Top 6 Adam Berlin Quotes

#1. We play phone tag, back and forth, the kind of tag where it's clear we're avoiding each other, where no one wants to be touched, tagged, you're it

Adam Berlin

Adam Berlin Quotes #399380
#2. Let's take a walk. You can show me some of your memories and I'll show you some of mine.

Adam Berlin

Adam Berlin Quotes #780972
#3. I try to remember everything, every thing, but sometimes I forget something. I don't even know what it is sometimes, but I know it's not coming to me, something about him isn't coming to me and when that happens, when a piece is missing, it makes me crazy. I don't know what to do with that.

Adam Berlin

Adam Berlin Quotes #1347470
#4. Anger, hate, blind temper, that crazy switch to destroy, all of it purified into discipline and control, the best side of boxing, Billy says.

Adam Berlin

Adam Berlin Quotes #1551352
#5. She can look at you and make you feel like you're the only one in the world. Even if it's not true, she can make you feel that way. And with her child, it would be true. She would look at her child for as long as her child needed.

Adam Berlin

Adam Berlin Quotes #1676421
#6. Her grief has not so much changed her as stripped her down, stripped her body and her face.

Adam Berlin

Adam Berlin Quotes #1778305

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