Top 15 Weird English Sayings

#1. Let us not depreciate Earth. There is no atom in it but is alive and astir in the all-penetrating splendor of God. From the infinitesimal to the infinite, everything is striving to express the thought of His Presence with which it overflows.

Lucy Larcom

Weird English Sayings #38583
#2. There's something about Marxism that brings out warts; the only kind of growth this economic system encourages.

P. J. O'Rourke

Weird English Sayings #145113
#3. A little weird? That was freakin' Bizarroville."
He pauses and looks back at me.
"Are you speaking English?

Susan Ee

Weird English Sayings #194239
#4. Jesting is often only indigence of intellect.

Jean De La Bruyere

Weird English Sayings #266233
#5. English can be weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.


Weird English Sayings #348951
#6. It's so English to hate L.A. I'd like to say I love it, but I don't. It's such a weird place. If it were my choice, I wouldn't spend a day there. Everything shuts at 11. And everyone thinks they're so crazy and wild and liberal, and they're not!

Amelia Warner

Weird English Sayings #416737
#7. Hope bases vast premises upon foolish accidents and reads a word where, in fact, only a scribble exists.

John Updike

Weird English Sayings #424255
#8. New York City is home to so many people from so many places and the uniqueness of it is that you never feel a foreigner. English is almost hardly ever heard in the subway. In fact, it's weird.

Mira Nair

Weird English Sayings #679995
#9. Separately, they called our English teacher to register their horror at their offspring being taught about witches, which apparently was an insult to both Islam and Christianity. The English teacher instructed us to white-out the word witches and write in weird sisters.

Bill Campbell

Weird English Sayings #912525
#10. On the way back from the doctor's office, my mom asked me if I'd written back to Dante. "Not Yet". "I think you should write to him". "Mom, I'm your son, not a suggestion box". She shot me a look. "Keep your eyes on the road", I said.

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Weird English Sayings #917905
#11. Everyone tells me I have a funny accent. It's because I copy people. I learned English at school but have best friends who are French, Australian, English and American; a very weird mix.

Caroline Winberg

Weird English Sayings #1034103
#12. I trace the letters on the tree behind us in the picture. No one knows what's churning inside of me. Crushing guilt...Pain...Relief. All mixed with knowledge that Trip is never coming back.

Jennifer Shaw Wolf

Weird English Sayings #1297224
#13. Government must make spectrum free. There should be free network, but it is not happening.

Sunil Mittal

Weird English Sayings #1518658
#14. Because reality has no authority there. My imagination controls everything.

Samantha Young

Weird English Sayings #1688576
#15. He shook his head,'Fuck, you say such fucking weird things.'
'Is that still your favourite word?' asked Isola interestedly, 'I like "verisimilitude". Tolkein said the most beautiful English phrase is "cellar door",

Allyse Near

Weird English Sayings #1879321

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