Top 34 Zosia Quotes

#1. I am an avid reader! As for writing, I might - someday. But we'll have to wait and see.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1352776
#2. I had a very old woman come up to me on the subway and tell me that the faces that I made in the first episode when a guy is going down on me, that she still makes those faces when her husband goes down on her.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #901757
#3. My dad has always been really helpful. He taught me that talent is a bonus, but persistence is what wins out.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #926308
#4. The mystery of Christopher Wheeldon deepens. Yes, he's the most talented of the younger ballet choreographers - indeed, where's the competition? Yes, he's particularly good at nurturing dancers and identifying their essential qualities.

Robert Gottlieb

Zosia Quotes #932191
#5. I'm a little bit of a weirdo - I'm kind of a loner, I didn't go to college, I spend a lot of my time reading. I've been working since I was 17, so that's sort of been my life.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #935035
#6. I think feminism's a bit misinterpreted. It was about casting off all gender roles. There's nothing wrong with a man holding a door open for a girl. But we sort of threw away all the rules, so everybody's confused. And dating becomes a sloppy, uncomfortable, unpleasant thing.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #937627
#7. A lot of people in line at the grocery store think that they know me, but they don't.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #955685
#8. Something should remind us once more that the great things in this universe are things that we never see.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Zosia Quotes #1029451
#9. I miss my horse. He's in Los Angeles.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1134003
#10. Too often instead of taking a stand we try to take the shortest route directly out of wherever we've found ourselves standing.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Zosia Quotes #863402
#11. I have a ship's bed, which totally plays to my obsession of, if I were not an actress, I would be a pirate.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1358906
#12. I am a private human.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1428804
#13. I think any actor in their right mind is afraid of getting pigeonholed.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1475488
#14. Comedy arises out of necessity, because some things are so dark that you have to laugh about it.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1530720
#15. The lighthearted moments of 'Girls' are really not speckled throughout and that to me is just super exciting, to be able to delve into the darkness that you are greeted with in your early 20s and the fear and what that makes you do, the places that you can potentially go with that.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1565432
#16. All the characters on 'Girls' are growing and changing, which is how real people behave, especially when we're young, trying to figure out who we are, doing things that are the polar opposite of our characteristics.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1591607
#17. Give me an 18-hour day on set or in the theater, and I will be the happiest person alive.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #1814034
#18. My mom was onstage when she was pregnant with me.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #579976
#19. I don't know if I would call myself a religious human.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #98906
#20. I would have been miserable in college. I always hated school.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #115709
#21. We kept the old male ideas of success: power and money. We need new ones!

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #124170
#22. I grew up backstage and on movie sets, and I thought they were the most magical places on Earth.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #387214
#23. I did 'Mad Men' and I still have people come up to me like, 'Are you actually a lesbian?' Really? Just because I play one on TV? People will think what they're gonna think.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #456472
#24. I haven't found it to be particularly enjoyable ... ninety percent of the time when I go on dates, I'm thinking, 'I could be reading my book instead.'

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #468670
#25. I apologize to all my fans. I ask for your prayers for a successful surgery and healthy body. I will be back in shape to fight again and to give you more excitement. A big hug for all of you and be with God.

Wanderlei Silva

Zosia Quotes #471740
#26. KISS has always been outside of the borders of what other bands can do. Not that some of these other bands wouldn't want to do it - the fact that they may snicker or look down their noses at what we do is more out of jealously than anything else.

Paul Stanley

Zosia Quotes #483582
#27. People idealize or reminisce about their 20s, but nobody tells you beforehand that it's hard and unglamorous and often very unpleasant.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #28723
#28. I have quite a foul mouth.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #615012
#29. Success isn't about winning everything; it's about achieving your dream, be that teaching middle school or flying jets. And no matter what we as individual women want, no matter what our goals, we have to support one another.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #639404
#30. I went to a strict elementary school with nuns, and uniforms that I'm pretty sure were made out of sandpaper. It was an academic, sports-oriented place. I liked to read, and wanted to act, and didn't try out for volleyball. I was weird. The other girls would dip my hair in ink and stuff.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #695399
#31. But my father was also the one who told me I needed to clean up my mouth or I'd never find a man. What's very important to him is manners. Show up on time. Always send thank-you letters. He is one of the more thoughtful humans I've ever met. He's a great man and a very good dad.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #734814
#32. With 'Girls,' it doesn't really feel like I'm doing TV specifically. It just feels like we're making a really long film.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #768663
#33. I don't watch much television. My old TV agent used to always get mad at me because he'd send me out on auditions and I'd be like, 'What's this show?' and he'd be like, 'It's literally the top show on television.' I wasn't allowed to watch TV as a kid.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #790706
#34. For me, it's owning the fact that I have a sensitive disposition along with a rampant imagination that makes up stories and convinces me they're true. I feel things intensely, and that sometimes brings me on wave of profound sorrow.

Zosia Mamet

Zosia Quotes #852555

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