Top 36 Josephine Hart Quotes

#1. I am prepared to accept from others their own version of reality. I think it is a basic freedom really, to create one's own reality from whatever truths are available.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #101641
#2. I want to know what's wrong with loving someone for life? Even when they're dead? What exactly is wrong with that? Why should I put him away, out of my mind? Like he's out of fashion. Does no one love for ever any more? Is no one built for the long road?

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #108601
#3. Was my sin basically one of untruthfulness? Or, more likely, one of cowardice? But the liar knows the truth. The coward knows his fear and runs away.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #206019
#4. And if I was bewildered through those decades, totally bewildered, so was the country I came from. The majority, what was the phrase? 'Condemn utterly what is happening, this barbarity.' But that's all we did. Condemn. And march. But not often enough.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #227634
#5. There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #360841
#6. Television ... the new gladiatorial arena.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #384557
#7. Lucky people should hide. Pray the days of wrath do not visit their home.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #426084
#8. Very odd, old age. Always knew it would happen, if I was lucky. I just didn't expect it so soon.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #456640
#9. The day then trapped me in its iron bars of phone calls and meetings, letters to read, letters to write, decisions to make, promises to break.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #473460
#10. Poetry contains almost all you need to know about life.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #560507
#11. Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #571603
#12. Our sanity depends essentially on a narrowness of vision
the ability to select the elements vital to survival, while ignoring the great truths.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #705670
#13. Children are the great gamble. From the moment they are born, our helplessness increases. Instead of being ours to mould and shape after our best knowledge and endeavour, they are themselves. From their birth they are the centre of our lives, and the dangerous edge of existence.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #718095
#14. A concealed truth, that's all a lie is. Either by omission or commission we never do more than obscure. The truth stays in the undergrowth, waiting to be discovered.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #777119
#15. There was a full moon in the starless sky. I thought how rarely I had noticed such things. Some deep failure of the soul perhaps. An inherited emptiness. A nothingness passed from generation to generation. A flaw in the psyche, discovered only by those who suffer by it.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #784311
#16. To appear unambitious amongst the ambitious is to invite loathing or fear. To be in the game, but not playing with intent to win, is to be the enemy.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #792280
#17. My mother insured that a life of petty facts and dutiful farming was kept at bay by her passionate intensity, which nurtured the essential dreaminess of his nature

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #814319
#18. What really makes us is beyond grasping. It's way beyond knowing. We give in to love ... because it gives us some sense of what is unknowable. Nothing else matters, not at the end.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1058080
#19. Memory is never pure. And recollection is always coloured by the life lived since

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1079414
#20. Those who do not have imaginary conversations do not love.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1081939
#21. For why trap what is already trapped? It is only in flight that we know the freedom of the bird

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1205633
#22. Poetry has never let me down. Without poetry, I would have found life less comprehensible, less bearable and infinitely less enjoyable.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1207590
#23. We are here to add to the sum of human goodness. To prove the thing exists.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1220929
#24. All damaged people are dangerous. Survival makes them so.' 'Why?' 'Because they have no pity. They know what others can survive, as they did.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1229654
#25. The passion that transforms life, and art, did not seem to be mine. But in all essentials, my life was a good performance.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1318887
#26. Sissy,travelling down the road with you was all I have ever wanted in life.
The beauty of it! No matter how long this takes, I'll wait.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1325665
#27. We learn from tragedy. Slowly.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1327244
#28. The weapon of memory, turned on the self, is an apocalyptic sword.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1412496
#29. She was the split-second experience that changes everything.; the car smash; the letter we shouldn't have opened; the lump in the breast or groin; the blinding flash. On my well-ordered stage-set the lights were up, and maybe at last I was waiting in the wings.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1440683
#30. The miraculous intimacy we shared did not have the time to generate into resentful emotional bondage

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1453742
#31. We do have choice, but not without some agony.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1515981
#32. Men and women find all sorts of ways to be together, all sorts of ways. Yours was high and dangerous. Most of us stay on the lower paths.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1542556
#33. Where would we be without it, memory? Well, it'll never die here. Never in this country. We feed it too well.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1657579
#34. Life is usually loved more than our most sacred love. In that knowledge lies the beginning of our cruelty and of our survival.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1667856
#35. Time, for a man who has never truly felt a second of it, it not a great sacrifice

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1693972
#36. She's always loved writers, even more than the books I think. They're like personal friends to her.

Josephine Hart

Josephine Hart Quotes #1728815

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