Top 10 Adrian Smith Quotes

#1. We try and stay out of the corporate side of it. The band has never compromised. At some point in our career we could have made a certain type of record and sold millions of units, as they are called.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #83136
#2. To me, anyone with an Australian accent wielding a tennis racket is cool.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #283840
#3. The room is the most important thing about recording.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #299319
#4. I've never been much for theory and scales.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #879693
#5. The band has always stayed close to its fans and not sold out. That's a very rare thing. I can see how rare that is having been outside of the band for eight years. Maiden has integrity. I think people appreciate that.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #1040585
#6. When you're used to seeing someone being coldly efficient on court and suddenly they go on stage and into your world - it's fascinating.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #1297524
#7. I get to fish a lot of wild and wonderful places on tour.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #1397074
#8. We are one of the last heavy metal bands. Iron Maiden has always been unique.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #1455058
#9. Any approach to scientific inference which seeks to legitimize it and answer in reponse to complex uncertainty is, for me, a totalitarian parody of a would-be rational learning process.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #1468599
#10. A band is sort of like a star. It reaches a peak and burns out. To have five guys working in perfect harmony longer than a couple years is difficult.

Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith Quotes #1470131

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