Top 17 Josiah Bancroft Quotes
#1. He believed true love was more like an education: it was deep and subtle and never complete. The
Josiah Bancroft
#2. The gaps are part of the set, too," she'd said. "You can't replace them. I know how each piece was broken or lost. I broke a plate myself when I was nine. Now I'm an immortal part of the pattern. I'll take my gaps, thank you.
Josiah Bancroft
#3. The handkerchief is the universal utensil of the seasoned traveler. It can be a sanitizing device, a seat cover, a dust mask, a garrote, a bandage, a gag, or a white flag. One may feel well-prepared with nothing but a pocket square.
Josiah Bancroft
#4. Whatever Marya's state, whatever mine, I will find her, and I will carry her home.
Josiah Bancroft
#6. We are, each of us, a multitude. I am not the man I was this morning, nor the man of yesterday. I am a throng of myself queued through time. We are, gentle reader, each a crowd within a crowd.
Josiah Bancroft
#7. If the law is malleable, Mr. Senlin, if it bends and conforms to man, then man will become resolute in his flaws. The law exists to give shape to man's ideals. When you think about it, doesn't mercy serve the wicked at the expense of the law?
Josiah Bancroft
#8. Senlin did not believe in that sort of love: sudden and selfish and insatiable. Love, as the poets so often painted it, was just bald lust wearing a pompous wig. He believed true love was more like an education: it was deep and subtle and never complete.
Josiah Bancroft
#9. Even beauty diminishes with study. It is better to glance than gawk.
Josiah Bancroft
#10. I'm glad your self-righteousness has given you some exercise, but you forget: we are not such a tidy, reasonable, and humane race. Our thoughts don't stand in grammatical rows, our hearts don't draw equations, our consciences don't have the benefit of historians whispering the answers to us.
Josiah Bancroft
#11. Suits me. I'd rather be a nothing at the center of everything than a puffed-up somebody at the edge of it all." She said this in her usual unguarded way. And without meaning to, she had described him exactly: a puffed-up somebody at the edge of it all.
Josiah Bancroft
#12. We shouldn't have to go around congratulating each other for behaving with basic human dignity.
Josiah Bancroft
#13. She had to rediscover fear and, tucked somewhere inside that fear, life.
Josiah Bancroft
#14. Yes, I hear that people who suffer from brain damage are quite happy. That's what I always wanted for you, Edith: for you to be happy, no matter how many blows to the head it takes.
Josiah Bancroft
#15. The essential lesson of the zoetrope is this: movement, indeed all progress, even the passage of time, is an illusion. Life is the repetition of stillness.
Josiah Bancroft
#16. Every important journey I have undertaken has begun the same: with crushed sheets, a balled pillow, flung open books, and not a wink of sleep.
Josiah Bancroft
#17. Iren broke the moment of quiet reflection. "He was a bad captian"
"But a worse bird" said Voleta.
Man, what a thing to say after a dude falls to his death.
Josiah Bancroft
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