Top 8 Dawn M. Turner Quotes
#2. She wouldn't pay attention to how wonderful he smelled. Or how gorgeous those blue eyes were when they sparkled with happiness. Nope. She wouldn't think about it. Not one little bit.
Dawn M. Turner
#3. Why couldn't she have given him a sultry laugh as she'd seen women do in movies instead of giggling like some enchanted, mindless school girl?
Dawn M. Turner
#4. If we choose to hold onto the past and cling to hurt, anger, or whatever, He can't set us free of it. He won't take those things by force.
Dawn M. Turner
#5. Terry recalled far better days when she'd risen bright and early every morning.... Days before darkness had closed in and refused to leave....
Dawn M. Turner
#6. You're not so tough. No tougher than the man whose blood will spill from your veins.
Dawn M. Turner
#7. Which would give her an ulcer first? All the aspirin and prescription pain medication she took, or Jack Carlton? Then again, that left only one cause, since he was the reason she needed the drugs to begin with.
Dawn M. Turner
#8. Jack watched Tara glide around the dance floor with the best man, a knot of jealousy threatening to strangle him. Just the phrase 'best man' raised his ire. Who had come up with that turn of phrase anyway?
Dawn M. Turner
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