Top 14 Willem Lange Quotes

#1. Imagine all of us living in peace, it's too beautiful to just be a dream.

John Lennon

Willem Lange Quotes #179179
#2. Perhaps, as with advancing age, the physical life becomes less important and yet, paradoxically, more precious, this green revolution against the temporary death of winter is a reminder that the earth, like our own lives, is a gift.

Willem Lange

Willem Lange Quotes #183381
#3. I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to.

Helen Humphreys

Willem Lange Quotes #316526
#4. Never in the history of the world has there been a situation so bad that the government can't make it worse.

Henry Morgenthau Jr.

Willem Lange Quotes #472340
#5. You're the kind of girl who deserves way more than a one-night stand.

Tracy March

Willem Lange Quotes #569134
#6. Crawley reached into the pocket of his fancy robe - a dinner jacket, I think it's called. The kind of thing Professer Plum would wear before killing Colonel Mustard in the ballroom with the candlestick.

Neal Shusterman

Willem Lange Quotes #1037004
#7. What New England is, is a state of mind, a place where dry humor and perpetual disappointment blend to produce an ironic pessimism that folks from away find most perplexing

Willem Lange

Willem Lange Quotes #1378695
#8. You've got to worry about the next play ... Keep believing because people aren't always going to like you but you have to believe in the people around you ... You're going to get knocked down but it's how many times you get back up.

Tim Tebow

Willem Lange Quotes #1430109
#9. Going to the electric chair will be the supreme thrill of my life.

Albert Fish

Willem Lange Quotes #1472716
#10. It's not a sport you get famous at. If I wanted to be famous, I would have stuck with hockey.

Eric Heiden

Willem Lange Quotes #1488019
#11. Springtime to me used to mean doing things - bicycling, fishing, canoeing. Now it seems more like the fulfillment of a divine promise.

Willem Lange

Willem Lange Quotes #1538533
#12. It wasn't that Friends thought that the Lord spoke only to them; it was only that they weren't sure other folk listened very often.

Diana Gabaldon

Willem Lange Quotes #1591456
#13. Jamming is really the most awful, excruciating experience for me; I really don't enjoy it.

The Edge

Willem Lange Quotes #1633967
#14. A body of ten ounces raised in any scale may serve as a proof, that the counterbalancing weight exceeds ten ounces; but can never afford a reason that it exceeds a hundred.

David Hume

Willem Lange Quotes #1710960

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