Top 41 Welcome New Employees Quotes

#1. Before the New York Times starts running "Portraits in Grief" of former Enron employees, it's worth remembering that even after the collapse, Enron stock is still worth more than the entire Social Security "trust fund."

Ann Coulter

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1351072
#2. In all religions, the quickening spirit has been symbolically represented as a bird. At the baptism, when Jesus' body was in the water, the Spirit of Christ descended into it as a dove.

Max Heindel

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1044685
#3. All too often, new hires have a different expectation of their job and responsibilities than the organization does. Any miscommunication during the recruiting process needs to be cleared up ASAP. Whenever possible, give new employees a written plan of objectives and responsibilities.

Jay Samit

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1071854
#4. Just put a little pin in your mind: when you cross 50 employees, there are a new set of HR rules that you have to comply with.

Sam Altman

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1166537
#5. Opening new stores outside of Japan is important, but training our employees is even more important.

Tadashi Yanai

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1192405
#6. There is no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.

Will Rogers

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1247436
#7. At the point when adding people into the company feels like more work than the work that you can offload to the new employees, the defensive lineman has run around you and you probably need to start giving ground grudgingly.

Ben Horowitz

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1267198
#8. The society of organizations is new-only seventy years ago employees were a small minority in every society.

Peter Drucker

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1276704
#9. Things that have happened with Enron and companies like that, where they've squandered their employees' pension funds, I think it has brought a new level of anxiety. People don't feel like they can trust their employer.

Mike Huckabee

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1283533
#10. You can't know how much a mother loves.

Jessica Fortunato

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1312471
#11. Vlad hated doing the paperwork as much as he did when a human employee quit, which was why they'd both made a promise not to eat quitters just to avoid the paperwork. As Tess had pointed out, eating the staff was bad for marale and made it so much harder to find new employees.

Anne Bishop

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1328052
#12. Paranoia is acceptable in the new friendship paradigm. Worrying that your best employees or customers might leave is ok, as long as you put in place an active strategy to offset any possibility of that scenario.

Kevin Kelly

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1044269
#13. The most exciting and most defining part of our spirituality comes from the journey we take.

Jenna Alatari

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1489994
#14. You get paid for the seven and a half hours a day you put in here," Kelly often told new Bell Labs employees in his speech to them on their first day, "but you get your raises and promotions on what you do in the other sixteen and a half hours.

Jon Gertner

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1491881
#15. On the back end, software programming tools and Internet-based services make it easy to launch new global software-powered start-ups in many industries - without the need to invest in new infrastructure and train new employees.

Marc Andreessen

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1536262
#16. This is the best thing I've ever eaten." He pauses for a drink, staring at me over the rim of his glass of juice.
" It's the provolone," I say, swallowing my last bite.
"It's the chef.

Sophie Jordan

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1622419
#17. Most companies overlook the most basic of all training functions: the onboarding of new employees into their corporate culture.

Jay Samit

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1650859
#18. I can't remember how many years it's been since I last saw a David Parsons program or what I saw whenever it was, but that isn't surprising, since I can't really remember the first half of a David Parsons program while I'm watching the second half.

Robert Gottlieb

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1752435
#19. It is very rewarding when you see your employees happy and excited about the success of the company. When you introduce something new, a product in the world that gets really high marks and everyone loves using it and raves about it. You will feel very good about it.

Anousheh Ansari

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1785945
#20. All institutions have lapses, even great ones, especially by individual rogue employees - famously in recent years at 'The Washington Post,' 'The New York Times,' and the three original TV networks.

Carl Bernstein

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1786650
#21. Has no prospects of being either, then you don't just need a remote position - you need a new job. Only the office can be secure Companies often go to great lengths to make employees

Jason Fried

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1863571
#22. Do not reproach a man with his misfortunes, fearing lest Nemesis may overtake you.

Pittacus Of Mytilene

Welcome New Employees Quotes #552931
#23. In the last years of the nineteen-eighties, I worked not at startups but at what might be called finish-downs. Tech companies that were dying would hire temps - college students and new graduates - to do what little was left of the work of the employees they'd laid off.

Jill Lepore

Welcome New Employees Quotes #176749
#24. As for whether I am a 'new age guru', I am not at all. I help companies build employees who lead without a title and become high performers.

Robin S. Sharma

Welcome New Employees Quotes #263778
#25. The one fact pertaining to all conditions is that they will change.

Charles Dow

Welcome New Employees Quotes #289871
#26. Each dollar in my asset column was a great employee, working hard to make more employees and buy the boss a new Porsche.

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Welcome New Employees Quotes #329991
#27. So glad you could bless me with your presence, Oh Late One - Fenn

Candace Knoebel

Welcome New Employees Quotes #392271
#28. Last year, Congress gave the Department of Defense the authority to design a new civilian personnel system for its employees as part of the defense authorization bill.

Norm Dicks

Welcome New Employees Quotes #424735
#29. Nevertheless, some men turn every quality or art into a means of making money; this they conceive to be the end, and to the promotion of the end all things must contribute.


Welcome New Employees Quotes #447775
#30. In order to reclaim America's 'creativity' differentiator, we must be able to provide businesses with a workforce of imaginative employees who will pave the way to a new future. It is time to transform our educational system in America to embrace and nurture creativity as a core value.

Larry R. Thompson

Welcome New Employees Quotes #519298
#31. The amateur is very rare in French literature - as rare as he is common in our own.

Lytton Strachey

Welcome New Employees Quotes #524882
#32. From the IRS standpoint, 15,000 new employees have to be added just to, you know, administer ObamaCare and look at the tax implications.

Jeff Fitzgerald

Welcome New Employees Quotes #134934
#33. I did the first HBO special ever in 1975 at Haverford College. Cable was new then: HBO was a Time-Life entity, with maybe 400,000 or 500,000 subscribers and maybe 50 employees.

Robert Klein

Welcome New Employees Quotes #557354
#34. If we are to create a new agenda for family/work policies, employers and employees have to take a seat at the same table and recognize their mutual gains.

Madeleine M. Kunin

Welcome New Employees Quotes #563844
#35. New Rule: All Fox News employees must now refer to President Bush as "my liege". If they are going to treat President Bush like he's an infallible king, they need to start addressing him as if he was an infallible king. And they can do this by addressing him as "my liege".

Bill Maher

Welcome New Employees Quotes #775364
#36. The IRS says it wants to make sure companies can give their employees a choice between a new cash balance plan and the traditional defined benefit plan. The real question here is whether companies should be required to give their workers that choice.

Bernie Sanders

Welcome New Employees Quotes #808057
#37. It was not until the Industrial Age, that a new demand began growing: the demand for employees. In response, the government took over the task of mass education, adopting the Prussian system, which is what most Western school systems in the world are still modeled after today.

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Welcome New Employees Quotes #834366
#38. The world has changed, and it's almost been 11 years. I have 975 employees. I have six restaurants. We haven't opened any new ones in almost three years.

Emeril Lagasse

Welcome New Employees Quotes #864816
#39. I embrace the term 'evangelical,' if by that we mean a belief that we together can actually work for change in the world, caring for the environment, extending to the poor generosity and kindness, a hopeful outlook. That's a beautiful sort of thing.

Rob Bell

Welcome New Employees Quotes #926121
#40. I don't think JetBlue has a better chance of being profitable than 100 other predecessors with new airplanes, new employees, low fares, all touchy-feely ... all of them are losers. Most of these guys are smoking ragweed.

Gordon Bethune

Welcome New Employees Quotes #977005
#41. Only to bureaucrats can the idea occur that establishing new offices, promulgating new decrees, and increasing the number of government employees alone can be described as positive and beneficial measures.

Ludwig Von Mises

Welcome New Employees Quotes #1005620

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