would love you in that way that would take over my whole soul,
Maisey Yates
#26. It surprised him how badly he wanted her to stay.
It was that male possessiveness again.
Maisey Yates
#27. If it makes you feel better, Cole hasn't kissed me at all. Not even affectionately."
"Is that a thing? Are you thinking Cole might kiss you?"
"I don't know."
Alexa frowned. "Do you want him to?
Maisey Yates
#28. Didn't think she had, and that made her feel relieved he'd put a stop to it. Well, maybe not relieved. She
Maisey Yates
#29. She shook her head and dropped the focus of the light down to the ground. "Well, thanks for ...
everything. Dinner. And stuff. Showing me the ranch."
Why were things so awkward with him?
"Sure." He put his hands in his pockets. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Tomorrow.
Maisey Yates
#30. Tupperware? I don't know. That's what my mom did."
"Well, my mom had to bring bigger containers for food when the family ate outdoors. But she used
this when she and Dad ...
Maisey Yates
#31. And with every step he took away from her, he felt like he was leaving the best pieces of him further and further behind.
Maisey Yates
#32. He relaxed his hands, lifted one and tucked a strand of wispy blonde hair behind her ear. She didn't
move; she only looked at him. He wondered if she felt it too.
Maisey Yates
#33. You're my everything. My heart, my soul. And if I don't have you, then nothing else means anything. I know we're young, and I know that scares you, but trust me, there is nothing in this life that I would be happier experiencing without you by my side. I love you,
Maisey Yates
#34. He flexed his fingers and fought the urge to put his hand on her stomach. It was a possessive
gesture, and he felt a little bit possessive
Maisey Yates
#35. I have a 100 percent success rate on making it through the day. I don't expect today to be any different." She
Maisey Yates
#36. He found himself fighting the urge to reach out and take her chin between his thumb and
forefinger. To tilt her head so that she had to look at him. So that her lips were so close to his a slight
movement would -
Maisey Yates
#37. Kelsey laughed and the sound moved through him, made the hairs on his arms stand up, made his
heart beat faster
Maisey Yates
#38. I didn't get here based on lineage, Travis. I'm here because I work hard. The only thing that's blue in my family lineage are the collars. The blood is just red.
Maisey Yates
#39. Well, I'm going to say goodbye. There's only so much my ego can take. This was a great growth experience but I can't say I'm eager to stand around and marinate in it. Please don't come buy your muffin from me tomorrow. I hope wherever you do buy one, it has raisins in it.
Maisey Yates
#40. And Amber?"
Cade looked stricken at the mention. "I knew her before she had breasts, so she doesn't count."
"I'm sure she'd love to hear that."
"She won't." His eyes narrowed in warning. "Ever. Now seriously, what's the deal with you and
Maisey Yates
#41. I feel like if the most important thing is that we love each other, everything else will fall into place.
Maisey Yates
#42. Yeah, I will. Why do you
care so much all of a sudden?"
Cade shrugged. "I don't have anything else to do. And like I said ... you and Lark and this ranch
are all I have. Makes you cling to things tighter when you realize how easy it is to lose them.
Maisey Yates
#43. What? she asked, like she was surprised, even though she was fully aware that she was both distracting herself and distancing herself by becoming Therapist Sadie, rather than being Sadie the bag of flail who was marinating in her own lustypants.
Maisey Yates
#44. She said no, Lark, Cole said, his eyes meeting Kelsey's. Kelsey felt her stomach flutter. And it
wasn't from nausea.
Maisey Yates
#45. Fear was a dumbass state to live in. - From IMAGINE ME AND YOU
Maisey Yates
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