Top 64 Wyden Quotes
#1. Senator Wyden continues to be the Senate's truest champion of an open Internet.
Aaron Swartz
#2. If China is helping its domestic industries charge an artificially low price for solar panels and other environmental goods, then China is violating international trade rules that it agreed to when it became a member of the World Trade Organization.
Ron Wyden
#3. Until relatively recently, law enforcement's ability to determine an individual's location and track their movements was largely limited to natural human powers of observation.
Ron Wyden
#4. The Internet has changed the way we communicate with each other, the way we learn about the world and the way we conduct business.
Ron Wyden
#5. I don't care who you love. If you love this country enough to risk your life for it, you shouldn't have to hide who you are.
Ron Wyden
#6. Americans are free to choose everything from what they eat, drive and watch on TV to the President of the United States. Yet, when it comes to allowing Americans to choose the health insurance that works best for them and their family, the freedom to choose suddenly becomes un-American.
Ron Wyden
#7. Right now, there are a limited number of customers for Canadian oil. Due to simple geography - and without the pipeline - it's really only cost effective for Canadian oil producers to sell their oil to North American customers, mostly American Midwesterners.
Ron Wyden
#8. The ethics laws do not let us tap out the truth in Morse code.
Ron Wyden
#9. Rather than waiting for future trials to determine rules that will impact every citizen, Congress should step in and write a law that takes every American's rights into consideration.
Ron Wyden
#10. There is an old saying that all roads lead to Rome. It seems the administration so often clearly believes that no matter what the evidence was at any particular time, essentially everything led to Saddam Hussein.
Ron Wyden
#11. Pay-for-procedure or fee-for-service reimbursement rewards doctors and hospitals for volume - not keeping patients healthy or being efficiency. Pay-for-Performance is clearly one tool that can change the incentives to reward quality.
Ron Wyden
#12. It is hard to miss the irony in the fact that the very same week that Republicans were publicly heralding Congressman Paul Ryan's plan to inject market forces into the American health care system, they were crafting a budget deal to strip them from the health reform law.
Ron Wyden
#13. Let's hold insurance companies accountable the right way by making them put their whole customer base on the line.
Ron Wyden
#14. It's time to look beyond the budget ax to assure access to health care for all. It's time to look for bipartisan solutions to the problems we can tackle today, and to work together for tomorrow - building a health care system that works for all Americans.
Ron Wyden
#15. Gasoline prices are soaring through the stratosphere, and the Federal Trade Commission, which is supposed to be standing up for the consumer, ought to stop playing footsie with the oil companies and take steps to protect the American people.
Ron Wyden
#16. My sense is that, when you look at what people such as former Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein have said over the years, you don't go with a story unless you have two independent sources to confirm it.
Ron Wyden
#17. Oregonians aren't the only ones who recognize the extraordinary service and sacrifice of their state's National Guard.
Ron Wyden
#18. Fixing health care and fixing the economy are two sides of the same coin.
Ron Wyden
#19. When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.
Ron Wyden
#20. The reality is that the special interest groups that have lobbied against Free Choice Vouchers object to any measure that would empower employees to have a say in their health benefits because it begins to erode their power in the current health care system.
Ron Wyden
#21. It is hard to see Judge Roberts as a judicial activist who would place ideological purity or a particular agenda above or ahead the need for thoughtful legal reasoning.
Ron Wyden
#22. I think I've got the best job around.
Ron Wyden
#23. President Obama was right to make enforcement of those trade rules a priority and his creation, today, of a Trade Enforcement Unit is a massive step in the right direction.
Ron Wyden
#24. I believe the most important aspect of Medicare is not the structure of the program but the guarantee to all Americans that they will have high quality health care as they get older.
Ron Wyden
#25. If we are going to have a health care program that works for all Americans, we are going to have to get beyond the blame game.
Ron Wyden
#26. Protect IP (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) are a step towards a different kind of Internet. They are a step towards an Internet in which those with money and lawyers and access to power have a greater voice than those who don't.
Ron Wyden
#27. This house better get cleaned up in six months. The swamp is going to have to be drained pretty quickly.
Ron Wyden
#28. Without Free Choice Vouchers, there is little in the health reform law that discourages employers from increasingly passing the burden of health care costs onto their employees.
Ron Wyden
#29. President Obama said it best during his state of the Union Address this year when he declared: 'I will go anywhere in the world to open new markets for American products. And I will not stand by when our competitors don't play by the rules.'
Ron Wyden
#30. Under the Healthy Americans Act, you're in charge of your health care - not your employer. If you lose your job, change jobs or just can't find a job, your health insurance is guaranteed to stick with you.
Ron Wyden
#31. With the loss of Free Choice Vouchers, hundreds of thousands of workers will now be forced to choose between their employers' unaffordable insurance or going without health care.
Ron Wyden
#32. Like any business, the oil industry runs on the basic premise of supply and demand. The more supply - the lower the price. The higher the demand - the higher price. In other words, the more people who can buy oil, the higher the price of oil.
Ron Wyden
#33. For Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 267,300 reserve component service men and women were called to service.
Ron Wyden
#34. Men and women who have served in harm's way experience higher rates of divorce and suicide. Many battle the debilitating effects and stigma associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Ron Wyden
#35. I think we have to ask this administration, and the President specifically, about using their political capital now to stand up for the American consumer who is getting clobbered by these gasoline and oil prices.
Ron Wyden
#36. The president has the authority to end this dragnet surveillance immediately
Ron Wyden
#37. In today's world, it is shortsighted to think that infectious diseases cannot cross borders. By allowing developing countries access to generic drugs, we not only help improve health in those nations, we also help ourselves control these debilitating and often deadly diseases.
Ron Wyden
#38. When the Veterans Affairs Department implemented a program to provide home-based health care to veterans with multiple chronic conditions - many of the system's most expensive patients to treat - they received astounding results.
Ron Wyden
#39. How can it be, in a country as strong and rich as this one, that tens of thousands of Americans who need legal representation are turned away every year because their government won't support the very program designed to help them?
Ron Wyden
#40. It's the Hitler within us that's our problem," said the media expert Peter Boenisch. "Germans are pigheaded. The fascination of Hitler is a reaction to the complexity of the world, so complicated and so insoluble for the lower strata. There is no outlet for frustration.
Peter Wyden
#41. The Bush administration did stop filling the reserve in 2002 when it helped the oil industry. Now they should do it to help the consumer.
Ron Wyden
#42. It took a little over a decade to build a coalition strong enough to beat the insurance companies, but in 1990, then Senator Tom Daschle and I passed a law regulating the private market for supplemental Medicare insurance policies.
Ron Wyden
#43. I've written and passed laws to give Medicare beneficiaries access to life saving cancer drugs and to ensure that seniors don't have to give up the prospect of a cure when they go into hospice care.
Ron Wyden
#44. You have an always-expanding, omnipresent surveillance state that's constantly chipping away at the liberties and freedoms of law-abiding Americans.
Ron Wyden
#45. For the amount of money that the country is going to spend this year on health care, you can go out and hire a doctor for every seven families in the US and pay the doctor almost $230,000 a year to cover them.
Ron Wyden
#46. Many health care providers, particularly physicians in rural and urban areas, are leaving the Government programs because of inadequate reimbursement rates.
Ron Wyden
#47. Congress should consult experts and consider alternatives and make 100% sure that any step it takes to police the Internet doesn't change the Internet as we know it.
Ron Wyden
#48. With a host of proposals on the table and a President examining new ideas for health reform, we have an obligation to give real reform our best shot.
Ron Wyden
#49. The Internet has become an integral part of everyday life precisely because it has been an open-to-all land of opportunity where entrepreneurs, thinkers and innovators are free to try, fail and then try again.
Ron Wyden
#50. When I was 27 years old, I organized legal aid clinics to help low-income seniors. It was a life-altering experience.
Ron Wyden
#51. If you like the health insurance that you have you should be able to keep it, but if you don't like the health insurance you have, you should be able to choose something else.
Ron Wyden
#52. I think if progressives stay at this, continue at the grassroots level to make the case that all Americans should have choice, all Americans ought to be able to hold insurance companies accountable, I think we will have 60 votes in the United States Senate for a strong bill.
Ron Wyden
#53. It's correct that I wanted health reform to do more to create choices and promote competition.
Ron Wyden
#54. Trade wars aren't started by countries appealing to respected, independent trade authorities. Rather, trade wars begin when one country decides to violate international trade rules to undercut another country's industries.
Ron Wyden
#55. It is unclear exactly how many law enforcement agencies are currently using this capability, but it is reasonable to say that while resource limitations used to discourage the government from tracking you without a good reason, these constraints have largely disappeared.
Ron Wyden
#56. As Members of Congress we can now engage with our constituents via online innovations like the Huffington Post, while a small business in rural Oregon can use the Internet to find customers around the world.
Ron Wyden
#57. I agree with just about everyone in the reform debate when they say 'If you like what you have, you should be able to keep it.' But the truth is that none of the health reform bills making their way through Congress actually delivers on that promise.
Ron Wyden
#58. The U.S. Senate does not allow legislative provisions to be included in appropriations bills, for much the same reason that most Americans are concerned about earmarks: it creates a slippery slope by which lobbyists and special interest groups can sneak provisions into large, must-pass legislation.
Ron Wyden
#59. I voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, not because I thought it was the best we could do, but because I thought it was a whole lot better than the current system.
Ron Wyden
#60. Because of the Korean free trade agreement, South Koreans who want Oregon blueberries are gonna see their prices go down because we will be getting rid of a 45 percent tariff on this Oregon product.
Ron Wyden
#61. More customers for Canadian oil means that Canadian producers can charge more for their oil, which then means that American businesses and consumers will pay more for oil.
Ron Wyden
#62. The idea of a federal betting parlor on atrocities and terrorism is ridiculous and it's grotesque.
Ron Wyden
#63. For those who believe executive branch officials will voluntarily interpret their surveillance authorities with restraint, I believe it is more likely that I will achieve my life-long dream of playing in the NBA.
Ron Wyden
#64. I believe that whether you love your job or hate your job, get laid off or are just in-between jobs, you deserve health care that can never be taken away.
Ron Wyden
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