Top 35 We Can Make A Living Quotes

#1. Sex work may be an illegal thing, but it's far from being a bad thing. Quite a few of us on the male-to-female side of the coin have done sex work. I've done it myself for a couple of years. It's a place we can make a living and have some fun doing it. It's a place we seem to fit in.

Kate Bornstein

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1809602
#2. From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.

Arthur Ashe

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1043695
#3. How do you choose between your kids and your parents? I feel like we're all just a bunch of vikings, moving around so we can pillage and burn, make a better living.
Some choose their kids, some their parents, and some both. Some people just choose themselves,

Joe Coomer

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1039579
#4. We do have a problem in this country. You can either make a movie and ignore that, or you can acknowledge it and say, this is the water that we're living in. You know this - the movie lives in this - it's centered around this particular problem, and I chose to acknowledge it.

Nick Cassavetes

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1857009
#5. It is not the quantity of your thoughts but the quality of your thoughts that make the difference. Thoughts can either be productive or a hindrance. But, when we focus our attention on faithfulness and truthfulness the restoration process begins.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1073239
#6. Certainly other things we can do, we gotta promote after-school employment, give kids an opportunity, raising the minimum wage was part of that, we can't expect that young people are going to feel they can make a living out there for such low wages.

Matt Gonzalez

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1080796
#7. Life itself is a disease and we're all going to die eventually. How we live our life really determines what the quality of our life is. If we can make life more worth living, we will reduce the problems of addictive behavior.

Christopher Kennedy Lawford

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1104224
#8. We can all choose to become our potential, not just talk about it or dream about it. But daily, make a shift whereby we begin living and being our potential. With each day, that potential can expand because we are open to learning something every day.

Tori Amos

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1115623
#9. One of the greatest compliments you can ever get is when you make fun of a certain sect of people and they are laughing the hardest. When we did 'Men on Film' on 'In Living Color,' gay men wrote in how much they loved it.

Marlon Wayans

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1205732
#10. He said that some people can live from birth to death and have no more thoughts in their heads about the reasons for living than a beetle. But that we were different, he and I. We needed more than a clod of dirt to make our rising up and lying down worth something.

Kathleen Kent

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1208660
#11. The art of loving creates the unity which has unlimited spiritual strength, and that is the greatest need in the world today. Each one of us can make such a difference if we become humble, if we develop a service attitude, and if we develop the broad mind to see the oneness of all living beings.

Radhanath Swami

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1245148
#12. Sweden is a small country, and a Swedish writer can barely make a living as an author. We were able to quit our jobs as journalists only after we had been translated into, among others, German.

Maj Sjowall

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1335336
#13. We are all victims of what is done to us. We can either use that as an excuse for failure, knowing that if we fail it isn't really our fault, or we can say, 'I want something better than that, I deserve something better than that, and i'm going to try to make myself a life worth living.

Howard Dully

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1465165
#14. ...we are partisan in favor of our own children and grandchildren, who we hope can live in a world that doesn't poison them when they drink the water, breathe the air, or make a living.

Bill Bigelow

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1656429
#15. I've nothing against eye make-up and lipstick. But the fact is that we're actually living on a planet in space. For me that's an extraordinary thought. It's mind-boggling just to think about the existence of space at all. But there are girls who can't see the universe for eye liner.

Jostein Gaarder

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1687150
#16. How can Life grant us boon of living, compensateFor dull grey ugliness and pregnant hateUnless we dareThe soul's dominion? Each time we make a choice, we payWith courage to behold the resistless day,And count it fair.

Amelia Earhart

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1782675
#17. Love for children is the enormous untapped power that can wake us up to the profound changes we need to make if we're to have a future worth living.

Raffi Cavoukian

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1790628
#18. Don't just look; see! There is always an opportunity to make something better! There is always a better us we can make better than the better we know! The true better you is the true you you can truly make better! Better your better now!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

We Can Make A Living Quotes #1798238
#19. These days people believe they can go into art and make a living. We didn't have that. The abstract expressionists were older, by the time they even got a show. Now people come right out of school and sell.

Brice Marden

We Can Make A Living Quotes #569052
#20. We play make-believe and dress up for a living. One goes, one doesn't go, whatever. I don't understand how you can get bitter or jaded. We're just so lucky to get to do this.

Michael Mosley

We Can Make A Living Quotes #13324
#21. We can't really make a living doing comic books, despite the fact that would be an awfully fun way to make a living.

Erich Hoeber

We Can Make A Living Quotes #116948
#22. We can make these three dynamic words - "reverence for life" - a part of our lives by becoming aware that God is the source of all life and that we are one with life. "The good person," said Schweitzer, "is the friend of all living things."

Wilferd Peterson

We Can Make A Living Quotes #149286
#23. Together we can make a world where cancer no longer means living with fear, without hope, or worse.

Patrick Swayze

We Can Make A Living Quotes #219744
#24. People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we make the world as such, as we wish.

Lynne McTaggart

We Can Make A Living Quotes #291268
#25. As the financial experts all over the world use machines to unwind Gordian knots of financial arrangements so complex that only machines can make - 'derive' - and trade them, we have to wonder: Are we living in a bad sci-fi movie? Is the Matrix made of credit default swaps?

Richard Dooling

We Can Make A Living Quotes #302960
#26. That is our hope. Because if we all start listening and helping, then surely, together, we can make the world a better place for all living things. Can't we?

Jane Goodall

We Can Make A Living Quotes #479553
#27. By gathering seed from trees which are close to our homes and close to our hearts, helping them to germinate and grow, and then planting them back into their original landscapes, we can all make a living link between this millennium and the next, a natural bridge from the past to the future.

Chris Baines

We Can Make A Living Quotes #530283
#28. We live on a world where if you run straight away, without turning, you return to your point of origin. So much energy can be saved and time, by dealing with the point, at its origin, that would make us run.

Tom Althouse

We Can Make A Living Quotes #987857
#29. Living a minimally acceptable ethical life involves using a substantial part of our spare resources to make the world a better place. Living a fully ethical life involves doing the most good we can.

Peter Singer

We Can Make A Living Quotes #713483
#30. By making the surface highly crenellated and wiggly we can make the area enclosing a given volume larger and larger. This is a winning strategy that living systems have adapted to exploit.


We Can Make A Living Quotes #754904
#31. Sometimes living can be hard, but it's only because we're alive that we can make each other laugh,cry ... be happy! In this world, if that's not a reason for being born in this world ... I don't know what is!

Natsuki Takaya

We Can Make A Living Quotes #870521
#32. When a choice will make a real difference in our lives - obvious or not - and when we are living in tune with the Spirit and seeking his guidance, we can be sure we will receive the guidance we need to attain our goal.

Dallin H. Oaks

We Can Make A Living Quotes #883993
#33. "Choices with Clout" "If what we are thinking about doing is likely to produce good results, we can be reasonably sure we will be choosing the right thing to do. You can make a living from 9 to 5, but you make a success during the rest ... "

Wilbur Lucius Cross

We Can Make A Living Quotes #935638
#34. The history of the labor movement needs to be taught in every school in this land. America is a living testimonial to what free men and women, organized in free democratic trade unions can do to make a better life. We ought to be proud of it!

Hubert H. Humphrey

We Can Make A Living Quotes #936616
#35. I make a living off (politicians), so I can't knock 'em. Every time we elect some fellow we think he's terrible and then when we get another one in he's worse. So, I am always in favor of keeping the one we've got and let the other go.

Will Rogers

We Can Make A Living Quotes #941939

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