Top 5 Judith-Victoria Douglas Quotes

#1. He swore to kill her. She could still see his face when he said it.
He was nineteen then. He'd be thirty-nine when released. That was still years away, if there was no early parole. She didn't understand why this had started now, only three years after she was hidden from everyone.

Judith-Victoria Douglas

Judith-Victoria Douglas Quotes #245096
#2. It's hard to learn to listen to your instincts. It's easier for some who have a natural ability to follow that little voice inside, but for others it takes practice.

Judith-Victoria Douglas

Judith-Victoria Douglas Quotes #661952
#3. Ariel: "Why do such stories always sound so sad? Why can't people part on more amiable terms?"
Danny: "Human nature," he said. "When feelings change and a person is at their most insecure, it's a matter of personal survival, I think. It's not always meant to hurt, but it often does.

Judith-Victoria Douglas

Judith-Victoria Douglas Quotes #917979
#4. Only the broken heart has the ghost of a chance to grieve, to forgive, to long, to transform.
Christina Baldwin, author of Life's Companion, Journal Writing as a Spiritual Practice, 1990. Used with author's permission

Judith-Victoria Douglas

Judith-Victoria Douglas Quotes #978801
#5. Even in good families a bad apple can begin an avalanche of troubles,' Dutch said as he sat back in his well-seasoned armchair, lighting his curved rustic pipe.
From Book I, In Blood There is No Honor

Judith-Victoria Douglas

Judith-Victoria Douglas Quotes #1817489

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