Top 42 Wachowski Quotes

#1. I did not imagine myself working with Luis Estrada or with the Wachowski Brothers and these are things that have happened to me and I am very satisfied. I hope to keep on finding interesting projects and interesting stories.

Alfonso Herrera

Wachowski Quotes #791540
#2. They[ Lana and Andy Wachowski]are true artists. They really are trying to say something and trying to create something original, and there aren't that many people who do that.

Daryl Hannah

Wachowski Quotes #1130928
#3. I've been working with good directors - the Wachowski brothers, Spike Lee, Terry Gilliam, Mel Gibson ... I love American movies, but I love European movies, too, and I want to do both.

Monica Bellucci

Wachowski Quotes #29066
#4. A new writer starting out today, whether it's for TV or film, they have to remember that they're telling the story to themselves first of all, and they have to tell the story so that their life depends upon it.

Tony Grisoni

Wachowski Quotes #913307
#5. so that this world that we imagine in this room might be used to gain access to other rooms, to other worlds previously unimaginable.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1830835
#6. We're both very very lazy, and having someone else do half the work is very convenient.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #917354
#7. We tried to make a movie that had sex and violence because we like sex and violence.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #929994
#8. There are varied experiences of overweight women throughout the country; there's not just one experience.

Sarah Baker

Wachowski Quotes #1034358
#9. Part of being a filmmaker is also being a craftsman.

Lilly Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1178194
#10. Lately
I've been dreaming about you
About us
Sharing our secrets
Talking, even if we argued
Kept talking, till we slept
Maybe I woke up
On the wrong side of bed
Maybe I thought about you
Just a little too much

Irum Zahra

Wachowski Quotes #1217450
#11. Just because you're standing in a crowd doesn't mean you belong there.

Jay Kristoff

Wachowski Quotes #1273695
#12. We really want to see how the idea of an intellectual action movie is received by the world.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1356006
#13. I'm 100 percent Jewish by blood, but by education I'm nothing. By affiliation I'm nothing.

Joseph Brodsky

Wachowski Quotes #1361018
#14. I don't know why directors sign on to these projects and completely rewrite everything.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1432201
#15. If audiences are sort of interested in movies that are made like McDonald's hamburgers, which do have a value in the world, then we have to re-evaluate our entire career.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1459522
#16. My ideas are always better. We have an understanding in place.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1487772
#17. into my back pocket.

Helen Klein Ross

Wachowski Quotes #1601538
#18. I looked up, it was the first drop of rain.
Tearing through the clouds, screaming as it did.
For all this effort, it had to head towards the drain,
So I looked up and caught it in my eye instead.

Ankur Goyal

Wachowski Quotes #1628530
#19. Richard Donner is one of the few directors in Hollywood that can make whatever movie he wants exactly the way he wants it. No one will stop him.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1692023
#20. With Bound, we wanted to pull at conventions, because you begin to wonder, Why do these stereotypes exist? Where do they come from? You use that as the subtext.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1702225
#21. That has always been it for me: family first.

Leslie Banks

Wachowski Quotes #1730746
#22. Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon - that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.

The Wachowski Brothers

Wachowski Quotes #1745158
#23. After Bound, we were offered a lot of lesbian thrillers.

Lilly Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #532249
#24. We've always loved going to the movies. Our mom and dad are big movie fans. They'd take us on these movie orgys where we'd see sometimes three movies in a day.

Lilly Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #1630
#25. I read The Odyssey all the time. I always get something out of it.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #128210
#26. Do not think about sin, he thought. There are enough problems now without sin. Also I have no understanding of it.

Ernest Hemingway,

Wachowski Quotes #180239
#27. We thought we'd write a good script for women, giving them the fun roles that generally men get.

Lilly Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #199309
#28. I train every day of my life as they have never trained a day in theirs.

Aleksandr Karelin

Wachowski Quotes #233518
#29. Billy Wilder is really is a heavy influence on Bound. We felt that film noir was a genre where you could create a really contained story. We wanted to be on a set as much as we could to get the kind of style level we were looking for.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #245746
#30. I might not be famous one day. But I'd still be happy.

Salma Hayek

Wachowski Quotes #376957
#31. There's a science fiction project we really want to make, but it's very expensive. Hopefully it will happen.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #445035
#32. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Andy Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #454988
#33. With a genre like film noir, everyone has these assumptions and expectations. And once all of those things are in place, that's when you can really start to twist it about and mess around with it.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #861145
#34. What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #565302
#35. The way a film can change over the generations ... You watch a movie when you're 20 years old, and you see the same movie when you're 35 years old or 40 years old, and something happens. The movie changes because we change as individuals.

Lilly Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #577791
#36. There's something uniquely interesting about Buddhism and mathematics, particularly about quantum physics, and where they meet. That has fascinated us for a long time.

Lilly Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #583860
#37. Why choose failure when success is always an option?

Jillian Michaels

Wachowski Quotes #607009
#38. Murdered by a kind of fear that seeks to obliterate any evidence that the world is different from the way they want to see it, from the way they want to believe it to be.

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #651598
#39. Consistency is the key to credibility.

Timm Boyle

Wachowski Quotes #710505
#40. 'Cloud Atlas' is for everybody. The main character in the movie is humanity.

Lilly Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #734623
#41. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words - they are perspectives

Lana Wachowski

Wachowski Quotes #742346
#42. World federalists hold before us the vision of a unified mankind living in peace under a just world order ... The heart of their program-a world under law- is realistic and attainable.

U Thant

Wachowski Quotes #752040

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