Top 100 C.J. Roberts Quotes

#1. He had told her he wasn't Prince Charming, but what he hadn't said, was he wished he could be.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #45442
#2. The intensity with which he stared at me bordered on obscene.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #55542
#3. He kissed me everywhere, not like before, not angry. And God help me, it shouldn't have made a difference, but somehow it did.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #92464
#4. If I had thought grovelling would get Livvie into my car, I would have made a good show of it. I'm shameless. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #95007
#5. Make him love you," Ruthless Me whispered. "Make it so he can't live without you. The devil you know." I felt her growing inside me, bringing with her the insane idea that I actually wielded power with Caleb.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #100049
#6. Monsters don't born they made, but still monsters can love.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #116416
#7. It seemed to Caleb, the nature of human being revolved around one empirical truth: we want what we cannot have. For Eve, it was the fruit of the forbidden tree. For Caleb, it was Livvie.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #124143
#8. Like it or not, fight it or don't, your old life is over.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #171061
#9. She wanted me. She wanted to give herself to me. I felt unworthy to accept such a gift, but it didn't stop me from clutching it fiercely to my chest.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #186438
#10. Caleb fed me better food during my kidnapping than these people. I laugh at my own joke

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #190109
#11. Be smart! Fight the battles you can win and accept the ones you can't. That's how you survive.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #190872
#12. But, I'm telling you, monsters aren't born, they're made, and someone made Caleb.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #249742
#13. I can't have everything I feel reduced to a textbook description that fits me, and millions of other broken idiots.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #260926
#14. When he touched me, he made things feel better that i wasn't aware felt so bad

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #271426
#15. I didn't want to rush things. Well, I did want to, but I know when I shouldn't. I wanted to push her up against the door, rip off her panties, and ram myself into her, but I suspected she wouldn't appreciate it as much as I would

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #277493
#16. That you could fix me? What's more, that I could fix you? Well, Sorry, pet, I don't want to be fixed. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #279727
#17. Explain it to me, then. You're about to die. Unburden your soul,

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #282731
#18. I miss the restraints. In a way, they allowed me the freedom to writhe and flail. They gave me something and someone to fight against. Without them ... I feel like a traitor. No longer a prisoner, I seem to be allowing them to keep me here.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #320950
#19. People often believed they were safer in the light, thinking monsters only came out at night.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #325952
#20. I wanted to cry for wanting to cry.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #329948
#21. When I met her, she told me I was adorable and was her boyfriend."
"And you became her boyfriend?" I gave him a look. He smiled.
"She was wearing a tight shirt and I could see her boobs."
I couldn't help but smile.
"You did the right thing."
"I know." He shrugged.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #332734
#22. Love does not always begin or end the way we wish it would.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #345232
#23. We'll take care of each other. I'm stronger now, Caleb. Whatever happens ... whatever happened, we can handle it together. Okay?

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #382950
#24. You're going to pay for that Pet,' he panted. The right side of his face sported an angry red hand print.

I shook out my hand, 'I already have. That was my change.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #386111
#25. I'm writing this because you begged. You know how I love the begging

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #407284
#26. They say I tried to hurt my nurse. I tell them they tried to hurt me first.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #421636
#27. Easy, Caleb. Don't break her. Win her.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #431652
#28. You kidnapped me! You've humiliated me, beat me, nearly gotten me rapped, and just a moment ago you had me suck a complete stranger's dick in a room full of twisted perverts. I love you, but I'm not the coward, Caled. I deserve to live or die on my own fucking terms.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #471625
#29. I'm yours," she said, but then added, "only yours. And you're mine, only mine.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #472403
#30. What are you bracing for?" he asked. "I already told you I'm not going to hurt you."
Inexplicably, sobs caught in my chest, but I managed to respond, "You've already hurt me, Caleb. Why would you do that? Why?

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #496786
#31. I was insanely jealous."
"I know. It should make me happy, but it doesn't."
"Why ?"
"I'd rather make you happy, Caleb. I'd rather see you smile.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #511167
#32. Let a bitch enjoy her mental breakdown in peace.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #511432
#33. Yeah, but I'm the second most fucked up person I know, and when you put two negatives together, you get a positive. That's math, Caleb. Math is the language of the universe. You can't argue with the universe.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #588033
#34. No more movie references. No more fictional characters to relate to. This was real. It was destiny. I was ... a thing, a commodity.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #639307
#35. I was a pretty thing, and pretty things did not fare well in this world, not in the hands of men like him.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #645653
#36. - What are you doing?
- I was curious
- About what?
- If happy tears taste the same as the sad ones.
- And?
- I think they're sweeter, but it could just be your face

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #656495
#37. Their love was obvious and I hoped that one day Livvie and I could have what they did ... without the skinny jeans ...

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #668438
#38. Livvie's screams rent the air. James flinched at the sound, but Caleb's blood sang. I am both men. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #702925
#39. Thank you," Livvie muttered from the passenger seat.
"For what?" Caleb was still irritated. "For saving my life. Even if you're just going to put it in danger again," she whispered.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #728451
#40. James never met anyone named Livvie. He never hurt her.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #745049
#41. She comes off as very empathetic, and even a little vulnerable herself, but she wouldn't be where she is today if she weren't a wolf under that wool suit.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #748861
#42. When the initial pain of shock wore off, I thought it strange I should feel the pain of his slap in my chest, but I did, and it hurt more than I ever thought possible.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #762183
#43. I was treading the thin line of his patience while falling off the thin line of my sanity

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #796470
#44. There isn't a permanent mark on me, Reed, not one. And you don't know how many times he was there to hold me together when I was sure I was going to fall apart. He's a monster," she sobbed, "I know he is. I know, and ... it doesn't matter to me anymore.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #800745
#45. So, that's it? You think I'm just some idiot that fell for your bullshit! Well you're wrong! I fell in love with you, Caleb. I fell in love with your sick sense of humor. I fell in love with the way you protected me. You saved my life! - Livvie/Kitten

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #811549
#46. When I'm really frustrated with things," she giggles " ... I like to get online and change things in Wikipedia!"
This, bitch ... is weird.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #861923
#47. I was ready to go with you. After everything you'd done. And you just ... left me. You have no idea what I had to go through. How hard I had to work to become ... human.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #900979
#48. What mattered is I was different. The naive girl in me had been bitch-slapped into womanhood. ~Livvie

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #910153
#49. Asshole FBI agents that want to shoot Girl Scouts.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #942549
#50. A million dollars? A bit much don't you think?"
"Fuck you."
Caleb smiled, the self indulgent little shit. "My apologies," he mocked with a slight forward bow, "What I meant to say is: no pussy's that good. Though yours does come close.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #942599
#51. My heart, independent of my logic, had reserved a place for my tormentor and my solace.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #947060
#52. I blinked once, "if it's anywhere near as bad as what those assholes did to me... I'm tired of living through this shit just to step into deeper fucking shit. So if all you have planned for me is more torture, I think I'd rather die. Just do me one favor and don't... I don't want to die slow.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #966040
#53. My mind id more problem/solution orientated. Mad at me? Scream at me. Punch me if you're up for it. Please don't smile at me sweetly, act like nothing is wrong and then leave me disillusioned. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #986770
#54. Needless to say, I thought it was a bat-shit crazy idea (that's the technical term). The last thing I wanted was to reprise my role as Livvie's captor. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #999311
#55. I've seen you handle your stick, Caleb. You're much better at it than I am

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1016778
#56. What does a former kidnapper/murderer do in retirement? - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1025114
#57. Once upon a time, Caleb held me captive in the dark, now he used it to seduce me.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1029299
#58. There. Now you're part of me, forever. You're mine, Livvie. I hope you understand.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1041580
#59. Would it be so horrible if I did nothing? Could I be held to blame?

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1153102
#60. It's an ember forever burning in my heart. It's a reminder Caleb will live forever.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1163753
#61. I don't know who I am or what I want. All I know is that without you ... without you, there's nothing. I'm nothing. Do you have any idea how terrifying that is for someone like me?

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1183862
#62. I was not crying - eyes water. I think we all know I'm a badass and I don't cry. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1196941
#63. For Caleb's kittens

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1220184
#64. Oh yeah, Caleb thought, you're my bitch. Caleb's voice was sugar laced with arsenic

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1235846
#65. I don't want to stop. I don't want to think. I want to stay here and pretend nothing's waiting for us when we get out.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1241393
#66. I can't keep you, Livvie. Stop trying to make me.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1248434
#67. Could she sense her life as she knew it hanging precariously in the balance? Could she feel his eyes on her? Did she have a sixth sense for monsters? The thought of it made him smile

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1271325
#68. Under the damage, he could still see Kitten, surviving despite it all.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1271422
#69. The thought of one day not thinking of him at all is just too much for me. It feels like a betrayal to ever hope for such things. ~Livvie

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1330806
#70. ...monsters aren't born, they're made...

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1333422
#71. Where is all your bravery now, Pet? No clawing, no hissing? Where's my though girl? - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1345559
#72. I'm telling you, monsters aren't born, they're made.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1346567
#73. Are you hungry?" Livvie asked. I could barely hear her as I set the bags in the living room. Livvie had made her way toward the bedroom. "Yes," I called out, "but I don't think you have anything in your cupboards worth - " "Then get in here and eat my pussy!" Livvie interrupted.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1350884
#74. She loves me. It's quite sick, isn't it? - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1360786
#75. For the love of Christ, shut-up! Let a bitch enjoy you mental breakdown in peace.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1377674
#76. Misery I understand. Happiness is terrifying. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1382020
#77. Once upon a time I saved Livvie. She's been saving me ever since.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1390383
#78. Some men don't eat pussy. I think those men are pussies.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1405702
#79. It wasn't the forgetting Caleb didn't like, it was the remembering

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1408269
#80. Thank goodness for whatever hormones make women so agreeable after you've laid them right, because that's all it took to get her to agree. Also ... pancakes.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1414918
#81. And when I heard her turn away, love made me beg.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1424925
#82. Exactly, Kitten.Your pride isn't worth it. It's not worth the pain. It's not worth the torture I, or anyone else could put you through. It sure as fuck isn't worth your life. Be smart! Fight the battles you can win and accept the ones you can't. That's how you survive. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1426947
#83. my mane is Kitten and my master us gone.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1430434
#84. Tell me to stop and I will. Tell me you don't want me to pull your tights down and fuck you up against this wall. Remind me of what a terrible person I am. Tell me I'm a sick bastard and you want me out of your life forever.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1441260
#85. If you were a plant, you would be a thistle ~ Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1489378
#86. I'd never considered myself socially retarded until that moment.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1544207
#87. You don't know what you want Livvie, and what you think you want, you've been brain-washed into wanting

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1575107
#88. He was my tormentor and my solace; the creator of the dark and the light within.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1586400
#89. I love you, Caleb. I love you! If you care for me at all ... please, don't do this! Please, don't leave me. I don't know how to live without you. Don't make me go back to trying to be someone I don't know how to be anymore. - Livvie

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1594629
#90. Thinking about Caleb hurts, but trying to move beyond my love for him, hurts more. There's no getting past the pain. There is only a different brand of pain available for my eager consumption.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1614241
#91. Someone will love you, Miss Ruiz. Even if you're a jerk." "Fuck you, Reed," she sobbed.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1647301
#92. I'm fucking good looking and sharp witted! I bet Reed only speaks one language. I'm sharp witted in five! - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1652439
#93. Everybody is fucked up and we are all freaks in our own ways-Agent Reed

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1665915
#94. Agent Reed returned this morning, ready for another round of what he calls an interview and what I refer to as an interrogation.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1678517
#95. I don't know. I have no idea who I'm supposed to be anymore. I only know I don't want to be who someone else thinks I should be.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1703113
#96. I guess ,you want revenge, Ruthless Me, whispered. You bet your sweet ass, I do.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1726519
#97. My anger with him had grown as the hours had passed. I'd convinced myself when he came to get me i would really give him a piece of my mind. Of course - it's easy to be brave when the object of your fear isn't holding your sore nipples hostage. ~ Livvie

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1762496
#98. He was the monster that no one thought to look for in the light of day. It was a common mistake. People often believed they were safer in the light, thinking monsters only came out at night. But safety - like light - is a facade. Underneath, the whole world is drenched in darkness.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1812622
#99. If I were a wolf, I would howl. If I were a lion, I would oar. If we lived in the jungle, I would bring her a lion and a wolf to feast on. - Caleb

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1857001
#100. Claudia! That's not for snacking, you bitch. Livvie spanked the other girl on the ass and both of them giggled.
Girls are so strange. If another man called me a bitch and spanked me, it would not end in giggles.

C.J. Roberts

C.J. Roberts Quotes #1859195

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