Top 13 Vynce Pham Quotes

#1. In order to be a good soldier it is necessary to know how to dance.


Vynce Pham Quotes #100529
#2. Thanks to the Polgars the adjective 'men's' before events and the 'affirmative action' women's titles such as Woman Grandmaster have become anachronisms.

Garry Kasparov

Vynce Pham Quotes #361558
#3. I can't tell you the things I know," I repeated.
"Why not?"
"They aren't my secrets to tell.


Vynce Pham Quotes #502049
#4. There is no remedy for death
or birth
except to hug the spaces in between. Live loud. Live wide. Live tall.

Jim Crace

Vynce Pham Quotes #647112
#5. There will be calmness, tranquility, when one is free from external objects and is not perturbed.

Bruce Lee

Vynce Pham Quotes #1099587
#6. An erratum is a correction inserted into a book after publication. It's a nice thing to collect because you can't go after them, you just come upon them. In 25 years I've only found about 12.

Miranda July

Vynce Pham Quotes #1280512
#7. My mom is one of those really angry moms who gets mad at absolutely everything. Once when I was a little kid, I accidentally knocked a Flintstones glass off the kitchen table. She said, 'Well, dammit, we can't have nice things.'

Paula Poundstone

Vynce Pham Quotes #1392253
#8. There was something unmistakably exultant about the mess that Rosa had made. Her bedroom-studio was at once the canvas, journal, museum, and midden of her life. She did not "decorate" it; she infused it.

Michael Chabon

Vynce Pham Quotes #1581069
#9. Hadn't hooked up with a random since college and now I could feel whoever it was moving. I guess that's what happens when your work sends you to a conference

Magan Vernon

Vynce Pham Quotes #1629435
#10. In the hot summer months, popsicles are a perfect way to cool down while enjoying a delicious, fruity treat. Frozen, refreshing, mouth-friendly candy on a stick cannot get any better ... or can it?

Marcus Samuelsson

Vynce Pham Quotes #1631803
#11. Someone asked me what home was, and all I could think of were the stars on the tip of your tongue, the flowers sprouting from your mouth, the roots entwined in the gaps between your fingers, the ocean echoing inside of your rib cage.

E. E. Cummings

Vynce Pham Quotes #1673680
#12. Marcii hoped she was wrong, though she knew the odds were slim.
Still, in the face of everything, there is always hope.

Ross Turner

Vynce Pham Quotes #1742163
#13. Keep being the author of your own story. Never let anyone else write it for you again.

Jennifer Donnelly

Vynce Pham Quotes #1875502

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