Top 39 Wholesome Life Quotes

#1. When a man is freed of religion, he has a better chance to live a normal and wholesome life.

Sigmund Freud

Wholesome Life Quotes #352290
#2. The central law of all wholesome life is reciprocity, mutuality ... But the group is valuable only as it permits personalities, not automatons, to emerge.

Norman Thomas

Wholesome Life Quotes #1606398
#3. All the students have shown more advance in two months of summer study than they have in a year of ordinary instruction, largely due to their free and wholesome life in the open air.

Howard Pyle

Wholesome Life Quotes #99853
#4. Democracy is the wholesome and pure air without which a socialist public organization cannot live a full-blooded life.

Mikhail Gorbachev

Wholesome Life Quotes #1169756
#5. The family should be a closely knit group. The home should be a self-contained shelter of security; a kind of school where life's basic lessons are taught; and a kind of church where God is honored; a place where wholesome recreation and simple pleasures are enjoyed.

Billy Graham

Wholesome Life Quotes #1878384
#6. The city, no matter how small, is corrupt and unrepentant, while the sun shines brighter in the country, making people more wholesome.

Lori Lansens

Wholesome Life Quotes #1218770
#7. Know that whatever is happening in your life right now, it's there for a reason. Just accept the things the way they are. Just relax and let go of all the mental constructs that your mind is creating. Acceptance leads to wholesome right action.

Brandon Bays

Wholesome Life Quotes #1268050
#8. Paganism is wholesome because it faces the facts of life ...

Aleister Crowley

Wholesome Life Quotes #1329928
#9. But the summer had been a very happy one, too
a time of glad living with summer suns and skies, a time of keen delight in wholesome things; a time of renewing and deepening of old friendships; a time in which she had learned to live more nobly, to work more patiently, to play more heartily.

L.M. Montgomery

Wholesome Life Quotes #1352577
#10. Literature, like anything else, can become a wearisome business if you make a lifetime specialty of it. A healthy, wholesome man would no more spend his entire life reading great books than he would packing cookies for Nabisco.

Edward Abbey

Wholesome Life Quotes #1360166
#11. I should have remembered that when one is going to lead an entirely new life, one requires regular and wholesome meals.

Oscar Wilde

Wholesome Life Quotes #1364296
#12. I do not compare the past with the present without a prejudice for either, but, great as the improvement in country life is in many respects, it seems a pity the old cheap, wholesome dishes have gone to make way for tinned and preserved foods.

Flora Thompson

Wholesome Life Quotes #1383607
#13. It put our energies to sleep and made visionaries of us - dreamers and indolent ... It is good to begin life poor; it is good to begin life rich - these are wholesome; but to begin it prospectively rich! The man who has not experienced it cannot imagine the curse of it.

Mark Twain

Wholesome Life Quotes #1387874
#14. Moderation is the only rule of a healthful life. This means moderation in all things wholesome.

Herbert M. Shelton

Wholesome Life Quotes #1550462
#15. Might I give counsel to any man, I would say to him, try to frequent the company of your betters. In books and in life, that is the most wholesome society; learn to admire rightly; the great pleasure of life is that. Note what great men admire.

William Makepeace Thackeray

Wholesome Life Quotes #1612129
#16. Mary Kay was the wholesome personification of the American dream. For women everywhere, she brought the impossible dream to life by making it a reality. She was a very wise lady. She was a people person. She was very sensitive to the importance of recognizing people.

Zig Ziglar

Wholesome Life Quotes #1626448
#17. I mean, how many young women get a set of rubies just for doing something wholesome like swimming laps? Or win a diamond ring at ping pong with their husband? Well, I did, and for all of these memories and the people in my life I feel blessed.

Elizabeth Taylor

Wholesome Life Quotes #1669894
#18. Whatsoever stirs the stagnant currents, setting these flowing in wholesome directions, promotes brisk spirits and productive thinking. The less of routine, the more of life.

Amos Bronson Alcott

Wholesome Life Quotes #1686590
#19. You know I got kicked out of high school and I used to go to Hendrix concerts. I used to go see Marvin Gaye and B.B. King and so here I am on television as an actor playing the part of this really sweet wholesome all American boy. The reality was I had a much different kind of teenage life.

David Cassidy

Wholesome Life Quotes #1720422
#20. The wild hawk to the wind-swept sky
The deer to the wholesome wold;
And the heart of a man to the heart of a maid,
As it was in the days of old.

Rudyard Kipling

Wholesome Life Quotes #1737238
#21. Foolish wise folk sneer at you; foolish wise folk would pull up the useless lilies, the needless roses, from the garden, would plant in their places only serviceable wholesome cabbage. But the Gardener knowing better, plants the silly short-lived flowers; foolish wise folk, asking for what purpose.

Jerome K. Jerome

Wholesome Life Quotes #1853478
#22. It is that cricket field that, in all the sharp and bitter moments of life as they come to me now, gives me a sense of wholesome proportion: 'At least I am not playing cricket!

John Cowper Powys

Wholesome Life Quotes #339834
#23. Change that does not lead to liberation from fear, greed and delusion is not wholesome. Furthermore, any change that does not yield more compassion and loving-kindness for yourself and others is a waste of precious life energy.

Phillip Moffitt

Wholesome Life Quotes #73486
#24. I am alive, he says to himself, I am alive! And life energy surges hotly through him, and delight, and appetite. How good to be in a body - even this old beat-up carcass - that still has warm blood and live semen and rich marrow and wholesome flesh!

Christopher Isherwood

Wholesome Life Quotes #103302
#25. We are perfect children. Mentally, physically, emotionally, we are wholesome, and godly in every way possible. We have as much right to live, love, and enjoy life as any other children on this earth.

V.C. Andrews

Wholesome Life Quotes #133774
#26. The intimate space of your personal life should be reserved for amazing, beautiful, radiant souls - good, wholesome and loving people.

Bryant McGill

Wholesome Life Quotes #166770
#27. The welfare, the happiness, the energy and spirit of the men and women who do the daily workis the underlying necessity of all prosperity ... There can be nothing wholesome unless their life is wholesome; there can be no contentment unless they are contented.

Woodrow Wilson

Wholesome Life Quotes #169735
#28. Worship is first and foremost for His benefit, not ours, though it is marvelous to discover that in giving Him pleasure, we ourselves enter into what can become our richest and most wholesome experience in life.

LaMar Boschman

Wholesome Life Quotes #181599
#29. No doubt solitude is wholesome, but so is abstinence after a surfeit. The true life of man is in society.

William Gilmore Simms

Wholesome Life Quotes #211750
#30. There is no scent in it so wholesome as that of the pines, nor any fragrance so penetrating and restorative as the life-everlasting in high pastures.

Henry David Thoreau

Wholesome Life Quotes #303379
#31. The world is upheld by the veracity of good men: they make the earth wholesome. They who lived with them found life glad and nutritious. Life is sweet and tolerable only in our belief in such society.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wholesome Life Quotes #1137593
#32. I like to behave in an extremely normal, wholesome manner for the most part in my daily life. Even if mentally I'm consumed with sick visions of violence, terror, sex and death.

Courtney Love

Wholesome Life Quotes #340778
#33. Hold fast, then, to this sound and wholesome rule of life - that you indulge the body only so far as is needful for good health. The body should be treated more rigorously, that it may not be disobedient to the mind.


Wholesome Life Quotes #425505
#34. Must be out-of-doors enough to get experience of wholesome reality, as a ballast to thought and sentiment. Health requires this relaxation, this aimless life.

Henry David Thoreau

Wholesome Life Quotes #551429
#35. That's why I love you. You transform my fucked-up mess into something wholesome. You're my light in the dark shit-storm of life. I adore you." He kisses my temple and rests his head on mine. "I always will.

H.M. Ward

Wholesome Life Quotes #774880
#36. Ever since I found out I got the part on 'Gilmore Girls,' my life has been changing in so many ways. It seems as though all we get is good news. I'm just so grateful to be a part of it. It's a wholesome show with an edge. I have no idea how we pull it off.

Keiko Agena

Wholesome Life Quotes #937865
#37. Children should live a wholesome and natural life and go about with a mussel in one corner of their mouths and a shrimp in the other instead of sweets.

Halldor Laxness

Wholesome Life Quotes #986273
#38. Children, for whom suburban life was supposed to make wholesome little Johns and Wendys, became the acid-dropping, classroom-burning hippies of the 1960s.

Ronald Steel

Wholesome Life Quotes #996773
#39. In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet.

Winston S. Churchill

Wholesome Life Quotes #1134406

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