Top 100 A.G. Howard Quotes
#1. She was innocence and sweetness, happiness and light.
A.G. Howard
#2. What is a lovely queen like you" - his nose wrinkles - "doing in a smelly place like this?
A.G. Howard
#3. For that is the essence of a soul. Hopes and dreams and love.
A.G. Howard
#4. It doesn't matter if i'm crazy, as long as the madness helps me survive
A.G. Howard
#5. I should be terrified. I should be committed. But something about the netherling is sensual and exhilarating, more evocative than anything in my world has ever been.
A.G. Howard
#6. "I believe I'll keep that one to myself, luv. If I told you all my secrets, there would be no more mystery in our relationship."
"I'm not a big fan of mysteries."
That roguish smile I once hated curls his lips and curls my insides. "Rubbish. You adore them."
A.G. Howard
#7. He's lonely and afraid, even if he's in a trance and doesn't realize it. One can't hide loneliness like that.
A.G. Howard
#8. "That is a breathtaking display, luv. But dare not mistake my veneration for surrender."
He starts toward me, his expression fading to a scowl.
A.G. Howard
#9. Human emotions were unpredictable and powerful things.
A.G. Howard
#10. I clench my fingers. She's right, huh? The morbid and revolting are such fascinating subjects.
A.G. Howard
#11. All the shades of us, in one brilliant rainbow.
A.G. Howard
#12. It's too easy, when you have unharnessed power at your fingertips to forget you're not invincible. To make rash decisions that can affect your whole future.
A.G. Howard
#13. Human emotions can be a powerful thing. They can make you see things in an entirely different light.
A.G. Howard
#14. I hate you." "Only because of the way I make you feel." My fingernails eat into my palms. "Only because you bring out the worst in me." "Oh no, luv. I bring out the life in you.
A.G. Howard
#15. You're the one who's oblivious. Because there's nothing brotherly about the way you make me feel.
A.G. Howard
#16. We must ensure that Grenadine doesn't have any cards hidden up her sleeve." He slapped Jeb on the back. "See what I did there? 'Cards up her sleeve'?" He chuckled.
A.G. Howard
#17. Pay attention. Driving is a privilege." "Whateves, Grandma M.
A.G. Howard
#18. The littlest things I once took for granted have become priceless treasures.
A.G. Howard
#19. "Remember that time you dumped out a whole box of bait?"
I almost smile. It was the summer before eighth grade. Dad bought crickets at the bait shop. "They were screaming for help."
A.G. Howard
#20. Wonderland is violent and bizarre, but charming in its way. AnyElsewhere is a whole new level of cruelty.
A.G. Howard
#21. Because of all the things I've experienced on this journey - shrinking and growing, flying sprites, living chess pieces - not a one of them is more magical than this moment.
A.G. Howard
#22. Morpheus reaches out to catch a teardrop on his fingertip. He holds it up in the pale glow that radiates from the few remaining sprites above us. A curious frown curves his lips. You cry for him yet bled for me. One must wonder which is more powerful. More binding. I suppose we shall one day know.
A.G. Howard
#23. Six years of denying that he's the orbit of my world.
A.G. Howard
#24. You make me crazy!"
His eyes light up, glittering onyx against a backdrop of violet jewels. "And you inflame my heart.
A.G. Howard
#25. Even when you do the right thing, sometimes there are dire consequences. Second-guessing every step prevents any forward momentum. Trust yourself, forgive yourself and move on.
A.G. Howard
#26. What are you doing?" I ask Morpheus. "I've never seen anything so savage!" "'Savage'?" The green pig snorts an answer for him. "You act as if we're a bunch of animals.
A.G. Howard
#27. The rabbit hole has collapsed, and my key is melded to a nugget of worthless metal.
A.G. Howard
#28. Be cutthroat and cunning. Think like a netherling queen.
A.G. Howard
#29. Behind every wall and every mirror and every vent, I hear sounds: breathing, rustling, footsteps, and murmurs. I try to tell myself it's just mice making their nests behind the barriers, but since when do rodents whisper?
A.G. Howard
#30. "Do you have any more surprise stowaways up your sleeve?" I ask Morpheus.
Pushing dents out of his hat, he scowls. "I'm starting to fear I didn't bring enough. If there's one thing netherlings are good at, it's cleaning messes."
A.G. Howard
#31. Her magic can both inspire and tame pandemonium. How she finds beauty in the morbid and bizarre. It
A.G. Howard
#32. I don't want to blend," Etalon whispered. "I want to belong.
A.G. Howard
#33. The Phantom is not famous for forgiveness.
A.G. Howard
#34. He was incomplete, broken; and despised it.
A.G. Howard
#35. "Do you think you would've been better off not getting yours back?"
Jeb looks down at the floor, a thoughtful crease between his eyebrows. "I think I would've been better off not ever making them to begin with."
A.G. Howard
#36. Game, set, match. Ever, and always, my equal.
A.G. Howard
#37. My name is Morpheus. Find a looking glass and call on me when you are ready to claim your destiny. With
A.G. Howard
#38. Of course she is. Because she's eight kinds of wonderful, and that's just her legs." Jeb furrows his brow. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Taelor has all the diplomacy of a black widow spider. Garnet's her birthstone. You're wearing her birthday on your lip. Talk about spinning you up in her web.
A.G. Howard
#39. I'm game for anything. Will you pelt me with falling hearts in a symbolic rain of our unrequited love? Or perhaps chain me to a wall in lace made of moonlight and have your way with me?
A.G. Howard
#40. I go where Al goes, dances-with-bugs. And just so you know, if anything happens to her, I'll pin you by your wings to a corkboard and use you for dart practice.
A.G. Howard
#41. Another thread snaps loose from my heart, the pain precise and acute. I embrace it, because it reminds me I'm still here. I'm alive. I'm empowered.
A.G. Howard
#42. I start to take off my seat belt. "I'm still stuck."
Morpheus eases closer and grasps my hand. "Shall we try to take the skirt off?" he says, his voice provocative. "We have the leisure of doing it right this time.
A.G. Howard
#43. Alyssa, you've been given a chance at two lives and two loves. That is nothing short of a miracle. Cherish the gift for what it is. I shall see you soon, in Wonderland.
A.G. Howard
#44. A sparrow-size moth with a blue body and black wings, splayed on a flower between a slant of sun and shade.
A.G. Howard
#45. I shake my head, eyes clamped tightly. "We're too high ... it makes my stomach kick."
He laughs and inhales a puff off the hookah then blows the smoke over me, saturating me in the comforting scent. "That's how you know you're alive, Alyssa. The kicks.
A.G. Howard
#46. And there, in the midst of blinding orange, yellow, and white flames, our forever begins.
A.G. Howard
#47. You're exquisite. You're transcendent. And you are mine.
A.G. Howard
#48. Biting my lip, I trace the cigarette-butt scars along Jeb's bared torso. I've often wished he could replace all those bad memories with the good ones we've made together since. But now, more than ever, I realize how important every memory is, bad or good, because they shape who we become.
A.G. Howard
#49. He could offer her an eternity of challenges and passion, of quiet, tender moments stolen in the depths of riotous flames and ravaging storms
tranquility amidst the chaos.
A.G. Howard
#50. "I'm just asking you to wait a little while," I whisper. "Isn't forever worth that?" Not giving him the chance to answer, I press my mouth to his cheek, a promise for someday. One pulse of my lips for my childhood friend, and one for the man I'm only starting to know.
A.G. Howard
#51. You are not painting her into one of those goon suits. She is royalty. Dress her like royalty. Give her some glitter . . . some glitz. And a crown." "Go back to your room, Morpheus." Jeb takes the paintbrush. "The grown-ups have work to do.
A.G. Howard
#52. Some people have no business attending a dignified tea. Gawking as if I belong in a zoo, when they're the ones who have all the manners and the fashion sense of a monkey.
A.G. Howard
#53. I gasp. The profoundness of such a gesture, from a self-seeking fae, touches my soul. The only thing predictable about my future king is his unpredictability. "You once told me you wouldn't be a gentleman. You lied."
A.G. Howard
#54. He is loyal to you. It is his desire to be with you that drives him to these desperate schemes.
A.G. Howard
#55. You are part human, and an artist. Creation is your power.
A.G. Howard
#56. Well, I know what you feel for Jeb. And it's simple and pure. You two have been friends since the day you met. And it grew into something more. That's a tangible thing, Butterfly. And so rare. The best kind of love.
A.G. Howard
#57. I smirk. "That owl is one of your creations?"
Jeb's grin widens. "It was for bug-breath's own good. Dude's ancient ... he needs to stay in shape.
A.G. Howard
#58. But only one lady is my equal in every way. Intellectually, physically, magically." "It's all about her, isn't it?" My envy is almost palpable. "You'd endanger anyone to have her in your arms." "Absolutely, I would.
A.G. Howard
#59. You had the morning together. He painted your half-naked body, the lucky sod. Had that been my job, your pretty clothes would ne'er have been crafted.
A.G. Howard
#60. I wanted to lift you above me and swing you in circles until we were both dizzy and laughing. I wanted to kiss your lips and share your breath. And I wanted to dress you in threads befitting a queen.
A.G. Howard
#61. Do you really think these are Alice's tears?" I ask. "That I'm supposed to make them go away somehow?"
"I'm the wrong guy to ask. I just saw a skeleton with antlers and a forest of aphid-noshing flower zombies.
A.G. Howard
#62. You think this is a corsage? How adorably human of you.
A.G. Howard
#63. Yes, we will quarrel incessantly and fight for dominance. And yes, there will be ravishes of passion, but there will also be gentle lulls. That is who we are together.
A.G. Howard
#64. No matter what happens, we'll find each other again. You're my lifeline. You always will be.
A.G. Howard
#65. As I start to take his hand, his eyes pass over my lingerie slowly.
"Where the hell did you get those?" He obviously recognizes the fabric. "How does that cockroach know your measurements, huh?"
A.G. Howard
#66. It's great to have him watching my back without standing in my way.
A.G. Howard
#68. My mom stares at him in disbelief. "This is thanks to your schemes. You pressured her to choose you ... to choose Wonderland over her other side. What did you think would happen?"
Morpheus hunches lower, miserable.
A.G. Howard
#69. "I know it's not fair to ask either of you to be okay with that."
Jeb tips up my chin with a fingertip. "You didn't ask. And I don't want fair. I don't want easy, either. I want one lifetime with you, and every crazy complication that comes with it."
A.G. Howard
#71. My precious Alyssa, share reality with me. Give me forever. We will wreak such beautiful havoc together.
A.G. Howard
#72. Romance wasn't fair. Nor was it a game. It was war. And, as on any other battlefield, compassion and mercy had no place there.
A.G. Howard
#73. Morpheus leans close. His hair brushes my exposed shoulder, tickling and soft. "Shy little blossom," he whispers, his sweet breath cloaking me. "We're simply going to meld your pain away."
Meld ... that doesn't sound like something my dad would approve of.
A.G. Howard
#74. What would that be like? To never have an identity of your own? No wonder they call him mad.
A.G. Howard
#75. "Let me guess. It has to do with Morpheus."
I groan. "It was just a kiss! Why is Jeb so hurt over a stupid kiss?"
"Wait a minute." Dad rocks back on his seat, causing the boat to bob. "You kissed that arrogant ... ? I don't even know how to process that."
"Me neither."
A.G. Howard
#76. Tearing down the rest of the world won't make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That's what fills the emptiness. It's the only things that can.
A.G. Howard
#77. I hate you," I say, the sentiment muffled against his heart, hoping to make it true.
"And I love you," he answers without hesitation, voice resolved and raw as he holds me tighter so I can't break away and react. "A crossroads, my beautiful princess, that was unavoidable - given our situations.
A.G. Howard
#78. "He's wicked. He's dangerous. And he's far from trustworthy. But he's devoted to me and Wonderland. In that respect, he's my friend." I stop before the rest can escape: He's lodged himself inside the netherling half of my heart, no matter how hard I tried to deny him access.
A.G. Howard
#79. Oh, to be sure. That kiss was nothing if not motivational.
A.G. Howard
#80. I'm not a coward." He tries to convince me, as if I'd already called him the name. "It wasn't the fear of death that drove me ... it was captivity. Like you, I cannot be a spirit contained. I must be free. You understand, don't you?
A.G. Howard
#81. "Is there something between the two of you?" I pause at the threshold, waiting.
"No! I hate the wretch." His face, crisscrossed with lacework shadows, grows somber. "I hate her with the same changeless passion with which I love you."
A.G. Howard
#82. Because he believes in me. He lets me take chances and learn from them. That's something a friend does.
A.G. Howard
#83. Morpheus yelps.
Once we're back on the road, I catch a glimpse of him in the rearview. His beloved hat is crushed against his chest between his fists.
A.G. Howard
#84. My mouth drained of moisture. I never realized a threat could double as an enticement.
A.G. Howard
#85. I feel lost yet strangely at home, like a flea who has taken up residence on a zebra.
A.G. Howard
#86. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That's what fills the emptiness. It's the only thing that can.
A.G. Howard
#87. Everything - our lives, our loves, our futures - hinges on one word alone: IF.
A.G. Howard
#88. He raised his wine for a toast. "To the Exquisite Nightmare.
A.G. Howard
#89. Are you real?" I whisper
"Do I feel real?" he whispers back
A.G. Howard
#90. He's a contradiction: taut magic coiled to strike, gentleness at war with severity, a tongue as sharp as a whip's edge, yet skin so soft he could be swathed in clouds.
A.G. Howard
#91. But I do, and the barbed wire tightens once more, until my heart is strangled and broken.
A.G. Howard
#92. Howdy-hi, she sings. As usual, she's over-the-top bubbly-like Mary Poppins
A.G. Howard
#93. No worries. What happens in Wonderland stays in Wonderland, right?
A.G. Howard
#94. Believing you're alone in the universe is less terrifying than admitting you might have an otherworldly audience. Morpheus
A.G. Howard
#95. Netherling logic resides in the hazy border between sense and nonsense.
A.G. Howard
#96. Bad news is, they've figured out I'm alive. Worse news, I can't be sure about them. Their decomposing stench burns my throat. They don't sound very big. Maybe they're pygmy zombies.
A.G. Howard
#97. He withdrew a cylinder of paper from inside his jacket's cuff and unrolled it so I could see the beautiful winding letters. The golden ink looked wet,
A.G. Howard
#98. Queen and King Red - here's where it started. And here it will end ...
A.G. Howard
#99. Where was the excitement it dependability? Where was the spontaneity in a predictable world? He could offer her an eternity of challenges and passion, of quiet, tender moments stolen in the depths of riotous flames and ravaging storms - tranquillity amidst the chaos.
A.G. Howard
#100. Guard your throats and hide your eyes. He's not dead, you fools. Legends never die.
A.G. Howard
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