Top 100 Helen Fisher Quotes
#1. Jealousy can even be good for love. One partner may feel secretly flattered when the other is mildly jealous. And catching someone flirting with your beloved can spark the kind of lust and romance that reignites a relationship.
Helen Fisher
#2. We still have community, but we don't seem to have local community. Even in a small town where you know your neighbors and your mother's down the street, they're not in arm's length.
Helen Fisher
#3. You can be instantly scared. You can be instantly happy. So why can't you be instantly romantically in love? I think when it happens, it's because you are ready to fall in love.
Helen Fisher
#4. My hypothesis is that conservative Republicans have very clear values, and when you have that, you're simply more relaxed.
Helen Fisher
#5. As a group, anthropologists are not too fond of people who work in the business world.
Helen Fisher
#6. Falling in love was not really a choice; it just struck me.
Helen Fisher
#7. Women are better at reading body language everywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, it's associated with the female hormone estrogen. Women are better at figuring out of tone of voice, reading your face and posture and gesture.
Helen Fisher
#8. Women, it turns out, are built to lead - particularly in the modern world.
Helen Fisher
#9. As social animals, we need to exchange juicy tales about someone - to connect with one another. For millions of years our forebears must have sat around the campfire, whispering about everyone they knew.
Helen Fisher
#10. Along with our many human propensities, we evolved a huge cerebral cortex with which we make decisions.
Helen Fisher
#11. Women spend their lives trying to look good for men. So a woman who feels she's sending the right visual signals is pleased with herself.
Helen Fisher
#12. [Women] tend to collect more pieces of data when they think, put them into more complex patterns, see more options and outcomes. They tend to be contextual, holistic thinkers.
Helen Fisher
#13. From my studies of genetics and neuroscience I have come to believe that people fall into four broad personality types - each influenced by a different brain chemical: I call them the Explorer, Builder, Director, and Negotiator.
Helen Fisher
#14. Your face and head give more information about you than any other body part.
Helen Fisher
#15. Scientists know that women gravitate to men who have a different immune system from theirs.
Helen Fisher
#16. Touch is the mother of the senses. Not only are women more sensitive when they touch, but they're also more sensitive to being touched.
Helen Fisher
#17. Women are naturally prone to compete over their mates.
Helen Fisher
#18. People live for love. They kill for love. They die for love. They have songs, poems, novels, sculptures, paintings, myths, legends. It's one of the most powerful brain systems on Earth for both great joy and great sorrow.
Helen Fisher
#19. Men and women are like two feet; they can help each other get ahead.
Helen Fisher
#20. For men, being too put-together implies femininity.
Helen Fisher
#21. Romantic love is an obsession. It possesses you. You lose your sense of self. You can't stop thinking about another human being.
Helen Fisher
#22. As societies continue to loosen their standards regarding what is appropriate female and male behavior, I think we are going to realize we have not only underestimated women, but also men.
Helen Fisher
#23. Romantic love is an addiction: a perfectly wonderful addiction when it's going well, and a perfectly horrible addiction when it's going poorly.
Helen Fisher
#24. It's almost as if men who get tribal tattoos are trying to signal that they are dangerous, they're to be respected, and they're powerful.
Helen Fisher
#25. Blushing is thought to be linked to increased levels of norepinephrine in the brain, which may be associated with romantic feelings. It signals that we are interested and excited, which is attractive to men.
Helen Fisher
#26. I think that property is very important in this day and age. It defines you; you worked hard to get it. It's meaningful to you, and when you divorce, a lot of people have a lot of battles over their property for good reasons.
Helen Fisher
#27. High heels can literally raise your
status because you're taller when you wear them.
Helen Fisher
#28. Globalization requires taking a broad contextual and long-term view.
Helen Fisher
#29. It certainly would have been adaptive for ancestral man to have a chubby wife during stressful times of famine. Not only would she have had more calories to burn, and thus more energy and endurance, but since fat stores estrogen, she would have remained fertile for longer.
Helen Fisher
#30. Office romances are few, short, and not usually destructive.
Helen Fisher
#31. Hair that looks like it's been naturally sun-bleached makes you seem youthful, like you spend a lot of time outdoors. And that appeals to most people.
Helen Fisher
#32. A lot of people have been romantically in love with somebody who they feel wasn't appropriate to marry.
Helen Fisher
#33. Young women today do not marry the men they met in high school, or even the one they go out with at college, because they do not need to.
Helen Fisher
#35. Mothers really were not built to raise babies not only by themselves, but with only a partner. For millions of years, a woman had much more than just her husband to help rear her young ... This whole idea of 'it takes a village to raise a child' is exactly how we're supposed to live.
Helen Fisher
#37. Whether you're married or not, relationships - and the satisfaction tied to them - are extremely important for increasing men's and women's quality of life.
Helen Fisher
#38. For so many generations, a woman's only career path was to marry well and to marry up. Those days have changed.
Helen Fisher
#39. Natural beauty really entices men. They will tell you this time and time again, and studies consistently prove it.
Helen Fisher
#40. Every time you cuddle with your children, you're likely to be driving down your testosterone.
Helen Fisher
#41. When people tell you to walk a certain way, it's like not thinking of a purple tomato. You can't not do it.
Helen Fisher
#42. You've got to remember that men are men and women are women. And although a lot of similarities, there are some real differences.
Helen Fisher
#43. Men are so visual, they see a woman who appeals to them physically, and it will trigger the romantic love system faster.
Helen Fisher
#44. Men with high baseline levels of testosterone marry less frequently, have more adulterous affairs, commit more spousal abuse, and divorce more often.
Helen Fisher
#45. Until recently, we regarded love as supernatural. We were willing to study the brain chemistry of fear and depression and anger but not love.
Helen Fisher
#46. We all have restlessness in long-term relationships.
Helen Fisher
#47. I've always maintained that men were more romantic than women.
Helen Fisher
#48. A woman of 40 or 50 or 60 can take estrogen replacements, get facelifts, spend her money in bars.
Helen Fisher
#49. Almost always, when I'm on TV, the producers who call me, who negotiate what we're going to say, is a woman.
Helen Fisher
#50. There is more and more data indicating that there is a biological basis to your political views.
Helen Fisher
#51. Research shows that couples who have a lot of similarities, including intellectual compatibility, end up staying together.
Helen Fisher
#52. Today, American women bear an average of 2.2 children that live to adulthood. Across most of Europe, women bear even fewer young.
Helen Fisher
#53. Love is like Someone is camping in your head
Helen Fisher
#55. In general, men are wired to notice obvious signs that convey interest in mating - a warm smile, for example - and ignore other subtleties, like if your lipstick is faded.
Helen Fisher
#56. Men fall in love faster than, and just as often as, women.
Helen Fisher
#57. As women in industrial societies join the paid workforce, they gain the economic means to depart unhappy marriages more easily.
Helen Fisher
#58. When you can't have someone but you're not willing to accept that, you try harder and become more extreme about it. Either you win the person back or you drive him away.
Helen Fisher
#59. There exists no culture in which adultery is unknown, no cultural device or code that extinguishes philandering.
Helen Fisher
#60. Men don't need linguistic talent; they just need courage and words.
Helen Fisher
#61. People have often asked me whether what I know about love has spoiled it for me. And I just simply say, 'Hardly.' You can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy.
Helen Fisher
#62. In America, we are demanding everything from our marriage.
Helen Fisher
#63. The main characteristics of romantic love are craving: an intense craving to be with a particular person, not just sexually, but emotionally.
Helen Fisher
#64. Sometimes we fall in love with somebody who will probably never love us, for reasons having nothing to do with us but with their own mindset, their chemistry.
Helen Fisher
#65. We spend our lives trying to get along with people so we can keep our jobs, keep our marriages together, so that we can raise our kids properly.
Helen Fisher
#66. Any time you choose not to hide your tattoo, you're limiting your social sphere, because they're not popular in big business.
Helen Fisher
#67. Women like signs of money and education - things that indicate that not only is this guy going to have some resources, but he's also willing to share them.
Helen Fisher
#68. Neither gender is routinely more jealous - although women are more willing to work to win back a lover, while men tend to flaunt their money and status and are more likely to walk out to protect their self-esteem or save face.
Helen Fisher
#69. There's more than one person on the planet. When you're madly in love, that's not what you think.
Helen Fisher
#70. Throughout evolution, ostracism was death indeed.
Helen Fisher
#71. In courtship, who wins and who loses will determine who passes on their DNA to tomorrow.
Helen Fisher
#72. There's a lot of talk about the positive aspects of love. We as a society downplay the danger, the anxiety, and the disappointment. We romanticize romance.
Helen Fisher
#73. The human brain is built to compare; it's Darwinian to consider an alternative when one presents itself.
Helen Fisher
#75. Men have a psychological need to show off their courage and strength. When he sees you talking to another guy, that instinct kicks in and he jumps to protect you and prove he's worthy of your love.
Helen Fisher
#76. Kissing is not just kissing. It is a major escalation or de-escalation point in a powerful process of mate choice.
Helen Fisher
#77. There's biology in everything, even when you're feeling spiritual.
Helen Fisher
#78. Despite the myth that men are less committed, they are predisposed to desire marriage.
Helen Fisher
#79. We evolved in a tropical climate where the smells of plants and flowers were all around us. We spent a lot of time in the trees with a lot of sunlight and no clothes.
Helen Fisher
#80. People compose poetry, novels, sitcoms - for love.
Helen Fisher
#81. Women apparently are quite drawn to men who have differences rather than similarities in their histocompatibility system. They pick it up by smell, and they can pick it up from kissing.
Helen Fisher
#82. I suspect privacy is a very new concept to humanity.
Helen Fisher
#83. Hair that gleams can send a clear sign that you're young and in your prime, whatever your actual age.
Helen Fisher
#84. Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere; some say the poorest in the world.
Helen Fisher
#85. When chimps threaten, they open their mouth and show their teeth. It's a little like waving a knife in front of you. It's very primitive, and therefore bizarre.
Helen Fisher
#86. You can really get poked in the back and not feel it very much, but just a feather around your lips and you really do feel it.
Helen Fisher
#87. Psychologists maintain that the dizzying feeling of intense romantic love lasts only about 18 months to - at best - three years.
Helen Fisher
#88. The reason you take antidepressants is to feel calm. And romantic love is not calm - it's elation, it's mood swings, and you're killing all that when you take the drug.
Helen Fisher
#89. Most of us make up our minds in the first three minutes of meeting someone whether there's a potential for a relationship.
Helen Fisher
#90. Women's worst invention was the plow. With the beginning of plow agriculture, men's roles became extremely powerful. Women lost their ancient jobs as collectors.
Helen Fisher
#91. More and more of us live segmented, compartmentalized lives. This isn't natural. For millions of years, our forebears knew everyone around them and everyone knew them.
Helen Fisher
#92. The women's movement is just a symptom of basic changes in the economy that are favoring women.
Helen Fisher
#93. When you're in the throes of this romantic love, it's overwhelming - you're out of control, you're irrational, you're going to the gym at 6 A.M. every day - Why? Because she's there.
Helen Fisher
#94. Romantic love is not an emotion ... It's a drive. It comes from the motor of the mind, the wanting part of the mind, the craving part of the mind.
Helen Fisher
#95. Women have a better sense of color and a better color memory. They're more likely to notice when something doesn't match; more likely to notice what you're wearing.
Helen Fisher
#96. People have been looking for love potions since hunter-gatherer societies.
Helen Fisher
#97. If patterns of human love subtly change, all sorts of social and political atrocities can escalate.
Helen Fisher
#98. The Great Depression of the 1930s saw more American unmarried women working from nine to five, mostly in repetitive, boring, subordinate, dead-end jobs. But the number of working women doubled between 1870 and 1940. During World War II it doubled once again.
Helen Fisher
#100. Barriers tend to intensify romance. It's called the 'Romeo and Juliet effect.' I call it 'frustration attraction.'
Helen Fisher
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