Top 100 Woodring Quotes

#1. It's funny, in some of the interviews I've seen that were done for the film, some people say things like, 'Oh, I was never a very big Jim Woodring fan. I've never thought his work was that great.'

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #515082
#2. It is in the darkest night that the light we are shines brightest

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1225106
#3. last name's just for people who want you to be impressed by their parents." I

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1229259
#4. Corellian curses being a synergistic blend of vulgarity, obscenity, and outright blasphemy that were the only things really worth saying when one was in the middle of being blown to monatomic dust.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1178851
#5. I think that cartoons have a lot more power than they're given credit for.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #1175727
#6. If you take out the team in teamwork, it's just work. Now who wants that?

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1159150
#7. Every time a horse let you up onto its back, it's giving you its life. Every time.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1155582
#8. I don't trust my mind for everyday thinking, but I am convinced that it has one very great function, which is to eventually make me aware of astounding things.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #1147146
#9. The fiction I tend to like is nothing like my own work. I like the kind of writing that shows me things I don't know about, and what I don't know about is the everyday, normal world.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #1106299
#10. Comics could use more creators with something worthwhile to say.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #1069629
#11. When you always know what is right, where is freedom? No one chooses the wrong, Jacen Solo. Uncertainty sets you free.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1061585
#12. Life is more a matter of choosing than knowing. He could never know the eventual destination of his path, but he could always choose in which direction to take each step.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1057662
#13. I swear to you on any kind of sacred whateverthefuck you favor: if I live through this I will absolutely start taking your advice." "That'll look nice on your headstone.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1056293
#14. A tree is an incomprehensible mystery.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #1044746
#15. Should's nothing like is.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1039503
#16. It's not always easy to distinguish between existentialism and a bad mood.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1026173
#17. And Anakin is on his way despite the dread boiling through his blood. That's what makes him a real hero. Not the way the HoloNet labels him; not without fear, but stronger than fear.
He looks the dragon in the eye and doesn't even slow down.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1020404
#18. I have known you since the world was born. Everything you are is what you should be. Everything you should be is what you are. I know all of you, and there is nothing in you I do not love.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1017133
#19. So this is how liberty dies," she was saying to herself. "With cheering, and applause.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1006204
#20. I guess if I had to put it into a single phrase, the moral of the Frank stories is that the hammer never really falls.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #972654
#21. Now Obi Wan did face him.
'Palpatine faced Mace and Agen and Kit and Saesee-four of the greatest swordsmen our order has ever produced. By Himself. Even both of us together wouldn't have a chance.'
'True,' Yoda said, 'But both of us apart, a chance we might create ...

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #967009
#22. I am not the same man you found that day! The monster you've created has returned, to kill you!

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #957895
#23. Each of us is the sum of our scars.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #943163
#24. Do you think I'd start a war without knowing how to end it?"
"You've done it at least three times that I know of!"
"Ah sure, bring up the truth."
Caine and T'Passe

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #930351
#25. Reasons are for peasants.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #901049
#26. Hobbie: "Have I told you today how much I really, really hate you?"
Janson: "Oh, sure, your lips say 'I hate you' but your eyes say - "
Hobbie: "That someday I'll murder you in your sleep?

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #854423
#27. 169. We whip them. Starve them. Chain them. Break their spirits. Break their minds. Still they love us. Still they offer up their lives without hesitation. Because when a horse loves you, it's fucking absolute. And all they ask is that you love them back. Most of them never get even that.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1487474
#28. I don't have to stop you. All I have to do is slow you down.
-Ganner Rhysode

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1612831
#29. Can't trust a fascist
truth is always your first sacrifice to the welfare of the state

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1588876
#30. A powerful enough metaphor grows its own truth.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1581087
#31. The capacity for personal freedom is a rare talent. Talent exists to be used. We do not ask sheep to be wolves; we, the wolves, do not ask ourselves to be sheep. Sheep can make such rules as happen to suit them
but it's foolishly naive to expect wolves to obey.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1559611
#32. Being old enough to know better but still too young to resist mostly sucks.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1555407
#33. If you have to justify an action, you probably shouldn't have done it in the first place.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1547683
#34. When your authority comes straight from God, shit always turns ugly.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1543334
#35. Once you sand the corners off consequences, people start to get really fucking weird.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1529659
#36. Alternative cartoonists have to rely on comic book stores to get their stuff in the hands of readers.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #1527865
#37. The author respectfully dedicates this book to everyone who is almost as smart as they think they are.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1521003
#38. Not his penetrating intellect, or his talents with the Force, or his unmatched skills with a lightsaber.
-Matthew Stover on Mace Windu

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1512512
#39. Which would leave Mace and Agen Kolar- -both among the greatest bladesbeings the Jedi Order has ever produced

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1506133
#40. Love is more than a candle. Love can ignite the stars.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #843251
#41. And so, here at the end of days, you are as you've always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1425448
#42. Jacen reflected bitterly that a large part of growing up seemed to involve watching everything change, and discovering that all changes are permanent. That nothing ever changes back.
That you can't go home again.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1372496
#43. It's one thing to be a good guy because that's who you are. It's something else to be a good guy because you're too much a fucking pussy to break the rules.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1340383
#44. A religion that teaches you God is something outside the world
something separate from everything you see, smell, taste, touch, and hear
is nothing but a cheap hustle.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1325894
#45. Before one can learn truth, one must unlearn lies.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1324875
#46. Suffering is the fuel in the engine of civilization.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1311213
#47. If I have to make moves in her, we'll all get bloody. You, go wake up Raithe. Tell him Hari's waiting to see him. He'll come with you."
"Hari?" He frowned like he wasn't sure if he was being kidded. "Of what abbey? In what land?"
"Hari of Do as You're Told in the land of And Shut the Fuck Up.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1298072
#48. Everything's forever until it isn't.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1287195
#49. I told you before," he muttered solidly. "You can kill me, but you can't make me obey.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1280138
#50. If I had learned how to get along in the quotidian world while keeping up the search for the hidden realm, I might have gotten more out of life. But I believed I was doing hugely important work. I was elitist about it.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #1277294
#51. Everything I tell you is a lie."


Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #1243191
#52. It may be there's such a thing as a tool than can't be used as a weapon, but I've never met one.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #222048
#53. Only human, after all.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #435887
#54. That's what getting old is: When you can no longer bear the consequences of being wrong.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #423476
#55. A lie is like a pet- you have to take care of it, or it'll turn on you and bite you in the ass.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #415173
#56. Life is mere chance only when one allows it to be

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #407970
#57. Oh, sure. What's this supposed to teach me?"
"Is it what the teacher teaches? Or what the students learns?"
"What's the difference?"
"That is, itself, a question worth considering, yes?"
-Jacen & Vergere

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #400879
#58. When all choices seem wrong, choose restraint.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #397618
#59. When you eat, eat. When you sleep, sleep. When you fight, fight.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #376709
#60. A human life is defined by its relationship with others: by its duty to its species. In the face of this duty, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are meaningless. What you call individual rights are merely the cultural fantasy of a failed civilization.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #345940
#61. Consensus reality seemed like a dull, dead-end street compared to the intense, mutable reality of visions or whatever they were - neurological misfires. I expected life to be full of sudden, inexplicable surprises. When these things didn't happen for a while, life seemed dull and painful.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #326722
#62. You assume that I don't know and I do care. The truth is the other way around.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #310621
#63. I've often thought I would like to try to write a conventional novel, but I just don't know enough about the real world to write one.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #259533
#64. The problem with happy endings," Tan'elKoth said, "is that nothing is ever truly over.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #257517
#65. Everything I do tries to do the same thing, which is to express things that are hard to express, hidden things.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #447203
#66. Jacen Solo, your sojourn in the lands of the dead is at an end. It is time once again to walk the bright fields of day.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #181563
#67. I have a personal definition of cartooning, which is, simply, "imaginative drawing." Anything you're drawing that is not in front of you but is a mental construct that you want to express in a drawing is, to me, a cartoon.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #165620
#68. A girl likes to be asked, dumbass.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #160118
#69. Shit, kid, thinking about that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, like I just ate a kitten.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #129213
#70. I wanted to be a pariah, because all my heroes were cult artists, people who devoted their lives to poking into very narrow, very deep corners - Erik Satie, Alfred Jarry, Malcolm Lowry - people who suffered in order to express their vision of life.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #113942
#71. Pain is itself a god: the taskmaster of life. Pain cracks the whip, and all that lives will move. To live is to be a slave to pain.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #104733
#72. I read once, somewhere, that the way you know you've grown up is when your future death becomes a stone in your shoe: when you feel it with every step.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #77887
#73. It's desperate in life to be beloved of God."
"Depends on the God."
"Does it?"
"Christ, I hope so."
the horse-witch and Caine

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #52433
#74. She was another world to me; she and the regular world stood side by side and made two worlds. I loved them both.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #31022
#75. I know some gods. Better than I want to. Not one of them gives a shit about your heart

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #30488
#76. Doing a story about my mundane, waking life, how much I don't like my job, or breaking up with someone, I don't think so. Those stories don't interest me that much as a general thing.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #7256
#77. I fear Michaelson not at all. Michaelson is a fiction, you fools. The truth of him is Caine. You do not comprehend the distinction; and so he will destroy you.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #631496
#78. Leslie Stein's comics give readers privileged access to a complete and wholly original world of gently skewed wonders.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #793848
#79. How can he love being ... that? Being what Caine is?"
"Because he's an asshole," she says. "You must have noticed.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #769285
#80. If i listen hard enough, i can hear that voice: that small quiet whisper in the back of my head that keeps on insisting "My will, or i won't".

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #768350
#81. The hope crashes into reality and people get hurt.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #763678
#82. I knew an Ethersworn monk once, who made it a practice to believe six impossible things before breakfast; if he could manage only five, he stayed in bed.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #710862
#83. I won, goddammit. I beat Kollberg. I beat you. I got everything I goddamn wanted: fame, wealth, power. Shit, I even got the girl."
"The problem with happy endings," Tan'elKoth said,"is that nothing is ever truly over."
"Fuck that," Hari said."I am living happily ever goddamn after. I am.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #709578
#84. Okay, maybe I don't have to solve every problem with my fists ... but every once in awhile, a situation arises that is substantially improved by the judicious application of force.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #701547
#85. In every exchange, Obi-Wan gave ground. It was his way.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #687490
#86. Real shapes and real patterns are things you would observe in nature, like the marks on the back of a cobra's hood or the markings on a fish or a lizard. Imaginary shapes are just that, symbols that come to a person in dreams or reveries and are charged with meaning.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #678576
#87. This threshhold is mine ... Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush. I don't give a damn. None shall pass.
-Ganner Rhysode

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #676650
#88. Everything I tell you is a lie. Every question I ask is a trick. You will find no truth in me. Though you believe nothing else, you may rest your faith on this.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #648948
#89. The truth is always greater than the words we use to describe it.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #816911
#90. People aren't interested in seeing themselves as they really are.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #624062
#91. No lesson is truly learned until it has been purchased with pain

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #616944
#92. Scars are the key to power. Scars are the map of beauty ... Each of us is the sum of our scars.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #615714
#93. With each victory of the light, it is the dark that wins.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #610591
#94. Like a lot of freelance cartoonists, when any opportunity like that comes along, I have a hard time saying no, whether it makes sense or not.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #597006
#95. Every time I write something down I check it to see if it has that telltale glow, the glow that tells me there's something there. If it glows, it stays. Everything is either on or off.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #588455
#96. Don't care about gods. Gods are irrelevant. What counts is people. What counts is having respect for each other.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #550026
#97. I've heard that Alfred Hitchcock said that by the time he was ready to shoot a film, he didn't even want to do it any more because he'd already had all of the fun of working it out. It's the same thing with these Frank comics.

Jim Woodring

Woodring Quotes #493718
#98. A pair of starfighters. Jedi starfighters. Only two.
Two is enough.
Two is enough because the adults are wrong, and their younglings are right.
Though this is the end of the age of heroes, it has saved its best for last.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #484807
#99. Be not afraid, child. Be what you are.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #471261
#100. I am called a great swordsman because I invented a lethal style; but who is greater, the creator of a killing form - or the master of the classic form?"
"I'm very flattered that you would consider me a master but really - "
"Not a master. The master.

Matthew Woodring Stover

Woodring Quotes #459402

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