Top 10 Yasutora Sado Quotes

#1. From what I have observed, when the anesthesia of love wears off, there is always the pain of consequences. You don't have to be stupid to marry the wrong man.

Amy Tan

Yasutora Sado Quotes #31745
#2. A princess and a tiger, huh? Such excessive names! Our names mean 'monkey' and 'lewd!' I'm so jealous!

Tite Kubo

Yasutora Sado Quotes #184841
#3. A pity it was so early in the day and I couldn't treat myself to the roller coaster. we'll have to come back, you and I, and make up for it."
"Sure, when I've lost my mind and want to rush screaming through the air in a little car.

J.D. Robb

Yasutora Sado Quotes #457348
#4. Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If you're not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not demanding more from yourself - expanding and learning as you go - you're choosing a numb existence. You're denying yourself an extraordinary trip.

Dean Karnazes

Yasutora Sado Quotes #530072
#5. I'm still driven by the feeling I had when I wrote my first book or read a Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle adventure.

Kate Klise

Yasutora Sado Quotes #658115
#6. What you hope for determines what you live for. What you hope for determines WHO you live for. Hope misplaced can devastate you.

James MacDonald

Yasutora Sado Quotes #747781
#7. Father said conflict develops the character

Zelda Fitzgerald

Yasutora Sado Quotes #968348
#8. How heavy is the toll of sins and wrong that wealth, power and prestige exact from man.

Mahatma Gandhi

Yasutora Sado Quotes #1140810
#9. I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life, I absenteed myself from Christian assemblies.

Benjamin Franklin

Yasutora Sado Quotes #1430724
#10. The storm puts its lips to the house and blows to make a sound.

Tomas Transtromer

Yasutora Sado Quotes #1724553

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