Top 5 Yasminelle Pil Quotes

#1. Not all people are 'people', some are more and some are less. But only those who listen intently with their hearts will recognise them for what they are.

Wayne Gerard Trotman

Yasminelle Pil Quotes #145126
#2. Love is the only path to anything worth doing, creating or pursuing.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Yasminelle Pil Quotes #441680
#3. ...It is just not hard to love where I am when where I am is here.

Hannah Moskowitz

Yasminelle Pil Quotes #1023524
#4. English banjo players really were a law unto themselves - you don't find that kind of brisk banjo playing on the original Louis Armstrong or Bix Beiderbecke records.

Pete Townshend

Yasminelle Pil Quotes #1067432
#5. Had there been a reporter along with Lieutenant Calley when he massacred those people in Vietnam, I think that probably wouldn't have happened.

Bob Schieffer

Yasminelle Pil Quotes #1758902

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