Top 9 Zend Avesta Espanol Quotes
#1. You can force compliance with your directions, you can require obedience, but you can't mandate enthusiasm, creativity, fresh thinking, or inspiration. If you value that, then people need to feel ownership of the work, and the leader must cede some control to them.
Roger Nierenberg
#2. You can believe that you are neither a slave to inspiration nor its master, but something far more interesting - its partner - and that the two of you are working together toward something intriguing and worthwhile.
Elizabeth Gilbert
#3. I love jokes, but God, jokes can go so wrong. I have stayed up many nights thinking, "F**k. I can't believe I made that silly little joke. That was a disaster."
Drew Barrymore
#4. I think very early on in life we all learn what we're good at and what we're not good at, and we stay where it's safe.
Sara Blakely
#5. If you look at Myspace, Facebook was a better product. It's as simple as that.
Andrew Mason
#6. I don't like it, but my hands are tied. I just want you to know this: if I ever get the chance to betray you, I will. If the opportunity arises to pay you back, I'll take it. You'll never be able to trust me.
Darren Shan
#7. Poems that come swiftly are usually the ones that you keep.
Seamus Heaney
#8. The book of nature is the book of fate. She turns the gigantic pages, leaf after leaf never returning one.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#9. You are a good young man," she said. "But I do not like husbands. I will never have another.
George Eliot
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