Top 6 Wierman Family Tree Quotes

#1. Knee-Jerk Irony: The tendency to make flippant ironic comments as a reflexive matter of course in everyday conversation.

Douglas Coupland

Wierman Family Tree Quotes #336613
#2. You don't even have to win a championship every year to draw the fans. You just have to show you're really trying.

Tom Hicks

Wierman Family Tree Quotes #373812
#3. If you don't give, you don't get.

Krishna Sagar

Wierman Family Tree Quotes #971952
#4. When I listen and enjoy the deepest silence I hear the sound of universal love and lose myself completely.

Debasish Mridha

Wierman Family Tree Quotes #1514011
#5. There are bands that I am friends with, who will invite me up on stage. Like Les Savy Fav, who have had me on stage, and I have played on their record. There are a couple of bands like that. Yo La Tango has invited me to play with them.

Fred Armisen

Wierman Family Tree Quotes #1699155
#6. Honestly, I had no idea that the heart could cause such trouble and strife. It could be broken and still mend. It could be wounded and still heal. It could be given away still returned, lost and found. It could do all that and still you lived, though according to some, only just.

Sally Gardner

Wierman Family Tree Quotes #1796764

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