Top 10 Wise Scripture Quotes

#1. He who walks with the wise will be wise, Scripture saith, and he who walks with the witty will eventually start to pop off himself.

Douglas Wilson

Wise Scripture Quotes #1792545
#2. Read the Scripture to renew your mind.
Mediate on the Scripture to nourish your soul.
Affirm the Scripture to revive your spirit

Lailah Gifty Akita

Wise Scripture Quotes #32969
#3. The scripture says "oppression makes it even a wise man mad" ...

Harriet Jacobs

Wise Scripture Quotes #81271
#4. Holy Scripture is so exalted that there is no one in the world ... wise enough to understand it so fully that his intellect is not overcome by it. Nevertheless, man can stammer something about it.

Angela Of Foligno

Wise Scripture Quotes #354627
#5. Harmony also is not a luxury, it is an evolutionary necessity, if we are to advance further. And harmony cannot be compromised for any book in the world, no matter how ancient, or who wrote it.

Abhijit Naskar

Wise Scripture Quotes #556881
#6. Holiness in the purest form is independent of all textual doctrines, all churches and all institutions.

Abhijit Naskar

Wise Scripture Quotes #616790
#7. No Scripture comes from any Supreme Creator.

Abhijit Naskar

Wise Scripture Quotes #933895
#8. The wise men posit questions to which they may not always find immediate answers, but through their reflections God stimulates man in his search for truth - which in the last analysis is a search for God himself.

University Of Navarra

Wise Scripture Quotes #1147979
#9. The purpose of Holy Scripture is not ultimately to make you smart, or make you relevant, or make you rich, or get you a job, or get you married, or take all your problems away, or tell you where to live. The aim is that you might be wise enough to put your faith in Christ and be saved.

Kevin DeYoung

Wise Scripture Quotes #1310350
#10. Questions upon points wherein Scripture is silent; upon mysteries which belong to God alone; upon prophecies of doubtful interpretation; and upon mere modes of observing human ceremonials, are all foolish, and wise men avoid them.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Wise Scripture Quotes #1810336

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