Top 9 Westfields Clinic Quotes

#1. When I started acting, I was asked said, 'What's your dream?' 'What would you like to achieve?' I would say, 'Oh, I'd like to sit opposite DeNiro and hold my own.' But, you never think it's gonna happen.

Sharon Stone

Westfields Clinic Quotes #213067
#2. A talking computor with an attitude problem? Haven't I seen that in a dozen b-grade sci-fi flicks?"
"Where do you think I got the idea?

Bryan Davis

Westfields Clinic Quotes #288603
#3. Everybody's a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We're all trying to experiment to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos.

David Cronenberg

Westfields Clinic Quotes #330340
#4. It's a gray morning. A roll-over-and-snuggle-deeper-in-the-covers morning.

Kate Messner

Westfields Clinic Quotes #701809
#5. We have to cultivate contentment with what we have. We really don't need much. When you know this, the mind settles down. Cultivate generosity. Delight in giving. Learn to live lightly. In this way, we can begin to transform what is negative into what is positive. This is how we start to grow up.

Tenzin Palmo

Westfields Clinic Quotes #764638
#6. You have all the hallmarks of a seeker ... You chase special knowledge. You find threads of connections and then share them with people who need them. I can read it in the way you looked at me, the questions you ask, but more importantly, the ones you don't.

M.J. Rose

Westfields Clinic Quotes #784149
#7. Cans. We don't have to think anymore. Everything is premeditated, pre-chewed, pre-felt. Cans. All you have to do is open them. Delivered to your home three times a day. Nothing any more to cultivate yourself, or let grow and boil on the fire of questions, of doubt, and of desire. Cans.

Erich Maria Remarque

Westfields Clinic Quotes #1464021
#8. My timing is off. But I had to get it out. Some things you have to tell, no matter how stupid they may sound. Some things you can't save for later. There might not be a later.

Mary E. Pearson

Westfields Clinic Quotes #1741739
#9. But the actual object, that bundle of papers, is a telltale heart. She buried it long ago, and still it thumps its maddening beat.

Stefan Merrill Block

Westfields Clinic Quotes #1807816

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