Top 6 Whirligig Chapter 6 Quotes

#1. France has lived a long time - eight or nine centuries - and yet art in France, too, was derivative up until the 19th Century.

Raoul Dufy

Whirligig Chapter 6 Quotes #46855
#2. I've been associated with Warren ( Buffett) so long, I thought I'd be just a footnote.

Charlie Munger

Whirligig Chapter 6 Quotes #180084
#3. Avoid transgression. How's that for advice.

Marilynne Robinson

Whirligig Chapter 6 Quotes #294616
#4. Kisses like his should come with a warning label. They can't be good for the heart.

Colleen Hoover

Whirligig Chapter 6 Quotes #793303
#5. The Moral Sense Test developed by Harvard psychologists in 2003 can be found online at:

Thomas Cathcart

Whirligig Chapter 6 Quotes #1184238
#6. I was a classic attention deficit disorder kid, always bored and mouthing off at school.

Stephen Rodrick

Whirligig Chapter 6 Quotes #1243193

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