Top 12 Yankel Quotes

#1. You're impossible, Yankel! I'm possibly possible. Thank you, she said,

Jonathan Safran Foer

Yankel Quotes #65812
#2. Every night before putting her to sleep, Yankel counts her ribs, as if one might have disappeared in the course of the day and become the seed and soil for some new companion to steal her away from him.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Yankel Quotes #96980
#3. The horse at the bottom of the river, shrouded by the sunken night sky, closed its heavy eyes. The prehistoric ant in Yankel's ring, which had lain motionless in the honey-colored amber since long before Noah hammered the first plank, hid its head between its many legs, in shame.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Yankel Quotes #1561079
#4. I don't feel particularly attached to Israel - 'nationalism,' as Noam Chomsky said, 'is not my cup of tea' - but I feel no particular need to demonize it.

Norman Finkelstein

Yankel Quotes #458108
#5. There is no wall that is high enough to stop a horse with a cart filled with gold.

Philip II Of Macedon

Yankel Quotes #531224
#6. When the soul is just liberated from the wretched giant's bed of dogmas on which it has been racked and stretched ever since it began to think, there is a feeling of exultation and strong hope.

George Eliot

Yankel Quotes #556979
#7. Four-leaf
Clover: a
Mutation, or

Matthew Quick

Yankel Quotes #818253
#8. Effort, not ability, makes the biggest difference in achievement.

William J. Clinton

Yankel Quotes #968347
#9. When I was in the Army, the unit I served in, you could never stop. It was a volunteer unit, and there was a fairly high rate of attrition. The people who stayed through are the people who were either great at it or the people who just didn't know how to stop. And I fell into that second category.

Michael Arad

Yankel Quotes #1115614
#10. Truthfully, I don't really think of myself as a photographer. I don't have all the disciplines and knowledge of a person who's spent their life devoted to photography.

Patti Smith

Yankel Quotes #1332924
#11. Life was a short shelf that came with bookends.

Stephen King

Yankel Quotes #1434926
#12. Pain is always a fanged serpent, but to the fearful it has a hundred heads.

Dagobert D. Runes

Yankel Quotes #1510982

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