Top 5 Archibald Wavell Quotes

#1. Love: It is like a cigar. If it goes out, you can light it again but it never tastes quite the same.

Archibald Wavell

Archibald Wavell Quotes #439379
#2. There is no room in war for delicate machinery.

Archibald Wavell

Archibald Wavell Quotes #753041
#3. No amount of study or learning will make a man a leader unless he has the natural qualities of one.

Archibald Wavell

Archibald Wavell Quotes #797786
#4. The more mechanical becomes the weapons with which we fight, the less mechanical must be the spirit which controls them.

Archibald Wavell

Archibald Wavell Quotes #964604
#5. After the 'war to end war' they seem to have been pretty successful in Paris at making a 'Peace to end Peace.

Archibald Wavell

Archibald Wavell Quotes #1497870

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