Top 30 Joel T. McGrath Quotes

#1. An individual excels where the institution fails.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #3022
#2. It doesn't matter how long you're here for, or what accomplishments you have, it matters what you do with that time and the type of person that you are.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #28982
#3. It is a fact: Of all the people we ever know in our lifetime, the only thing we have in common with them is a handful of shared experiences.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #68978
#4. Humans are easy to read, because what they're not saying speaks volumes.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #111600
#5. True love propels a person to great feats all without so much as a word.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #274142
#6. I struggle with the person I am, while the person I hope to be is like the stars, brilliantly radiant, yet for some reason, out of reach.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #297964
#7. The intrinsic and extrinsic heart is always at odds, so which heart is yours? For one will bask in true joy, while the other lives in self-loathing misery.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #314656
#8. Beware of those who clam to have all the answers.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #328562
#9. You can have all the words in the world,but if not said rightly, those words are simply wasted potential.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #394344
#10. Governments are just large corporations, and large corporations are just small governments.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #417897
#11. Your treachery is what I have come to expect. And my heart, you never deserved its affection.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #491225
#12. To broaden one's prospective is to push back the swirling winds of ignorance.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #545718
#13. When time and emotions gel, a new awareness forms.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #694808
#14. The cruel-hearted love upon the wind and dash feelings until none are left.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #718844
#15. Rarely if ever, moments come that are so defining in our lives. The years are glutted with benign matters which impact us more deeply than we could have ever imagined in our youth.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #775142
#16. Never follow the crowd, for the masses are often misled.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #778780
#17. Eww! That's gross, Gramps. You just picked that stick up off the grass. Who knows what animal has done sick things to it. Probably chipmunks I bet; they're always doing devious stuff when you're not looking.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #795425
#18. That looks bad. Your ear is as red as a boiled lobster. I guess the Toutain's have diversified their portfolio of geeks to pick on this year. That's wise considering the geekonomic times we're living in now.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1049099
#19. Those who pose, suppose that everything goes the way of the dodos. Yet, I've met, some who bet on luck like a cashed check, that is, before a major wreck.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1165195
#20. Contention murders creativity and stupidity is in enmity with freethinking.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1217462
#21. Opportunities happen when timing, connects, and personalities converge.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1233209
#22. When I was a child, I understood the things of my childhood. Now that I have grown into a man, I understand less of the world than I did as a lad.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1302669
#23. Opportunities are rare in this life, and fairness, rarer still. So, when you discover a fair opportunity, go after as if it were your last because it very well might be.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1353466
#24. At the end of the 19th century, people were filled with thoughts of future hope, but at the end of the 20th century, it was fear, hate, and mistrust.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1361145
#25. The fragile nature of youth is at last hardened by the agony of experience.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1412645
#26. Is it not the disparity of wealth that consumes the willing soul. Rather, the golden keys of opportunity clamor softly with fraught anxiety of things which may never come.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1455999
#27. Experience is the byproduct of agony.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1740685
#28. The greatest gift you can ever give yourself is a mind of your own.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1743660
#29. When you find yourself in the presence of a lion, it's best to know which side of the cage you're on.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1769728
#30. There is a sort of ruthless love when the heart wishes for what the mind warns against.

Joel T. McGrath

Joel T. McGrath Quotes #1861189

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