Top 100 Williamson's Quotes
#1. (As a boy) I was listening to Sonny Boy Williamson's (I) records and I would close my eyes and I could visualize myself playing the harp.
Junior Wells
#2. David Williamson's Pennsylvania militia brought Clark's dismaying vision to life in 1782 at Gnadenhutten when they herded nearly ninety Christianized Delaware Indians into two cabins and systematically beat them to death.
John Fabian Witt
#3. Condemned to death, the Delawares spent the night praying and singing hymns. In the morning, Williamson's men marched over ninety people in pairs into two houses and methodically slaughtered them.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
#4. Let's forgive the past and who we were then. Let's embrace the present and who we're capable of becoming. Let's surrender the future and watch miracles unfold.
Marianne Williamson
#6. My first jobs after graduation in 1955 were as a project engineer for G.E. and later with the U.S. government in Washington, D.C., where I met and married my wife, Dolores Celini.
Oliver E. Williamson
#7. The gap is not between knowing it and living it, it's between knowing it and living it consistently. You know, we've all had moments when we got it right. Most of us have moments when we get it right every day. The trouble is getting it right when a curve-ball comes at us.
Marianne Williamson
#8. Every relationship either gives energy to us or withholds energy from us, according to what we give to or withhold from it. And it's not only our behavior toward others, but our very thoughts about them, that builds and/ or destroys relationships.
Marianne Williamson
#9. I think that's what we all want on this earth - to feel that at some level we have connected with other human beings.
Marianne Williamson
#10. We have great power to affect the attitudes and behavior of the people around us, at work and at home. We have the power to set a tone of honor, to create an energy around ourselves that says, 'I respect myself. I respect you. Let's respect each other.'
Marianne Williamson
#12. It isn't courageous to go forth when you don't know the dangers. But it's very courageous to go forth when you do.
Marianne Williamson
#13. Of course, a woman's choice to go out into the world is a very significant thing. But part of real liberation is recognizing that mothering is every bit as important as other kinds of work. I actually believe it's more important than anything we do out in the world.
Marianne Williamson
#14. Once the Western mind was disconnected from its sense of divine responsibility and genuine reverence towards nature, all hell broke loose. And that's where we are.
Marianne Williamson
#15. I now see that is a woman's God-given role to tend to the home and take care of the children: it's just that the entire planet is our home, and every child on it is one of our children.
Marianne Williamson
#16. It's the beginning of your day. You awake and look around you, feeling perhaps a joyful expectation, or perhaps an awful dread. No matter which, remember this: God loves you with an infinite love.
Marianne Williamson
#17. There is, inside all our heads, the ego's rabid attack dog. It is purely vicious toward others and toward ourselves as well. Learning to control that dog, and ultimately to end its life, is the process and purpose of enlightened relationships.
Marianne Williamson
#18. There's a certain je ne sais quoi that Americans have in spades - a we-can-do-anything spirit that makes so many things possible for all of us. We're rugged individualists, aspirational in nature, and we like to think for ourselves.
Marianne Williamson
#19. Whatever situation you're in: Send love, place it in God's hands, open your heart to everyone involved - and it will turn out miraculously.
Marianne Williamson
#20. The spiritual journey has to do with learning to think more deeply and take as long a time as we need. That's the path to wisdom.
Marianne Williamson
#21. Dear God, I surrender this relationship to you," means, "Dear God, let me see this person through your eyes." In accepting the Atonement, we are asking to see as God sees, think as God thinks, love as God loves. We are asking for help in seeing someone's innocence.
Marianne Williamson
#22. There's nothing more powerful than a woman who knows how to contain her power and not let it leak, standing firmly within it in mystery and silence. A woman who talks too much sheds her allure.
Marianne Williamson
#23. The field of quantum possibility, in which love has opened doors otherwise unimaginable, is our soul's true habitat. The world of fear and limitation is not our home, and who among us is not profoundly weary of hanging out where we do not belong.
Marianne Williamson
#24. We were all born carrying a promise
a promise to make the world better
and there's a yearning to make good on that promise that none of us can suppress forever.
Marianne Williamson
#25. To appeal to God is to appeal to the action of universal love. Love never fails to come when we call to it, but it will always seem to fail us when our bidding is self-centered. The most powerful prayers are simply for God's will to be done, because God's will is healing for all living things.
Marianne Williamson
#26. I think it's really important to depict complex, flawed LGBT characters, because we are all connected by our humanity.
Kit Williamson
#27. Charisma is a sparkle in people that money can't buy. It's an invisible energy with visible effects.
Marianne Williamson
#28. With every prayer and every thought of love, we release
the light that will cast out darkness. One light alone seems
small and weak, but no one's light is ever alone, for all our
lights are part of God.
Marianne Williamson
#29. I trust that when people meet, we meet for a transcendent reason, and that the challenges we face in life are always lessons that serve our soul's growth.
Marianne Williamson
#30. Think of everything you've ever experienced that was painful; that's the meaning of Good Friday. Think of all the ways that love ultimately healed your heart; that's the meaning of Easter.
Marianne Williamson
#31. We're hallucinating. And that's what this world is: a mass hallucination, where fear seems more real than love. Fear is an illusion. Our craziness, paranoia, anxiety and trauma are literally all imagined.
Marianne Williamson
#32. My father's politics were old-fashioned in the sense that he used to say, all the time, "You've got to fight the system!" But my spiritual beliefs have led me to believe that the fight is the problem.
Marianne Williamson
#33. I love to go back and write and direct another film one day, but that's on the backburner for now because I'm involved with so much television at the moment.
Kevin D. Williamson
#34. When you carry yesterday's thinking into today, you program tomorrow to be like yesterday.
Marianne Williamson
#35. I try to be self-disciplined with my thoughts. It's our thoughts that matter most, and all the rest falls into line behind that: if I remember who I really am and why I'm on the earth, then I more naturally want to treat my body like a temple and so forth.
Marianne Williamson
#36. We must seek to be intellectually inclusive, just as we seek to be culturally inclusive. Ideas come and go - that's what makes a free society so vital.
Marianne Williamson
#37. The implication was that if you had any skepticism whatsoever, you were anti-science. I think there's a difference between having skepticism about science and having skepticism about the pharmaceutical industry.
Marianne Williamson
#38. I feel that the social revolution of the sixties is like a revolving door that came our way, and then left. It's back again.
Marianne Williamson
#39. The ego is always looking to find something. The Spirit can see what's already there.
Marianne Williamson
#40. Once you know that every moment and every person and every situation has something to teach you, you're a student all day. You know it's the depth of your observation that is the issue - not how much the world has to show you.
Marianne Williamson
#41. If there is anything interesting about my story it's the fact that it's not unique at all. I feel that I have been through what almost everyone I know has - a slow and gradual maturation process.
Marianne Williamson
#42. Abraham Lincoln went through 12 generals before he got Ulysses S. Grant. He had never done a Civil War before.
Marianne Williamson
#44. A healthy, vital society is not one in which we all agree. It is one in which those who disagree can do so with honor and respect for other people's opinions ... and an appreciation of our shared humanity.
Marianne Williamson
#45. To trust in the force that moves the universe is faith. Faith isn't blind, it's visionary.
Marianne Williamson
#46. What's dying is the frightened mind, so the love inside us can get a chance to breathe.
Marianne Williamson
#47. It's a morality film, and it poses the question 'What would you do?' I took it very seriously, just as the director did in terms of atmosphere and lighting, and I was just trying to help that vision along.
Kevin Williamson
#48. Kennedy's assassination was the opening salvo in the social revolution of the sixties. In some ways, perhaps, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa dying when they did, and how they did, represent the opening salvos of a social revolution in the nineties.
Marianne Williamson
#49. I think there's a lot of power in admitting that you don't know everything.
Kit Williamson
#50. Your character defects are not where you're bad, but where you're wounded. But no matter who or what causes the wound, it's yours now and you're responsible for it.
Marianne Williamson
#51. You've done the bourgeois thing, perhaps, but let's not call that love.
Marianne Williamson
#52. The human race is almost addicted to war. It's like we just can't stop.
Marianne Williamson
#53. Miracles are happening all the time, but if your eyes aren't open and your ears aren't open and your mind's not open and your heart's not open - then even though the miracles are there - you're not!
Marianne Williamson
#54. Humanity's mission is to find a peace that lies beyond the veil - a peace that is not of this world. The peace that is not of this world is not dependent on human circumstances.
Marianne Williamson
#55. It's funny, when things go on the internet now and people say 'that's not real,' well, that's what painting's always done - it's taken things from the world and said, Look how much more real this is now.
Margaux Williamson
#56. The fact that people in Hollywood are open to what I teach is not because they're more desperate than anyone else, but because they're more touched by it. That's not their weakness. It's their strength!
Marianne Williamson
#57. If you have a longing in your heart to hear a deeper truth, there's a mysterious way in which that truth will find you.
Marianne Williamson
#58. Beyond drama and chaos, beyond anxiety and fear, lies a zone of endless peace and love. Let's all take a very deep breath, slow down for just a moment and remember this. That alone will open the door ...
Marianne Williamson
#59. There's only one of us here: What we give to others, we give to ourselves. What we withhold from others, we withhold from ourselves. In any moment, when we choose fear instead of love, we deny ourselves the experience of Paradise.
Marianne Williamson
#60. The speed of change today is faster than the human psyche seems able to handle, and it's increasingly difficult to reconcile the rhythms of our personal lives with the rapidity of a twenty-four-hour news cycle.
Marianne Williamson
#61. But remember, there's only one of us here: What we give to others, we give to ourselves.
Marianne Williamson
#62. Once we truly understand that God's will is that we be happy, we no longer feel the need to ask for anything other than that God's will be done.
Marianne Williamson
#63. It's like avoidance behavior in therapy - wanting to share the gossip but not wanting to deal with the real, more painful issues. Of course we want to avoid the pain. But by doing so, we inevitably cause more of it.
Marianne Williamson
#64. First there was the word. A Course in Miracles says that prayer is the "medium of miracles." It's the realm of thought where we are aligned with the thought of God and therefore in a co- creative mode. It's where we surrender our minds to His mind and become empowered.
Marianne Williamson
#65. Spiritual growth increases our sense of what's possible. And as we sense new possibility, we can step into that possibility. With every word, every thought, every action, we choose what we wish to call forth in life.
Marianne Williamson
#66. In the area of work and money, we have one of the most intense gaps between fear-based and love-based thought. It's not that a miracle mindset applies to work and money any more than it applies to anything else; rather, it applies there no less than anywhere else.
Marianne Williamson
#67. When you understand spiritual law, then you realize that everything you give, good or bad, will in fact come back to you tenfold and that's just the way it is. You give someone flowers and the person you are ultimately giving to is yourself.
Marianne Williamson
#68. You don't encounter anyone who is not hero or villain of their own story. If it's man vs. self, you have to explore the ways each character is villainous and heroic.
Kit Williamson
#69. Sometimes it's easier to love people when there is a healthy distance between us.
Marianne Williamson
#70. If anything is naive and lightweight, it's the traditional political conversation.
Marianne Williamson
#72. Gender or skin color does not of itself determine the nature of a person's thinking.
Marianne Williamson
#74. We live in a world of easy friendships - people here for you when it's easy, 'so-sorry-but-I-have-an-errand-to-do-now' when it's not.
Marianne Williamson
#75. Wear whatever makes you less sad and feels right when it's on. Don't wear too many things that serve no function. Wear what you can wear on a bicycle. Wear what you can run in or survive in if necessary. If something feels right, wear it all the time. Don't look too cool. Keep some things in!
Margaux Williamson
#76. GHOST, n. The outward and visible sign of an inward fear. - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Chet Williamson
#77. Achan gritted his teeth and recalled Sir Eagan's words. Love was not taking because you wanted, he'd said. Love was sacrifice.
Jill Williamson
#78. If you think there's something you need in order to be happy, then you believe in lack. Then believing you lack, you will create more lack.
Marianne Williamson
#79. When it comes to politics today, the devils' not in the details; the devil's in the big picture, more often than not just hiding in plain sight.
Marianne Williamson
#80. The love in one of us is the love in all of us. 'There's actually no place where God stops and you start,' and no place where you stop and I start. Love is energy, an infinite continuum. Your mind extends into mine and into everyone else's. It doesn't stay enclosed within your body.
Marianne Williamson
#81. May I not be tempted by the darkness of the world to think that God is gone, or lured into the thinking of the world to ever doubt love's power. God is here, love is real, and I am safe. These things I know and will not forget. And so it is. Amen.
Marianne Williamson
#82. When I went to college in the 1970s, the Women's Liberation movement was all the buzz.
Marianne Williamson
#83. It's just that I think we should be responsible for our friends, is all. If we're not, why bother to have friends?
Chet Williamson
#84. As a parent, the goal is not to get to the other end. It's just simply to protect the children that you're responsible for - and protect their hearts - and, wherever they're headed, to get (them) there safely. That involves patience, time and willingness to listen.
Martha Williamson
#85. Trying to suppress or eradicate symptoms on the physical level can be extremely important, but there's more to healing than that; dealing with psychological, emotional and spiritual issues involved in treating sickness is equally important.
Marianne Williamson
#86. Spiritual growth is like childbirth: you dilate, then you contract, you dilate, then you contract again. as painful as it all feels, it's the necessary rhythm for reaching the ultimate goal of total openness.
Marianne Williamson
#87. The love is what's left at the end because it's the bedrock, fundamental reality that gets hidden all the time, but never really goes away.
Marianne Williamson
#88. Your future isn't programmed by your past; it's programmed by your thoughts.
Marianne Williamson
#89. To the extent we are perceiving anyone's guilt -choosing to focus on the errors of their personality rather than the eternal innocence of their spirit - we're closing our hearts, deflecting a miracle and causing our own inevitable suffering.
Marianne Williamson
#90. In our society, as people pass out of young adulthood, they tend to relate to themselves more in terms of what they are no longer than what they are now, and that's psychologically low-grade devastating.
Marianne Williamson
#91. In 'Healing the Soul of America,' I wrote about Gandhi's notion of soul force in politics and why it matters to stand on your truth.
Marianne Williamson
#92. Know that there's enough room for everyone to be passionate, creative & successful. In fact, there's more than room for everyone; there is a need for everyone.
Marianne Williamson
#93. We need to change society's ordering principle from economic to humanitarian values, from money as the bottom line to love as the bottom line.
Marianne Williamson
#94. It is your thoughts and your thoughts alone that determine what's possible for you now.
Marianne Williamson
#95. Religion is like a map. The route isn't important. It's the destination that matters.
Marianne Williamson
#96. Politics is in a crisis because it's separated from our deep humanity.
Marianne Williamson
#97. I think it's unfortunate how many people today try to build up their own careers by denigrating the work of others.
Marianne Williamson
#98. There are other kinds of emotional pain that emerge from our own mistaken thinking. As we surrender that pain, we are inviting into our thought system a guide who will lead us to different thoughts. It's like the song "Amazing Grace": I was blind and now I see.
Marianne Williamson
#99. We cannot save the world without God's help, but He can't save the world without ours. We need His love; He needs our hands and feet. Today I give Him mine.
Marianne Williamson
#100. I think future generations will see the invention of the Internet as having been as important as the invention of the printing press. It's the democratizing tool of all tools. As long as no one can control the flow of information, then freedom always has a chance.
Marianne Williamson
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