Top 100 Denis Waitley Quotes
#2. Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself.
Denis Waitley
#3. Virtually nothing can stop a man who has a goal clearly in sight.
Denis Waitley
#4. Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.
Denis Waitley
#5. Most people spend most of their time on low-priority busywork because it requires no additional knowledge, skills, or imagination-or courage. In a word, it's easier.
Denis Waitley
#6. A dream is a vision, a goal is a promise. You can keep your promises to yourself by remaining flexible, focused, and committed.
Denis Waitley
#7. Perseverance does not always mean sticking to the same thing forever. It means giving full concentration and effort to whatever you are doing right now.
Denis Waitley
#8. Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.
Denis Waitley
#9. The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've
already achieved them.
Denis Waitley
#10. You must feel love within, before you can share it.
Denis Waitley
#11. If you concentrate on the present, you eliminate what happened yesterday and any apprehension of what may happen tomorrow.
Denis Waitley
#12. Close your eyes and visualize the person you really want to be, who fits your own concepts of self-respect. If you can see the person clearly in the mirror of you mind, you surely will become that person.
Denis Waitley
#13. If you have real, internal value, you don't need a loud, expensive imitation.
Denis Waitley
#14. A real friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out
Denis Waitley
#15. When you kill time, you kill your opportunities for success.
Denis Waitley
#16. You know you're a success when people tell you, "I like me best when I'm with you."
Denis Waitley
#17. Listening without bias or distraction is the greatest value you can pay another person.
Denis Waitley
#18. Stop rationalizing, stop stewing. Get up out of your chair and start doing.
Denis Waitley
#19. Wealth is only a source of happiness when it is used to do good for others
Denis Waitley
#20. The primary success factor is knowing how to learn from others and rely on yourself.
Denis Waitley
#21. View life as a continuous learning experience.
Denis Waitley
#22. Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.
Denis Waitley
#23. Focus all your attention and energy on the achievement of the objectives you are involved with right now.
Denis Waitley
#24. Time And well being are two valuable belongings that we do not acknowledge and respect till they've been depleted.
Denis Waitley
#25. You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.
Denis Waitley
#26. On our track to success, we have to fight the tendency to look at others and see how far they've come. The only thing that counts is how we use the potential we possess and that we run our race to the best of our abilities.
Denis Waitley
#27. Identify with excellence, put your name on your work, and both your work and name will stand the test of time.
Denis Waitley
#28. When you are able to applaud yourself, it is much easier to applaud others.
Denis Waitley
#29. As long as we persist in our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow.
Denis Waitley
#30. Success in life isn't only for the gifted or the privileged or those with a high IQ. Success is totally dependent on three things: persistence, determination and a positive mental attitude.
Denis Waitley
#31. You must stick to your conviction, but be ready to abandon your assumptions.
Denis Waitley
#32. The majority of people consider their work a means to an end. People who work for money only come to the end faster than people who are involved in their life's purpose every day.
Denis Waitley
#34. You are either the captain or the captive of your thoughts.
Denis Waitley
#35. Learn how to grow out of yourself and into the world of others: Plant a shade tree under which you know you will never sit. Set some goals that may benefit your children or an orphanage or the employees of your company or future generations or your own city, fifty years from now.
Denis Waitley
#36. Success always has a price; success, with integrity, is the real bottom line.
Denis Waitley
#37. It is a psychological fact that we cherish most what we have worked hardest to gain. The further we have come, the sweeter the celebration at the destination when we arrive.
Denis Waitley
#38. The greatest choice we have is to think before we act and then take action toward our life goals every day. Our problems result not only from our lack of action, but from our action without thought.
Denis Waitley
#39. Personal satisfaction is the most important ingredient of success.
Denis Waitley
#40. You must understand that seeing is believing, but also know that believing is seeing.
Denis Waitley
#41. Winners can tell you where they are going and what they plan to do along the way.
Denis Waitley
#42. Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.
Denis Waitley
#43. Expect the best; convert problems into opportunities; be dissatisfied with the status quo; focus on where you want to go, instead of where you're coming from; and most importantly, decide to be happy, knowing it's an attitude, a habit gained from daily practice, and not a result or payoff.
Denis Waitley
#44. You must accept responsibility for your actions, but not the credit for your achievements.
Denis Waitley
#45. Always give more in service, than you receive in payment, and customers will beat a path to your door.
Denis Waitley
#46. Happiness, wealth, and success are by-products of goal setting, they cannot be the goal themselves.
Denis Waitley
#47. There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them
Denis Waitley
#48. The confidence you need is belief in your potential. If you see world-class potential in yourself, you'll put in the effort. If you don't see the potential, you won't put in the effort and you'll wait for the performance, and the performance always follows the belief in self.
Denis Waitley
#50. Don't tell people how to live, demonstrate by example.
Denis Waitley
#51. Out of need springs desire, and out of desire springs the energy and the will to win.
Denis Waitley
#52. Contentment is for cows; a challenging purpose is for people.
Denis Waitley
#53. The most important conversations, briefings, meeting, and lectures you will ever have will be those you hold with yourself in the privacy of your own mind.
Denis Waitley
#55. Goals are like stepping-stones to the stars. They should never be used to put a ceiling or a limit on achievement
Denis Waitley
#56. Winning is beginning. And just by beginning, your game is half won.
Denis Waitley
#57. Unless what you say benefits the other person, don't say it.
Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley
#60. The winners in life treat their body as if it were a magnificent spacecraft that gives them the finest transportation and endurance for their lives.
Denis Waitley
#61. A life lived with integrity - even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune is a shining star in whose light others may follow in the years to come.
Denis Waitley
#62. One of the wonderful aspects of the human imagination is its power to break through the barriers of time and space. It can see things not as they are but as the can be.
Denis Waitley
#63. Better to seek change by inspiration, than out of desperation.
Denis Waitley
#64. Champions never brag, never shout, never have to go to extremes to build themselves up for others or put others down. They let their actions, deeds, and results speak for them.
Denis Waitley
#65. Winning is coming in fourth, exhausted and encouraged-because last time you came in fifth.
Denis Waitley
#66. Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
Denis Waitley
#67. Life is not accountable to us. We are accountable to life.
Denis Waitley
#68. The easiest thing is to make sure you feel happy and satisfied in this moment. Setting long term goals is much more effort taking, but at the same time much more fulfilling.
Denis Waitley
#69. To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives. - Denis Waitley.
Denis Waitley
#70. It's not so much what the job gives you, it's what you give to the job.
Denis Waitley
#71. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now.
Denis Waitley
#72. Motivation is an inner force that compels behavior. Your inner drives will propel you further and faster than external perks.
Denis Waitley
#73. The winner's edge is all in the attitude,
not aptitude.
Denis Waitley
#74. If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't matter if your alarm doesn't go off in the morning.
Denis Waitley
#75. Pessimists see a problem behind every opportunity. Optimists see an opportunity behind every problem.
Denis Waitley
#76. Your attitude is either the lock on or key to your door of success.
Denis Waitley
#77. Highly motivated achievers are looking not to receive but to contribute. They are looking for problems that are personally satisfying to solve.
Denis Waitley
#78. You must be worthy of the best, but not more worthy than the rest.
Denis Waitley
#79. Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.
Denis Waitley
#80. Commitment is that turning point in your life when you seize the moment to alter your destiny.
Denis Waitley
#81. The real champions in life are so humble and gracious. They just continue doing what they do without all the posturing. If you've got the real thing, you don't have to flaunt a loud imitation.
Denis Waitley
#82. We are supposed to forgive everyone; everyone includes ourselves.
Denis Waitley
#83. There never was a winner that didn't expect to win in advance.
Denis Waitley
#85. When you make a mistake or get ridiculed or rejected, look at mistakes as learning experiences, and ridicule as ignorance. Look at rejection as part of one performance, not as a turn down of the performer.
Denis Waitley
#86. Time changes everything, but with patience we can keep our desires relatively constant. If we can just hang on long enough, time will eventually create for us the conditions in which we can succeed.
Denis Waitley
#88. Optimism boosts your energy and focuses your sights on reaching your goals, rather than wallowing in your setbacks.
Denis Waitley
#89. Start edifying the flowers. Stop pointing out the weeds.
Denis Waitley
#90. By staying focused and flexible, you will meet and exceed your major life-forming goals. Success is not a resting-place - it is a launching pad
Denis Waitley
#91. Luck happens when opportunity encounters the prepared mind.
Denis Waitley
#92. The first best-kept secret of total success is that we must feel love inside ourselves before we can give it to others.
Denis Waitley
#93. We learn by observation, imitation and repetition.
Denis Waitley
#94. The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.
Denis Waitley
#95. Everyone is motivated a little or a lot to do something or nothing. Motivation is the internalized drive toward the dominant thought of the moment. By definition, motivation is "motive in action."
Denis Waitley
#96. The most important three words you can say to yourself: Yes I can!
Denis Waitley
#97. Of all the judgments we make through life, none are more important than the estimate we place on ourselves according to our own internal standards.
Denis Waitley
#98. How you spend your time is far more important than all the material possessions you may own or positions you may attain.
Denis Waitley
#99. A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.
Denis Waitley
#100. Understand that you, yourself, are no more than the composite picture of all your thoughts and actions. In your relationships with others, remember the basic and critically important rule: If you want to be loved, be lovable. If you want respect, set a respectable example!
Denis Waitley
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