Top 6 Elizabeth F. Howell Quotes

#1. Yet, what the phenomenon is and how we think of it are two different things.

Elizabeth F. Howell

Elizabeth F. Howell Quotes #495552
#2. The road to Hell is paved with the best of conscious intentions.

Elizabeth F. Howell

Elizabeth F. Howell Quotes #582920
#3. Stern observes that unformulated experience is not only a source of defense, but also a source of creativity. We must allow the unformulated to organize itself.

Elizabeth F. Howell

Elizabeth F. Howell Quotes #1318196
#4. When different identity states convey contradictory information and then have amnesia for what the other identity states said, the patient may be thought to be lying. This can appear to be characterological mendacity when it is not.

Elizabeth F. Howell

Elizabeth F. Howell Quotes #1389766
#5. Does the person report having had the experience of meeting people she does not know but who seem to know her, perhaps by a different name? Often, those with DID are thought by others to be lying because different parts will say different things which the host has no knowledge of.

Elizabeth F. Howell

Elizabeth F. Howell Quotes #1518939
#6. Being bound to one particular storyline such that one's narrative is rigid, does not imply the need to avoid formulating particular other kinds of possibilities. Rather, it involves being stuck in one self-limiting, self-reinforcing set of possibilities.

Elizabeth F. Howell

Elizabeth F. Howell Quotes #1854722

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