Top 28 Kendall Grey Quotes
#1. May the strings that bind us never break May our wild asses forever shake May our unquenchable fire keep our dreams awake
Kendall Grey
#2. I wanna spray this fucking wall with cum graffiti.
Kendall Grey
#3. Fragments of the future spun past like whirling puzzle pieces with an endless array of combinations. Yet, even with millions of possible outcomes, the same conclusion punctuated every scenario: blissful happiness.
Kendall Grey
#4. I'm gonna need a strap-on, a dildo, some lube, condoms, and more of that tequila.
Kendall Grey
#5. Everyone deserves happiness, Rax. Even the lowest of the low. Even us.
Kendall Grey
#6. This might be the last time you get to drive the beef bus to tuna town," I say. "You'd better make it good, so I don't have any excuses to forget your hot ass.
Kendall Grey
#7. No place I'd rather be stuck than inside--er, with you, Dr. Morgan.
Kendall Grey
#8. My goal tonight is to maintain a steady stream of invincibility. If I hit stage four - "I'm Invisible" - I'll likely pass out, and that would ruin all my fun.
Kendall Grey
#9. I figure if the neighbors haven't called the cops by the time I'm done with Rax Wrathbone, I'm doing him all wrong.
Kendall Grey
#10. I don't have much anymore, but I'll give you everything I got.
Kendall Grey
#11. The rich rock-star Lothario bullshit drops with a thud, and an air of truth fills the empty space between us. He pins me with those gorgeous emerald eyes. "I dig you, Letty.
Kendall Grey
#12. But by God, if I don't get laid tonight, my cooter will go nuclear and wipe out a city block.
Kendall Grey
#13. Love is like music. You have to work at it. Love is ugly and painful sometimes, but it can also be pretty fucking awesome once you figure out how to play the right notes to the right rhythm
Kendall Grey
#14. What I'm saying here is sometimes the one you love introduces you to the person inside - the real one who you're close to, you don't even recognize her. Sometimes the one you love knows you better than you know yourself. They bring out the best in us when we least expect it.
Kendall Grey
#15. Only in America - the land of the free - can an innocent person be forced to plead the Fifth for exercising their First Amendment rights. Say what you want, but you better shut your fucking pie hole if it offends someone's delicate sensibilities.
Kendall Grey
#16. I'm now a man on a mission. It's time to engage in some reckless, inappropriate behavior with a hot slut.
Kendall Grey
#17. The shadows outside tamed none of him. No, they cast him as stronger and more dangerous than ever before. He was bigger. Hungrier. Predatory.
He said nothing as he crawled through the window, but his dark, flashing eyes and body stalking toward her spoke volumes.
Kendall Grey
#18. Goddamn you for making me love you so fucking hard.
Kendall Grey
#19. Zoe was a zombie in serious need of some brains.
Kendall Grey
#20. So, you got shit-faced, spray-painted a barn with a lovely shade of Exorcist-green puke, fucked a donkey while you were there, and started a fist fight with a recovering, meth-addicted nun and her lovechild who were reenacting the nativity scene?
Kendall Grey
#21. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. He was about to engage in some hellaciously naughty fornication.
Kendall Grey
#22. I don't know how to be in love with you, but I am, so I'd better get used to it.
Kendall Grey
#23. If my nipples could ejaculate, they would.
Kendall Grey
#24. We're given one lifetime to spend on Planet Earth. If you can't love what you do while you're here, then what's the point?
Kendall Grey
#25. In this nasty-ass strip club bathroom full of pissing dudes and possible rogue ejaculators, Shades is no longer some guy I love fucking. He's some guy I fucking love.
Kendall Grey
#26. Nothing about this scene is right, but at this point, I'm so full of wrong, I'll do whatever they want and ask myself for forgiveness later. I'm driving the bus to hell anyway. May as well take a little vacation while I'm in town.
Kendall Grey
#27. Reverse cowgirl on a drum throne with the hottest man I've ever laid eyes on? Yes, please, and thank you.
Kendall Grey
#28. In the weak light of the lonely lamp, he held onto her, for a solid minute, his head buried in her neck as if he needed her. Just like the night in the hotel room when he pressed his forehead to hers and damn near liquefied her heart.
Kendall Grey
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