Top 10 Yuson Kim Quotes

#1. The one who realizes the mistake, seeks forgiveness and searches for kindness, must be forgiven.

M.F. Moonzajer

Yuson Kim Quotes #340469
#2. The more power a man held, the more likely he was to be an idiot with it.

Robert Jordan

Yuson Kim Quotes #380321
#3. God then does not profess to answer in Scripture all the questions that we, in our boundless curiosity, would like to ask about Scripture. He tells us merely as much as He sees we need to know as a basis for our life of faith.

J.I. Packer

Yuson Kim Quotes #532994
#4. Christmas is a season of such infinite labour, as well as expense in the shopping and present-making line, that almost every woman I know is good for nothing in purse and person for a month afterwards, done up physically, and broken down financially.

Fanny Kemble

Yuson Kim Quotes #558336
#5. By definition, poetry works with qualities and dynamics that mainstream society is reluctant to face head-on. It's an interesting phenomenon that by necessity, poetry is just below the radar.

David Whyte

Yuson Kim Quotes #915931
#6. Health care and education, in my view, are next up for fundamental software-based transformation.

Marc Andreessen

Yuson Kim Quotes #1017905
#7. The greatest height of heroism to which an individual, like a people, can attain is to know how to face ridicule.

Miguel De Unamuno

Yuson Kim Quotes #1255896
#8. Opinion is a flitting thing, but the truth outlasts the sun.

Emily Dickinson

Yuson Kim Quotes #1314112
#9. Are you sick and tired of men sniveling and whining about how we women want to smother them? If you can still hear them whining you aren't holding the pillow down hard enough.

Fred Green

Yuson Kim Quotes #1328924
#10. It's a treat, being a long-distance runner, out in the world by yourself . . . - Alan Sillitoe, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner

John L. Parker Jr.

Yuson Kim Quotes #1371452

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