Top 32 Wonder Book Justin Quotes

#1. If you are writing any book about the end of the world, what you are really writing about is what's worth saving about it.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #993387
#2. I'm kicking myself in the rear end every day, saying, 'Did I really book this many shows? What am I doing?'

Justin Moore

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1859221
#3. How strange it was ... , one minute you were all alone with your thoughts, the next somebody came along who seemed to know the deepest part of you, who could open you like a book.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1671236
#4. When men know not what to do , they ought not to do they know not what

John Adams

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1589978
#5. My book isn't meant to be read all at once, but rather all in good time

Justin Bienvenue

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1564777
#6. Warning: This book contains graphic language, sex, lies, intrigue, clowns, kleptomania, anal sex, oral sex, mutual masturbation, bad driving, good cooking, and the missing head of a Justin Timberlake statue. Not for the sour of disposition.

L.B. Gregg

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1522889
#7. Poking a lump of red Jello that jiggles outrageously, like a breast I once knew.

Sara Gruen

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1453541
#8. I always saw photography as a way to get to film.

Francesco Carrozzini

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1395430
#9. You mean, like a book?

Justin Timberlake

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1317542
#10. Justin Halpern tosses lightning bolts of laughter out of his pocket like he is shooting dice in a back alley. In one sweep of a paragraph, he ranges from hysterical to disgusting to touching
and does it all seamlessly. Sh*t My Dad Says is a really, really funny book.

Laurie Notaro

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1280749
#11. Culture changes because of musicians and actors and actresses. There's a responsibility there. You may ignore the responsibility. You may choose to be a bad role model. But, you are a role model nonetheless.

Kirk Cameron

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1250918
#12. Peter held up the book he had been reading: 'Moby-Dick; or, The Whale'.
"To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure this is English," Peter said. "It's taken me most of today to get through a page.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1232380
#13. My teachers could have been Jesse James for all the time they stole from me.

Natalie Goldberg

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1210433
#14. Actually, I'm reading a lot of my scripts. When I'm working on something, it's hard to find time. You're always prepping new material. You don't want to be buried in a book. It splits your focus a little bit.

Justin Theroux

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1185507
#15. Despite this book, white people will still be able to enjoy Vespa scooters without comment and properly conjugate words without anyone being surprised.

Justin Simien

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1173050
#16. I luv the book first step to forever by justin bieber

Justin Bieber

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #1071100
#17. One thing that worried me was how writers get categorized and so they end up having to write the same kind of book again and again. That is fine if it is what you want to do, but I would rather be locked in the trunk of my car with a weasel than write the same book every three years until I die.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #177226
#18. Spend your time on the 20 percent of the refactorings that provide 80 percent of the benefit.

Steve McConnell

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #885069
#19. Both the Hopi and Zuni Indians, who have used the venom in purification rituals, assert that it effectively reduces the human soul to its rarest elements, stripping away all that is false, illusory, or fearful.

Nicholas Christopher

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #842392
#20. I didn't get into music to become a blues musician, or a country musician. I'm a singer-songwriter. In my book that means I get to do whatever I want.

Justin Townes Earle

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #834317
#21. Wondering how evil had come into the world or what happens to a person after he dies: an interesting philosophical exercise, but also curiously pointless, since evil and death happened, regardless of the why and the how and the what-it-meant.

Joe Hill

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #665822
#22. Imagine what humans could do, if we all worked together like an ant colony...minus the queen.

Justin D. Hill

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #538253
#23. If you try to write 1,000 words a day, as I do, after 100 days you'll look up and have a book. It may be a mess, and you may have to revise it 50 times, but you can't revise it if you haven't written it.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #374958
#24. Every book has got its challenges. You run into a plot point that you can't figure out, or a scene that you struggle to write and have to write 50 times.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #360215
#25. Even later, I will come to doubt whether I ever really believed such a book would not be found
maybe my words were for all of them, that they might discover themselves, and discover me.

Justin Torres

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #349982
#26. I just wanted to compile these stories about growing up with my father and I wanted people to be able to enjoy them individually, but also the entire book as a whole.

Justin Halpern

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #335750
#27. I'm catching up. I'm satisfied with the show. I think I want to get better and better and keep building. It took a while to figure out how to do it. I didn't know how it was gonna go. I was just like, "I better book a show and just see what happens."

Justin Vernon

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #323926
#28. I feel like if I'm going to give you a book about my dad, then I really want to give you my dad, because he is interesting and he is funny and if you're buying a book about him, I don't want you to have to sit through stuff that's not him.

Justin Halpern

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #318276
#29. My rule has always been, write the next part of the book that you seem to know well. So I won't necessarily write chapter two after chapter one.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #265911
#30. Writing a book is incredibly pleasurable, but very solitary. You have total control, but sometimes that can drive you insane.

Justin Halpern

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #261966
#31. One of the traps or the pitfalls of writing a trilogy - or a triptych, or whatever term you want to use - is that the second book can be a long second act to get you from book one to book three, which borrows all of its energy from the first book.

Justin Cronin

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #255907
#32. I haven't had a chance to pick up a good book in a long time, because I've been either reading scripts or learning them or writing them. And so, by the time the day is done, I usually just want to click on The Bachelor and fall asleep. But I gravitate toward biographies and things like that.

Justin Theroux

Wonder Book Justin Quotes #189769

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