Top 11 Erik Wecks Quotes

#1. The truly wealthy don't often pursue status. They don't need to. They have already made it. The pursuit of Rolex watches and $100,000 vehicles is for wannabes like you and me. Why pursue status when you've already achieved it?

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #60301
#2. How we spend our money reflects our true values at that moment in time.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #408349
#3. Turning Lean Living into a Feast Instead of a Diet

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #581706
#4. Change what you believe, and you will change what you do.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #592208
#5. Aim at nothing, and you get nowhere. Aim at something, and even in long odds you often get closer than you would otherwise.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #682094
#6. The pursuit of financial stability needs to replace the pursuit of financial freedom in our basic beliefs about what money can provide.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #1036252
#7. Financial stability is much more about doing the best with what you have and not about achieving a certain level of income.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #1078930
#8. least monthly. Use cash whenever possible to avoid busting your budget.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #1299296
#9. Your money doesn't tell you where it needs to be spent; your values do.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #1361475
#10. I believe it is time for Americans to re-adopt a simpler and healthier American dream, a dream in which we seek financial stability rather than wealth creation. But

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #1653098
#11. Human desire is an unlimited and boundless ocean, a body of water which can never be filled. If we make our wants and our desires for status our financial mission, we are doomed to fail from the start, because just as we think we have made it, there is always another hill to climb.

Erik Wecks

Erik Wecks Quotes #1665527

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