Top 32 You Are God Gifted Quotes
#1. O mighty-mouthed inventor of harmonies, O skilled to sing of Time or Eternity, God-gifted organ-voice of England, Milton, a name to resound for ages.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
#2. God is looking for gifted people to send to the world of entertainment, to reveal himself there.
Sunday Adelaja
#3. God has clearly called and gifted some people in the church to teach his Word formally.
David Platt
#4. God gave you that gifted tongue of yours, and set it between your teeth, to make known your true meaning to us, not to be rattled like a muffin man's bell.
Thomas Carlyle
#5. I have absolutely no complaints about my life. But people think I got handed everything, all this kind of fell in my lap, that I was just God-gifted with all this talent. I wanted people to realize it's a lot tougher than just waking up one day and you're in the NHL.
Wayne Gretzky
#6. Boxing is not brutal, it's an art - God has gifted me with incredible handspeed as a tool to be used - what else am I supposed to do but fight? There ain't no hand-racing competitions.
Roy Jones Jr.
#7. I'm a good neurosugeon. That's not a boast but a way of acknowledging the innate ability God has given to me. Beginning with determination and using my gifted hands, I went on for training and sharpening for my skills.
Benjamin Carson
#8. God can, has and will use anybody who is open to serving Him to convey the gospel. He will bless the efforts of His servants whether they are gifted as evangelizers or not.
George Barna
#9. Every man and woman alive is gifted by God in some special way. People who have a self-image of worth are going to see value in what they do. This is the attitude that motivates them to be and to do their best. It's a drive that comes from within people.
William Walton
#10. Herein lies a riddle: How can a people so gifted by God become so seduced by naked power, so greedy for money, so addicted to violence, so slavish before mediocre and treacherous leadership, so paranoid, deluded, lunatic?
Philip Berrigan
#11. Anyone who enters into an intimate relationship with God can see God do exceptional things through his or her life. The outcome does not depend upon a person being unusually gifted, educated, or wealthy. The key is the indwelling presence of God doing unusual things
Henry T. Blackaby
#12. God gifted us only one life & it is solely our choice to make it dull with one color, or beautiful with many colors!
Swati Jain
#13. I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.
Albert Einstein
#14. The world is an abundant place. Abundant with opportunity, abundant with good fortune, abundant with ideas, and abundant with love. Reach into that abundance and take what is rightfully yours. It is your inheritance, gifted to you by God. Let yourself have it.
Neale Donald Walsch
#16. We [Israel people] always blame Moses, that he was our greatest leader and one of the most gifted people in the world. He brought us the moral code and so on, belief in one God, but then he was a bad navigator. He brought us to the only part of the Middle East without any gas, without any oil.
Benjamin Netanyahu
#17. I haven't had any formal education. Through the grace of god, I am gifted in mathematics and the English language.
Shakuntala Devi
#18. All of us have weaknesses, but we also have strengths. God's Spirit has gifted each of us for the good of the church.
James Robison
#19. God has gifted me in communication. He has given me a gift to be very open about myself, which seems to really help a lot of people. It's not even anything I do on purpose. It's just something I don't have a problem with. I don't care what you know about me if it will help you.
Joyce Meyer
#21. God gifted man with intellect so that he might know his Maker. Man abused it so that he might forget his Maker.
Mahatma Gandhi
#22. God is unveiling women around the world. He always has and continues to work through women and girls, who are half of His church. They are, like men and boys, His image bearers. They are also, like men and boys, gifted, empowered, smart, and anointed.
Jen Hatmaker
#23. You were deliberately planned, specially gifted, and lovingly placed on this earth by God. In a world that decides your worth by the clothes you wear or the sports you play, let me tell you something - you are valuable because God created you.
Max Lucado
#24. Why will God's creatures sin against his throne? Can there be such madness in beings gifted with reason's light?
Charles Grandison Finney
#25. Moving from unbelief, to Evangelicalism, and finally home to the Catholic Church, Professor Holly Ordway reveals how a gifted mind, longing for transcendence, can only appropriate it if it is wholly given by the reach and power of God's grace.
Francis J. Beckwith
#26. I try to speak in everyday language. I feel like God has gifted me to take Bible principles and make them practical.
Joel Osteen
#27. I thank God, that if I am gifted with little of the spirit which is able to raise mortals to the skies, I have yet none, as I trust, of that other spirit which would drag angels down.
Daniel Webster
#28. It's critical to God that we think about how we live, how we spend the present time with which we're gifted each day.
Craig Groeschel
#29. Most would think that I'm a god with every reason to be happy. But I'm a mistake God made. Too much power doesn't create happiness. It steals it. To have it all means there's no struggle and without having to pay a price, nothing has value. I wasn't gifted with powers. I was cursed with them.
Sarah Noffke
#30. Obviously, the only reason I'm where I am is because God has gifted me and He has seen fit to put me where I am. I have to honor that by using my influence and my status on the team and in the game of baseball for good and to His purpose.
Lance Berkman
#31. My dearest Eden, I suppose, someday, after I have passed, you will dig through my journals and happen upon this letter. I pray that it finds you as amazed at the life God has gifted to you as I was when I discovered a daughter
Susan May Warren
#32. She has man's brain
a brain that a man should have were he much gifted
and woman's heart. The good God fashioned her for a purpose, believe me when He made that so good combination.
Bram Stoker
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