Top 100 Women Rights Quotes

#1. The Quran gave women rights of inheritance and divorce centuries before Western women were accorded such status. The

Karen Armstrong

Women Rights Quotes #997113
#2. As to women, the Islamic faith has given women rights that are equal to or more than the rights given them in the Old Testament and the Bible.

Abdullah Of Saudi Arabia

Women Rights Quotes #1298821
#3. Alan Alda and his wife Arlene are two of the most life-affirming people I've ever met. He espoused equal rights for women while producing, writing, acting in and directing 'M*A*S*H'; he used to commute between the set and home because he didn't want to disrupt his kids' schooling.

Sanjeev Bhaskar

Women Rights Quotes #2234
#4. Marching with over a million women in support of our reproductive rights was one of the most empowering things I have done, both as a woman and as a Member of Congress.

Sheila Jackson Lee

Women Rights Quotes #3424
#5. I hear myself saying these words: What this movement is about is options. I say it to friends who are frustrated, or housebound, or guilty, or child-laden, and what I'm really thinking is, If you really got it together, the option you would choose is mine.

Nora Ephron

Women Rights Quotes #5457
#6. Why do we go to all this trouble' Parker asked. 'Men don't notice anyway.'
'Because what we wear affects how we feel, how we act, how we move. And that they do notice. Especially the move. Get dressed, smoke the eyes. You'll know you look good so you'll feel good. You'll have a better time.

Nora Roberts

Women Rights Quotes #7116
#7. I am an adamant feminist. It never occurred to me to take my husband's name when we married. I am a supporter of abortion rights, of equal pay for equal work, of the rights of women prisoners, of all the time-honored feminist causes, and then some.

Ayelet Waldman

Women Rights Quotes #10171
#8. Every year Swedish society produces a new generation of threatened women who can testify to the lack of legal rights and the lukewarm interest shown by the police and other authorities.

Stieg Larsson

Women Rights Quotes #17539
#9. If a country doesn't recognize minority rights and human rights, including women's rights, you will not have the kind of stability and prosperity that is possible.

Hillary Clinton

Women Rights Quotes #18720
#10. Too often, advances in civil rights or women's rights are undermined by wrong-headed legislation or weak-kneed political leadership.

Mike Quigley

Women Rights Quotes #21372
#11. The choices that women make have huge impact on families, on communities and on nations. Being able to provide an enabling environment for them to exercise their rights and make choices in their lives is crucial. It is at the heart of human development!

Babatunde Osotimehin

Women Rights Quotes #23059
#12. My interest is not data, it's the world. And part of world development you can see in numbers. Others, like human rights, empowerment of women, it's very difficult to measure in numbers.

Hans Rosling

Women Rights Quotes #23334
#13. We believe in equality for all, and privileges for none. This is a belief that each American regardless of background has equal standing in the public forum, all of us. Because we believe this idea so firmly, we are an inclusive, rather than an exclusive party. Let everybody come.

Barbara Jordan

Women Rights Quotes #24722
#14. It's going to be very important that we as women's rights advocates are involved in redistricting of both the states legislatures and of the House of Representatives and that we not lose seats but we gain seats for talented women and our country, but we're lacking behind.

Eleanor Smeal

Women Rights Quotes #26729
#15. I think it's important for me as an actor that I say these are the issues I'm going to be committed to. One of them for me is women and children's health around the world and their rights;the other is ovarian cancer.

Nicole Kidman

Women Rights Quotes #36586
#16. The purpose of the word "slut" is: controlling women through shame and humiliation. Women's bodies are always the ones that are being vied over for control - whether it's rape, reproductive rights, or violence against women, it's our bodies that are the battleground, not men's.

Jessica Valenti

Women Rights Quotes #41937
#17. You hear younger women say, 'I don't believe I'm a feminist. I believe women should have equal right and I believe in fighting for the rights of other women, but I'm certainly not a feminist. No, no, not that!' It's just a word. If you called it 'Fred' would it be better?

Gail Collins

Women Rights Quotes #46786
#18. Our men and women fighting in Iraq are held accountable for their performance and their conduct. On duty and off, twenty-four hours a day. They're fighting for us, for our safety, our rights, and our freedoms.

Wesley Clark

Women Rights Quotes #46908
#19. Consent to petting isn't consent to penetration.

Kate McGuinness

Women Rights Quotes #62079
#20. Our recent history should have made one thing clear. Women's rights are human rights. Any foreign policy that fails to recognize this effectively dehumanizes half the human race.

Jack Holland

Women Rights Quotes #63963
#21. Legislators, priests, philosophers, writers, ans scientists have striven to show that the subordinate position of woman is willed in heaven and advantageous on earth.

Simone De Beauvoir

Women Rights Quotes #66099
#22. My father has a pragmatic mind. He marched with Dr. King in the '60s, and he's very much for women's rights.

Tori Amos

Women Rights Quotes #66385
#23. I find it strange that practicing law in a comfortable well-heated office is considered too demanding an occupation for women, yet laboring from dawn's first light in crowded, drafty, ill-lit sweatshops is not.

Shirley Tallman

Women Rights Quotes #70746
#24. Woman is deprived of rights from lack of education, and the lack of education results from the absence of rights. We must not forget that the subjection of women is so complete, and dates from such ages back that we are often unwilling to recognise the gulf that separates them from us.

Leo Tolstoy

Women Rights Quotes #79178
#25. Having the right to choose determines whether women will find an equal place at life's table, whether children will be truly valued, and whether everyone's personal liberties, privacy, and bodily integrity will be safeguarded against the ideology of the right.

Gloria Feldt

Women Rights Quotes #87272
#26. Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men.

Katha Pollitt

Women Rights Quotes #93487
#27. Gospel music is nothing but singing of good tidings -- spreading the good news. It will last as long as any music because it is sung straight from the human heart.

Mahalia Jackson

Women Rights Quotes #94290
#28. I don't say women's rights - I say the constitutional principle of the equal citizenship stature of men and women.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Women Rights Quotes #95398
#29. I can hear the roar of women's silence

Thomas Sankara

Women Rights Quotes #100633
#30. Sometimes I feel I have more faith in European ideals than some of my British or French friends. For them, it's a financial burden. For me, Europe is primarily about values, about fundamental rights, freedom, women's rights.

Elif Safak

Women Rights Quotes #101557
#31. My mother's family were full-on Irish Catholics - faith in an elaborate old fashioned, highly conservative and madly baroque style. I sort of fell out of the tribe over women's rights and social justice issues when I was just 13 years old.

Geraldine Brooks

Women Rights Quotes #104007
#32. The Roman Empire, born out the Roman Republic, with its ideas of democracy among a certain group of wealthy men (no vote for men without land -as with our Founding Fathers- and certainly no vote for women and slaves. Why are democracies built on top of one form of slavery or another?)

Tina Packer

Women Rights Quotes #107832
#33. I wish the women's rights folks would be more sensible. I think women have a great deal to learn, before they are fit to vote.

Ellen Swallow Richards

Women Rights Quotes #108788
#34. The anti-feminism bacllash has been set off not by women's achievement of full equality but by the increased possibility that they might win it. It is a pre-emptive strike that stops women long before they reach the finishing line.

Susan Faludi

Women Rights Quotes #118362
#35. If you believe in equal rights, then what do "women's rights," "gay rights," etc., mean? Either they are redundant or they are violations of the principle of equal rights for all.

Thomas Sowell

Women Rights Quotes #128254

Widad Akreyi

Women Rights Quotes #131856
#37. Workers in the bourgeois countries must fight for equal rights for men and women.

Nadezhda Krupskaya

Women Rights Quotes #134500
#38. The test of whether or not you can hold a job should not be in the arrangement of your chromosomes

Bella Abzug

Women Rights Quotes #136921
#39. I defend the authority of women and explore its meaning for them rather than assume they need to be more accommodating or sensitive.

David Bedrick

Women Rights Quotes #137992
#40. Feminism is not a one size fits all kinda thing but anyone can wear it.


Women Rights Quotes #138367
#41. Despite all of the social advances in women's rights and the push for gender equality in the workplace, it seems like modern men still want a woman that they can take care of at home.

Shannon Mullen

Women Rights Quotes #139739
#42. Viking women were able to rule kingdoms, divorce husbands, own land; and Vikings were very progressive in terms of the rights of women.

Gabriel Byrne

Women Rights Quotes #145252
#43. My mother was a great advocate of women's rights, a member of the League of Women's Voters and lifelong member of Planned Parenthood and an advocate of a woman's rights in terms of reproductive issues. She was also a founding member of Common Cause in the state of Indiana.

Kathryn Lasky

Women Rights Quotes #149883
#44. I'm not a feminist,' some women say sternly as they march off to work where equal opportunity legislation protects them ... Women who say they are not feminists and act like individuals with basic human rights have just got their terminology wrong.

Kaz Cooke

Women Rights Quotes #152215
#45. So today, we call upon the world leaders to change their strategic policies in favor of peace and prosperity. We call upon the world leaders that all of these deals must protect women and children's rights. A deal that goes against the rights of women is unacceptable.

Malala Yousafzai

Women Rights Quotes #152486
#46. I just want to help other women achieve as much as they can in society without restraints being imposed on us. It's the most natural and normal thing to want to defend your rights to equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work, and everything that comes with that.

Amy Poehler

Women Rights Quotes #159085
#47. The connection between women's human rights, gender equality, socioeconomic development and peace is increasingly apparent.

Mahnaz Afkhami

Women Rights Quotes #159622
#48. As the prevailing voices in the public spotlight are predominantly men, stepping into the spotlight with the truth of who you are as a woman is political change.

Tabby Biddle

Women Rights Quotes #160575
#49. All women and girls have the fundamental right to live free of violence. This right is enshrined in international human rights and humanitarian law. And it lies at the heart of my UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign.

Ban Ki-moon

Women Rights Quotes #162832

Widad Akreyi

Women Rights Quotes #164347
#51. Women have a lot to say about how to advance women's rights, and governments need to learn from that, listen to the movement and respond.

Charlotte Bunch

Women Rights Quotes #169879
#52. When I was at 'Newsweek' magazine - which, you know, this really sounds like I walked four miles in the snow to school - but I started at 'Newsweek' magazine in 1963, which was before the Civil Rights Act of 1964. So it was actually legal to discriminate against women, and 'Newsweek' did.

Ellen Goodman

Women Rights Quotes #173296
#53. Until the day arrives when all women decide that our rights are not negotiable, our future choices will not be secure.

Faye Wattleton

Women Rights Quotes #177066
#54. Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights.

Hillary Clinton

Women Rights Quotes #179159
#55. No American president can support an Egypt that calls into question the historic treaty between Israel and Egypt. And no American president can support an Egypt that doesn't fully recognize women's rights or the rights of religious minorities.

Condoleezza Rice

Women Rights Quotes #182045
#56. Success on the front of women's rights will look like a world not only with obvious advances - where no girl is denied access to education, for instance - but also one with more subtle changes in how we regard gender and gender stereotypes.

Adora Svitak

Women Rights Quotes #183105
#57. The discriminations that are found in the Muslim majority countries are more Cultural than Islamic.
I have always said to the Muslim women, please do not nurture the victim mentality. Stand up for your rights.

Tariq Ramadan

Women Rights Quotes #183335
#58. The extremists are afraid of books and pens, the power of education frightens them. they are afraid of women.

Malala Yousafzai

Women Rights Quotes #184451
#59. I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.

Audre Lorde

Women Rights Quotes #185892
#60. Wealthy women have rights in every country. And poor women don't.

Hillary Clinton

Women Rights Quotes #188400
#61. In some places women have all the rights they deserve and in others there are big restrictions - in some countries they even mutilate women.

Michelle Bachelet

Women Rights Quotes #189109
#62. In protesting for your rights in any form you may, but it's only good, If they can understand your problems and feelings and not only to judge you.

Auliq Ice

Women Rights Quotes #191168
#63. I'm always trying to push for women's rights.

Kate Del Castillo

Women Rights Quotes #192351
#64. So here I stand, one girl among many. I speak not for myself, but so those without a voice can be heard. Those who have fought for their rights. Their right to live in peace. Their right to be treated with dignity. Their right to equality of opportunity. Their right to be educated.

Malala Yousafzai

Women Rights Quotes #195211
#65. Reproductive freedom is critical to a whole range of issues. If we can't take charge of this most personal aspect of our lives, we can't take care of anything. It should not be seen as a privilege or as a benefit, but a fundamental human right.

Faye Wattleton

Women Rights Quotes #199687
#66. If colleges and universities are really concerned about women's rights, then they must adjust to a far more flexible structure to allow young women students to take leaves of absence if they want to have children early.

Camille Paglia

Women Rights Quotes #201591
#67. Having the vote is just symbolic. There are still many issues on which women don't have any right and, in many countries, where women are given very very few rights.

Sarah Gavron

Women Rights Quotes #201735
#68. The start of empowering women comes with acknowledgment of thought that every born child is equal irrespective of its sex.

Nikita Dudani

Women Rights Quotes #205104
#69. Educated people can make their own choices about their governments. And certainly for women, an education allows you to understand your rights.

Laura Bush

Women Rights Quotes #208146
#70. Get off of my shoulders. The foundation has been laid, now its time for you to build on it and get to work.

Amelia Boynton Robinson

Women Rights Quotes #208296
#71. Uh.. you'er Sophie?" Mrianda ventured
"That's me"
"How old areyou?"
Sophie rolled ker wide brown eyes,
"Ahunderd and forty-eight" she relied. "I got to live back when women coulden't vote, isn't that awesome?

Dianne Sylvan

Women Rights Quotes #212321
#72. Women need to assert their rights in the bedroom too - many women have done so in the workplace; many women have done so in house chores and parenting, but women's rights are sorely lacking in the bedroom.

J.F. Kelly

Women Rights Quotes #216416
#73. Religions all have the same timeline ... First the people feel the need to worship something. The sun or the giant corn of ear. That's the first thing. Then the guys say okay, now that we've got the giant corn thing going, how can we use it to oppress women?

Carol Anshaw

Women Rights Quotes #221122
#74. I totally agree with equal rights and women's causes, and most of my songs are woman-power, but I don't want to be labelled at 20 years old.

Meghan Trainor

Women Rights Quotes #224185
#75. When men imagine a female uprising, they imagine a world in which women rule men as men have ruled women.

Sally Kempton

Women Rights Quotes #225931
#76. If we bring about that women seek to gain the rights of independence, to increase their sphere of responsibilities, and to incline toward studies, then human abilities will increase daily.

Kang Youwei

Women Rights Quotes #235657
#77. Breasts are a scandal because they shatter the border between motherhood and sexuality.

Iris Marion Young

Women Rights Quotes #237398
#78. Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.

Maya Angelou

Women Rights Quotes #240299
#79. For most inhabitants of the Arab world, the prevailing cultural attitude toward women - fed and encouraged by Wahhabi doctrine, which is based on Bedouin social norms rather than Islamic jurisprudence - often trumps the rights accorded to women by Islam.

G. Willow Wilson

Women Rights Quotes #244361
#80. We are not going back. Not only are we not going to retreat on women's rights, we are going to expand them. We are going forward, not backward.

Bernie Sanders

Women Rights Quotes #249801
#81. Men and women have roles - their roles are different, but their rights are equal.

Harri Holkeri

Women Rights Quotes #249941
#82. It takes more than balls to be a woman. It takes ovaries.

Solange Nicole

Women Rights Quotes #252888
#83. Making Saudi Arabia a world judge on women's rights and religious freedom would be like naming a pyromaniac as the town fire chief.

Hillel Neuer

Women Rights Quotes #253697
#84. The young intellectuals are all chanting, "Revolution, Revolution," but I say the revolution will have to start in our homes, by achieving equal rights for women.

Qiu Jin

Women Rights Quotes #257490
#85. You have been having our rights so long, that you think, like a slave-holder, that you own us. I know that it is hard for one who has held the reins for so long to give up; it cuts like a knife. It will feel all the better when it closes up again.

Sojourner Truth

Women Rights Quotes #263795
#86. I believe every child has the right to a mother and a father. Men and women are not the same. That's not to say they're not entitled to equal rights, but they are not the same.

Mark Davis

Women Rights Quotes #265036
#87. I would waste thirty minutes a day, standing in front of a mirror that I never had any inclination to really pay proper attention to. And even after I made myself up for nothing, I was still derided and abused for it. It was rather like putting a dress on a bear and pretending it was beautiful.

Michelle Franklin

Women Rights Quotes #268354
#88. Tolerating women is surprisingly easier than understanding them.

Raheel Farooq

Women Rights Quotes #268576
#89. It takes one a long time to become young. - Picasso

Patsy Asuncion

Women Rights Quotes #276079
#90. If a woman or a gay person has a right, by conservative logic, then the right is not actually a right but instead an assault on rights. Women and gays: So evil that we can turn actual rights into assaults on freedom just by having them.

Amanda Marcotte

Women Rights Quotes #279757
#91. I think the legacy of the civil rights movement is that now whites are more open to being represented by people of color or people who are women or, again, non-traditional candidates.

Carol Moseley Braun

Women Rights Quotes #280838
#92. Men tend to treat women as fragile creatures, but our bodies were built to withstand pain and hard work, think with profound insight. We were created to do what men can't. And if that isn't reason enough for us to be treated equal, I'm not sure what is.

Caroline George

Women Rights Quotes #281821
#93. While we welcome people of all faiths in America we cannot be so naive as to expect all countries to do the same. But we cannot allow their cultural mores to snuff out our religious freedoms or the freedom of women to have equal rights.

Michael Huffington

Women Rights Quotes #282089
#94. The arc of American history almost inevitably moves toward freedom. Whether it's Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation, the expansion of women's rights or, now, gay rights, I think there is an almost-inevitable march toward greater civil liberties.

James McGreevey

Women Rights Quotes #282236
#95. Mr. President: We, women political prisoners of the Soviet Union, congratulate you on your reelection to the spot of President of the USA. We look with hope to your country which is on the road of FREEDOM and respect for HUMAN RIGHTS. We wish you success on this road.

Ronald Reagan

Women Rights Quotes #283250
#96. Saying of the Prophet
The Faithful are mirrors, one to the other.

Idries Shah

Women Rights Quotes #283661
#97. I consider myself a feminist because I believe women should have equal rights. Of course. It's just that the term 'feminism' conjures up other things for people.

Marina And The Diamonds

Women Rights Quotes #284808
#98. Women should have free access to every field of labor which they care to enter, and when their work is as valuable as that of a man it should be paid as highly.

Theodore Roosevelt

Women Rights Quotes #286041
#99. I am protecting women's rights, their human right to decide their futures for themselves, and to live their lives as they see fit.

Dr. Willie Parker

Women Rights Quotes #286779
#100. The word feminism has become synonymous with man-hating when in fact it has more to do with women than men.

Aysha Taryam

Women Rights Quotes #288354

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